Puzzle blocks, used in Scratch (Resnick et al., 2009)
and Alice (Kelleher and Pausch, 2006) for teaching
programming to children, allow the description of
various games scenario using a user-friendly repre-
sentation. However, these blocks are too low-level for
a non-computing expert to simply express high-level
The graphical approach seems to be the most rele-
vant choice for defining a higher-level framework and
methodology within the reach of non-programming
experts. Indeed, textual languages do not provide
them with enough expressiveness to describe in a for-
mal and simple representation both the professional
activities and the pedagogy. Existing traditional and
custom graphical notations do not provide every fea-
ture we need either. However, the principle of cues
and actions (Ishida, 2002), also used by (Van Est
et al., 2011) with events and actions, is interesting
since it allows non-experts to naturally express the
common distinction between observing and modi-
fying the virtual environment. We are also inter-
ested in using configurable building blocks (Van Est
et al., 2011) as the scenario description basis, com-
bined with BPMN (White, 2004) (Panzoli et al., 2014)
and activities diagram notations (Buche et al., 2010),
since it gives users the possibility to model high-level
tasks with traditional representations.
As we pointed out in the introduction, trainers have
the knowledge to describe both professional activities
and associated pedagogical feedback in a natural lan-
guage. On the other hand, they lack the computing
expertise to transfer this knowledge into a computer-
intelligible format, to finally create scenarios fitting
their need and directly interpretable by a Serious
Game Engine. Most of the methods previously dis-
cussed describe activities in an actor-centered point
of view. Our approach will propose a method that de-
scribes these activities from the virtual environment
point of view. As a matter of fact, it allows trainers
to focus on the expected result instead of what the
player should do in order to reach this result, which
is more natural and straightforward to them. Besides,
we did not notice any custom graphical modeling no-
tation (blocks modeling) that uses existing and ex-
pressive representations (UML, BPMN) to model ac-
tivities. Therefore, we will endeavor to specify a pre-
cise graphical syntax allowing non-computing experts
to naturally express learning scenarios in a virtual en-
vironment. Furthermore, none of the previous meth-
ods takes into account the description of pedagogical
feedback during the player’s activities. Regarding our
approach, we want to give the trainer the possibility
to add educational information in the scenario, so the
learner can get direct feedback during their learning
sessions. Two dimensions in the process of describing
serious game scenarios distinctly arise. On the one
hand, the professional activities need to be described
as sequences of tasks. On the other hand, pedagogi-
cal objectives and feedback (advice messages, MCQ,
etc.) need to be modeled and associated to the ex-
ecution of the activities. These two dimensions are
orthogonal as they cannot be naturally described us-
ing the same representation. However, they share a
common entity: the activity block, which simply rep-
resents an elementary action in the virtual environ-
ment. Those two dimensions, along with their respec-
tive properties, are detailed in the next sections.
3.1 Scenario Modeling: Activities
The first dimension consists in describing how the
learners activities should be modeled. The goal we
seek to achieve is to allow a non-computing expert
trainer to make use of their expertise to describe these
activities as naturally as possible using a graphical
representation. Basically, the graphical notation is
expected to mediate between i) the description in a
natural language of one or several professional activi-
ties, and ii) the equivalent description in a formal lan-
guage that can be used by the game engine to run the
scenario. BPMN is a good candidate, since its pri-
mary goal is to provide a notation that is readily un-
derstandable by all business users, from the business
analysts to the technical developers to the business
people (White, 2004). However, this representation
does not support the configuration of each individual
task. This is why the configurable building blocks ap-
proach introduced in (Van Est et al., 2011) is interest-
ing: it allows the division of the global activity into
a set of individual configurable tasks. For the rest of
this paper, we will call them activity blocks.
Some activity blocks can be generic enough to be
reused in whatever scenarios, like logic blocks or vari-
ables. However, a large majority of blocks will be
context-specific. Anyway, we classify them into 3
categories: events, actions, and observations. Each
of these blocks represent a different notion, but they
all aim at describing activities from the objective per-
spective of the virtual environment rather than the
player’s subjective point of view. It allows to describe
the expected result without having to specify how to
reach this result.
The first notion a trainer would want to describe
is the need to wait for a specific change in the virtual