Simulation set 1 Simulation set 2 Simulation set 3
Percentage of Cost Savings (%)
1 Player 2 Players 3 Players 4 Players
Figure 5: The percentage of average cost savings of a con-
sumer when cooperating with one or more consumers.
share their power and cooperate. This scheme opens
the door to some interesting extensions. In the future,
we will propose a reputation/punishment scheme to
address two different points: i) the effect of selfish
and miss-behaving consumers, and ii) the reputation
and incentives received from the city (e.g., for being
green, for reducing the peak demands, or even for be-
ing positive in combating the climate change, among
others). The distribution of power consumption dur-
ing time periods, as well as power borrowing/lending
policies will be given more attention.
This work was partially supported by projects
TIN2013-47272-C2-2 and SGR-2014-881.
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