ically in different interesting time windows accord-
ing to the delay range in the abscise axis. The blue
curve (left) represents the obtained values for the
test realized in the intranet with a very good time
response. Most measured delays were between 23
and 37 milliseconds for a 72% of the total sent puls-
es. The minimum value is really small and can be
considered ideal for some applications. The maxi-
mum value is still acceptable for some applications
but has not so important significance because it is
just a punctual value.
The green curve (right) depict the values for the
test realized in the Internet with bigger delays and
also minor repetitions for smaller delays but also
acceptable for the used scenario. In this case, most
of the values were between 42 and 54 milliseconds
for a 56,4% of the total sent pulses. Here is also
interesting to note that between 55 and 79 millisec-
onds there is an important amount of values equiva-
lent to the 24,8% of the total sent pulses. The mini-
mum value is not so small like in the intranet test but
can be also considered ideal for some applications.
The maximum value is much bigger than in the other
test and should be considered significant depending
on the application to be used.
In both cases the values are considered very well
for “soft” real time applications in automation
(Home, 2014). The percent of delay values above
180 ms is only 0,9% in the intranet test and a 2.1%
in the Internet test. The lost pulses in both cases are
around 0.2 percent.
The present work describes the implementation and
test of an automation system which is services ori-
ented and CPS-based to be used in the WoT as an
enhancement of the WOAS project.
The new developed Web connector for the PLC
(Virtual Device and WOAS Function Block) allows
to connect automation devices directly to the Cloud,
and therefore to be controlled and supervised by a
user with the valid and with the required rights from
the Cloud. The tests realized with a demo applica-
tion show the feasibility of the implementation to be
used in the production environments in the industry.
On the other hand the time measurements results are
very promising in comparison with previously tech-
nologies, suggesting this architecture to be used in
control automation Web-based applications where
the time constraints are considered soft with relative
small jitter on medium-low network's load.
There are still a lot to do in this direction. The
first steps are directed to allow the WSS to support
more clients simultaneously and at the same time
improve the WOAS protocol designed for the
VD4PLC allowing longer frames and better han-
dling of the modified or read data. As a generaliza-
tion both, the WSS library and the VD should be
extended to other types of industrial controllers with
the respective tests.
Cloud-based Industrial Control Services (CICS)
is a new R&D project focused to a complete Web-
oriented control system (see control level on Fig.1).
Industrial control programs according the standard
IEC 61131-3 should be executed as control services
from the Cloud. The described WoT solution for
PLC will be evaluated in the CICS project as one of
the possibilities for a direct connection of PLCs as
CPS component to a Cloud-based and distributed
control system.
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The IGF project CICS (18354 N) of the Forschungs-