these values are equivalent to missing information or
a derivative problem of redundancy in P and D. In
future experiments should address the analysis of the
specific statements that cause these values.
The comparison of P and D could be performed
at different levels of the standards hierarchy, in order
to reduce the number of outliers. To achieve greater
entropy in the matching we have to consider the use of
parts of DISCO II rather than all the entire hierarchy
and thus reach a lower level of redundancy in P x D.
We propose a model to compare university and job
offer profiles based on similarity measures.
The use and combination of different similarity
measures to get a high performance will be develop-
ing. Also, using standards to framework construction
and validation permit give a solution of vocabulary
mismatch problem.
As a result, we expect to get similarity indicators
between university and job offer profiles.
We propose a comparison with job profiles based
on competencies and guides the referents in engineer-
ing context.
We thank our colleagues from Politechnical Univer-
sity of Madrid and Universidad T
ecnica Particular de
Loja who provided insight and expertise that greatly
assisted the research of this paper.
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