Comparing Competences on Academia and Occupational Contexts based
on Similarity Measures
Alexandra Gonz
alez Eras
, Pablo Quezada S.
, Patricia Lude
na Gonz
and Carolina Gallardo
Departament of Computer Science, Universidad T
ecnica Particular de Loja, UTPL, 1101608, Loja, Ecuador
Departamento Organizaci
on y Estructura de la Informaci
on, Universidad Polit
ecnica de Madrid, 28031, Madrid, Spain
Body of Knowledge, Machine Learning, Similarity Measures, Professional Profile, DISCO II, VSM, NLP.
This paper is a first contribution of a schema to match professional and work competences through similarity
measures. In this contribution we focus on the determination of connections between university profiles based
in standards (body of knowledge and thesauri) similarity measures and Natural Language Processing (NLP)
techniques. Our first experiments proved that this hybrid schema got a promise results in the recognition of
competency patterns in order to apply in the laboral context.
One of the main concerns of the software industry is
to develop the talent of its human resources, since; the
quality and innovation of its products and services de-
pend on a great extent of knowledge, and the ability
and the talent of software engineers. Therefore, the
relationship university-employment becomes a cycle
comparison of skills, college profiles which meet the
competencies of future professional while labor pro-
files have the skills required to fill a job position.
However, in reality it is almost impossible to com-
pare competencies, mainly due a problems as: in-
compatible profiles (Fazel-Zarandi and Fox, 2013)
(Stevens, 2013) and unstructured, ambiguous, and
sometimes incomplete data (Fazel-Zarandi, 2013).
Looking for a solution, models and platforms have
been proposed in order to profile standardization
(Draganidis and Mentzas, 2006) and comparison
through competency frameworks (e-CF
). Nevertheless, the actors rarely use these
tools, or they have only been proposed for one lan-
guage context without a real application in others. As
a result, is difficult to obtain a standardization of pro-
files that permit the comparison of competence.
e-Qualifications Framework, available online at http://
Semantically-Interlinked Online Communities, avail-
able online at
Occupational Information Network, available online at
This paper is a first approximation to develop a
strategy in order to compare professional and work
competences. In order to develop the first experiment,
we used the standard DISCO II to compared with col-
lege profiles and thereby obtain a middle ground that
allows us to meet the reporting inconsistencies. In the
same context, we focus on the combination of simi-
larity measures (Harispe et al., 2013), (Turney et al.,
2010), (Turney, 2006) and NLP techniques based on
n-grams to find common patterns between university
profiles and DISCO II.
The Fig. 1 shows a picture about the context of this
research where university profiles are showed as cir-
cles, job offers as triangles and competencies are rep-
resented by the colors of the figures.
We realize that competencies have a different de-
gree of presence in the profiles, as represented by the
different sizes of the figures. Also, there are groups of
profiles (academic or curriculums), covering a greater
or lesser extent job offers; also they share competen-
cies in each context, besides new skills required in
the job offers. Otherwise, standards offer a compe-
tence computational representation, that sometimes it
is insufficient to show competency meanings.
Therefore, we comprise the main issues of this re-
search in the following main points:
1. Job market always requires competencies that
González Eras A., Quezada S. P., Ludeña González P. and Gallardo C..
Comparing Competences on Academia and Occupational Contexts based on Similarity Measures.
DOI: 10.5220/0005491405400546
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2015), pages 540-546
ISBN: 978-989-758-106-9
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Context problematic.
Universities have problems to cover (new/missing
competencies). Sometimes the profiles have dif-
ferent structure and lack of information. Besides,
the profiles clearly not describe the competencies
or the competency elements, so we cannot make a
comparison between them (Paquette et al., 2012).
The job profiles are more close to describe job
features like activities or roles and not like com-
petencies (Malzahn et al., 2013). Moreover, the
curriculum for a university study normally gives
only dependencies between courses and a generic
description de capacidades en un area especfica
(Dorn and Pichlmair, 2007). These descriptions
do not have a clear relation with competencies and
por ende es difcil identificar nuevas competencias
as como a aquellas competencias que fueron omi-
tidas o no cubiertas por el perfil (Fazel-Zarandi,
2. Job offers and university profiles share compe-
tencies, but with different level of meaning ( dif-
ferent conceptualization). Mainly due to differ-
ent interpretations that each actor has about the
definition of competency (Fazel-Zarandi and Fox,
2009). For instance, the term competency ap-
pears to be used at times to refer to actions and
their consequences and at others to refer to cogni-
tive skills and personality characteristics (Stevens,
2013) , or the competencies of individuals may
be expressed in terms of qualifications and cer-
tifications, such as academic degrees (Malzahn
et al., 2013) or as learning outcomes within edu-
cational processes (Paquette, 2007). Other aspect
to consider is the degree of performance of com-
petences in which the labor market related activ-
ities and functions (Bizer et al., 2005), whereas
in academia is related to generic descriptions of
occupational areas (Dorn and Pichlmair, 2007).
3. Standards have few flexible and complex
schemas. Standards have the function of facilitate
the exchange of competence descriptions. Stan-
dards as : IMS RCDEO 2002, IEEE RCD 2004,
HR-XML are the core of many Applications
of Manager of Competences (Draganidis and
Mentzas, 2006). In the same context each indi-
vidual prefers to use a free vocabulary to convey
their competencies (Fazel-Zarandi and Fox,
2009). Similarly thesauri and taxonomies have
been proposed to define skills and competencies
(SIOC, O*NET, DISCO II) but, stakeholders do
not use these schemas to create their documents
(Malzahn et al., 2013), because they often
lack motivation to add them into their profiles
(Hansen et al., 2011) because the specifications
are difficult to apply (Malinowski et al., 2006),
therefore over time the profiles become out-dated
(Fazel-Zarandi and Fox, 2013).
3.1 NLP Techniques
NLP techniques contribute to the recognition of the
text portions used for comparison. In this sense, many
of works in the literature focused on the connection of
ontologies With NLP tools, to extract competencies
as Entities and relations. In (Malzahn et al., 2013)
The NLP techniques are used to extract patterns Com-
petency. In (Janev and Vranes, 2011) a framework
that extracts patterns of personal and enterprise skills
since different text sources used. (Yahiaoui et al.,
2006) uses a semantic annotation scheme based on a
multi ontology framework for labeling CVs and job
offers by STI concepts instances.
3.2 Similarity Measures
When we think about similarity, we associate the per-
spective of two entities sharing in some degree a set
of characteristics, and a similarity measure capturing
the strength of this semantic interaction in connec-
tion with their meaning (Turney et al., 2010). Mea-
sures could estimate the similarity/dissimilarity be-
tween specific kind of semantic representation on
which is based the comparison, for instance units of
language as words, sentences, paragraphs and docu-
ments (Harispe et al., 2013).
This idea represent the semantic between Vector
Space Model (VSM) in which Vector Space Model
(VSM), is consider how as a point in a space (a vector
in a vector space). Points that are close together in this
space are semantically similar and points that are far
apart are semantically far (Turney et al., 2010). For
instance, to measure the similarity between a query
and a document (Manning et al., 2008), or within al-
gorithms that measures the similarity of semantic re-
lations (Turney, 2006).
VSMs have several attractive features. VSMs ex-
tract knowledge automatically from a given corpus,
thus they require much less Labour than other ap-
proaches to semantics, such as lexicons, thesauri and
ontologies (Manning et al., 2008).
In the same context, VSM is used in job re-
cruitment recommender systems para rankear profiles
based in candidate-offer matrixs (Linden et al., 2003),
and the hybrid schema where with the combination
of NLP techniques and similarity measure for ex-
ample Coseno, to cluster the competences (Malzahn
et al., 2013). In (Buitelaar and Eigner, 2008) linguis-
tic patterns of knowledge are combinated with dis-
tance measures like Euclidean L1norm to build se-
mantic networks based on term frequency. In (Re-
ichhold et al., ) a measure of role relevance added to
Cosine distance match job offer vectors.
In order to develop this paper we proposed the next
methodology based in 3 stages. (Figure 2).
Figure 2: First proposal of a hybrid schema to get a baseline.
4.1 Preprocessing
The sources for our corpus was taken from the follow-
ing sources:
Career profiles of Software Engineering and re-
lated, which were taken from university websites
of Latin American universities, selected from the
database of Webometrics
Ranking Web of Universities, available at http://
In order to choose the candidates phrases in uni-
versity profiles we select paragrahps of the sec-
tions: description, occupational field, skills, com-
petences and knowledge areas, in which show
competences sentences. In the Figure 3 we can
show these competences.
Figure 3: Example of academic competencies.
To resolve the problem of complexity of sentences
we divided the paragraphs following the proposed
scheme: abilities represent in verbal structure and
some topics related with the knowledge area that
represent the nominal structure. In the case of
complex sentences (more than one verb) we per-
form sentence repetition based on the following
rule: for each verb in a sentence, a new sentence
will be added which is the same sentence but with
one verb.
Standards: we are considering the standard
DISCO II which offers competence phrases that
have been chosen based on a consensual process.
4.2 NLP Process
The process of NLP is based on a superficial repre-
sentation of texts (Metzler et al., 2007), in which we
submit the corpus to the following tasks:
1. Tokenization, stop words: words are separated
according to the spaces between them based on
the Snowball list of stop words for the Spanish
language, then a manual review of the words, to
eliminate cases that were not considered (articles,
prepositions, conjunctions and numbers).
2. Lemmatization: to regularize surface variations of
words by converting them to the same form with
reducer el sparsity problem. The types of normal-
ization applied were: case folding (converting all
words to lower case) and lemmatization (changing
the words by its canonical form).
3. N-grams: we obtained unigrams and bigrams
since university profiles (P) and standard (D), with
the propose of develop a first identification of
common pattern between corpus.
4.3 Similarity Measures Process (SM
In the SM process we focused on the combination of
similarity measures as example Cosine 1, which al-
lows comparing two frequency vectors whether they
be raw o weighted or they have different lengths (Tur-
ney et al., 2010). Cosine captures the idea that the
length of the vectors is irrelevant; the important thing
is the angle between the vectors (Deerwester et al.,
cos(x, y) =
As a complement, we used a lexical character 2,
that calculated the relation between unigrams and bi-
grams, giving high weight to similar bigrams. Then,
we built a matrix of similarities between both cor-
puses (D x P matrix) counting the number of simi-
lar unigrams (nu) and the number of similar bigrams
(nb). The value of similarity gave more importance to
bigrams. In the same context we develop a distance
analysis where D x P matrix was submitted to VSM,
which included Singular Value Decomposition tech-
nique to reduce the Sparsity. Additional we develop a
n-grams in order to search patters compose by verbal
and nominal structures.
SM = nu 0.5 + nb (2)
With the goal of matching university profiles (P) with
the standard DISCO II (D), we conducted the follow-
ing experiments:
Distance Analysis: to compare both corpus and
get the distances between them. We also use
the entropy to determine whether it is possible to
compare P and D with no other additional infor-
Perfect alignment of P and D: to establish the sim-
ilarity between P and D on the basis of different
types of alignment.
Bigrams analysis: to detect the occurrence of pat-
5.1 Distance Analysis
For the analysis of distances, D x P matrix was then
submitted to SVD under the framework of a distance
matrix and cosine as a distance measure. The Table1
shows preliminary results:
We get that the maximal distance is 1.33, the av-
erage distance is around 0.82, and the standard devi-
ation is around 0.21. With these numbers, we clearly
Table 1: Results of Distance Analysis between P and D.
Criteria Values
Maximal distance 1.3271
Average distance 0.8212
Standard deviation 0.2082
(a) SVD of D versus P (SVD = U * S * V
: where U=
profiles and V= disco)
(b) Disco versus Profiles (DxP)
Figure 4: Plot 2D of SVD over D and P.
know that most of the sentences are dissimilar. The
Figure 4 shows the results of the SVD in 2D.
In the second plot we can confirm the dissimilarity
between D and P (the white space), but also we notice
that there is a lot of redundancy in P since many sen-
tences differ from others by only one token. This is
due to the fact that P contains many repetitions To the
diagonal analysis we start with a following hypoth-
esis: the diagonal of the distance matrix is distorted
when information is missing. The Figure 4 confirms
that D and P have a distorted diagonal, which means
that D and P share few similar sentences. We can see
these sentences in strong red. We can see peaks in
the graph, which means that some sentences in P are
similar to many sentences in D. Besides; many sen-
tences of P (the white area over the phrase 100) are
not covered at all in D (in x).
5.2 Alignment of Corpus
To achieve a measure of similarity, the purpose is to
find a perfect alignment between D and P. Then, How
does it looks when the alignment is perfect that is if
the profiles are just like the standard?. Likewise, we
made some tests with the purpose of compare D and
5.2.1 Comparing P with P
The Figure 5 shows plots of SVD over P with P, which
we can see that the similarity matrix is just perfect.
Also, the matrix of cosine distance gives a good diag-
(a) SVD of P versus P (SVD = U * S * V
: where U
and V= profiles)
(b) Profiles versus Profiles (PxP)
Figure 5: Plots 2D to compare of P with P.
Although, some sentences in P are redundant (big
rectangles in the diagonal). So, some sentences in P
are similar with many others (up to 6 or 7).
5.2.2 Comparing D with D
The Figure 6 shows the plots of SVD between D with
D, we can see that the similarity matrix of D with D.
The matrix of cosine distance gives reveal of
course a diagonal, but not so clean. It means the D
is not so clean as we thought. Many sentences are
similar to others; this is due to the fact that the en-
tire hierarchy of DISCO II is used. Besides, the plot
shows many sentences of D are similar with others in
D (as shown by the peaks).
Figure 6: Plots 2D to compare of D with D.
Figure 7: First proposal of a hybrid schema to get a baseline.
In 7, we can show in the remarked bigrams which
involve a verb like ”gestionar” or a nominalization
like ”diseo” followed by a noun, these kind of bi-
grams very often express competence. Therefore, we
suppose that removing the verb we will remove many
Besides we found bigrams like base dato and sis-
tema which gives us a idea about common patterns
and the posibles patterns for new experiments, as the
case of mapping of domain areas.
The comparison scheme based on unigrams and bi-
grams and similarity measures is promising to find
similar items. The results obtained in the bigrams
analysis confirm the need to explore other possibili-
ties of combinations between noun phrases and verb
phrases. The use of patterns can provide new possi-
bilities for the interpretation of isolated values.
There is much redundancy in P and D and it is
necessary to perform a pre-cleaning over the corpus
before applying any comparison scheme. The inter-
pretation of negative values (isolated) is not clear in
the case of P x P matches. We cannot be certain that
these values are equivalent to missing information or
a derivative problem of redundancy in P and D. In
future experiments should address the analysis of the
specific statements that cause these values.
The comparison of P and D could be performed
at different levels of the standards hierarchy, in order
to reduce the number of outliers. To achieve greater
entropy in the matching we have to consider the use of
parts of DISCO II rather than all the entire hierarchy
and thus reach a lower level of redundancy in P x D.
We propose a model to compare university and job
offer profiles based on similarity measures.
The use and combination of different similarity
measures to get a high performance will be develop-
ing. Also, using standards to framework construction
and validation permit give a solution of vocabulary
mismatch problem.
As a result, we expect to get similarity indicators
between university and job offer profiles.
We propose a comparison with job profiles based
on competencies and guides the referents in engineer-
ing context.
We thank our colleagues from Politechnical Univer-
sity of Madrid and Universidad T
ecnica Particular de
Loja who provided insight and expertise that greatly
assisted the research of this paper.
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