Gola, 2014) in order to allow even small children,
starting at age of 8, to learn how to code. One of the
most famous and successful of those tools is Scratch
(figure 1), developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten
Group of the Multimedia Labs of MIT (Resnick et al,
Scratch’s interface has a stage (area 1, in figure 1)
on which several different sprites (area 2) perform
their scripts (area 3) described by a predefined set of
possible actions represented by coloured blocks in the
palette (area 4). Blocks are grouped in categories
(area 5). Blocks of a given category have the same
colour and allow the sprite to perform similar actions.
Scratch, and its sibling tools, such as Snap
(http://snap.berkeley.edu), Code.org Studio, Star
Logo (http://education.mit.edu/projects/starlogo-
tng), all have the basic features that make then ideal
tools to introduce students to coding. Indeed, they:
are available in several different languages, so
to make it less intimidating to non-English
speaking countries
have a predefined and always visible set of
instructions (blocks), so that users do not have
to remember what the building blocks of the
language are
have a simple mechanism to put blocks
together, so that users can easily grasp how to
build up complex instructions starting from
simpler ones
make available lots of easy-to-use interactive
and multimedia mechanisms so that students
can be easily engaged
most of them run in a simple web browser, so
that nothing must be installed in order to use
Not all tools are ideal instrument for teachers to build
their interactive lessons. To give a few examples,
Code.Org Studio mechanisms are too simple, and
StarLogo TNG is not available as an online tool.
However, Scratch and Snap are very good candidates.
By using these tools, teachers can make their
lessons clearer and more engaging, can create and
maintain them very easily. On the other side, students
can learn how to code in a goal-oriented fashion, by
understanding how the digital lessons prepared by
their teachers have been built starting from the basic
building blocks of the language. Therefore, they
understand, at the same time, how the subject
explained is built right from the inside.
These goals can be reached if these tools are really
easy to learn and, more importantly, if teachers can
learn back from their students what their students
have learned by themselves.
3.2 Introducing Teachers of
Non-Technical Subjects to Coding.
An Experiment
In order to see if Scratch could be easily learned -
even by teachers of non-technical subjects-, we run a
small experiment (Brau, 2011). The base hypothesis
of such an experiment was that Scratch was intuitive
enough so that, after an extremely short introduction,
even teachers not very confident with technology
could nevertheless grasp the basic mechanisms of the
tool by being able i) to realize very simple behaviours
very soon by themselves and, being guided, ii) to
quickly build their first educational project. The
secondary goal of the experiment was also to gather
evidence about what should have been improved in
Scratch in order to make it really intuitive and easy to
The teachers’ actions were recorded during a 2-
hours session, in order to review their behaviours.
Two of the teachers taught only language, arts,
history and geography, so they did not teach technical
subjects, whereas the other two taught also
mathematics, logics and science. All of them reached
the same results, even if the two “non-technical”
teachers had said before starting that they did not feel
confident at all using computers and that they didn’t
use indeed them in their everyday life. None of them
had ever used a programming language nor had
previously known Scratch.
After having illustrated a few projects that could
be developed with Scratch to support teaching of
several school topics (we only showed the behaviour
of the projects, not the actual code), we told them
something about Scratch: that Scratch allowed to
show images, to move them, to make them react to
the mouse, to show speech bubbles, to produce
sounds, to make images disappear and show up again.
The only elements of the Scratch interface that were
illustrated were the Green Flag button (to start
projects) and the Red Stop button (to stop projects).
Then we asked them to make something specific
happen, and left them alone, each seated at their own
PC, without the possibility of asking for suggestions
to us or to their colleagues, until they were actually
able to make that thing happen.
We asked them to perform 10 different tasks by
making, in order, the Scratch cat: say “Hello!” in a
speech bubble; say “Hello!” in a speech bubble for
only 2 seconds; say “Hello!” in a speech bubble when
the cat is clicked; say instead “I have been clicked”
when the it is clicked; change look every time it is
clicked; change look every time the space key is
pressed; play the sound “meow” every time it is