sequences of different behaviors (Darby, 2006) is ad-
dressed. We propose web based framework for keep-
ing occupants informed about energy issues and mo-
tivated to care about their consumptions. This pa-
per is organized as follow: in the first section we
gave a brief introduction about energy concerns in
buildings, the second section describes our preposi-
tion for human-building interactions platform, in the
third section its impact in daily life is addressed and
finally comes the conclusion and future work.
Currently, there are intelligent buildings that some-
how benefits from automation using different sen-
sors and actuators. Various control and learning ap-
proaches have been applied in their performances
(Hsu et al., 2010)(Malkawi and Srinivasan, 2005).
The problem is, such methods are too sophisticated
or they do not fulfill comfort requirements by occu-
pants (DeWaters and Powers, 2013). In many cases
they predict about occupant’s presence or preferences
which is not always aligned with reality (Gunay et al.,
2014). On the other hand, putting mechanical devices
to control building components such as windows and
facades are costly. Regarding drawbacks and sophis-
tication of such management systems, the question
comes to mind why not using occupant for intelligent
management of his own environment.
There are a lot of software solutions and prod-
ucts to present building’s monitoring and its energy
consumption but to our knowledge except the ones
which took average from whole energy consumption
of building divided to number of occupants, there is
no personalized software that shows each person’s
real time energy consumption. Informing occupants
about total consumption of the living space or build-
ing is not of great advantage. Studies have shown
that usually occupants do not care about it, especially
if the living space is their office building (Jazizadeh
et al., 2014), since they share the living space with
others and it is not exactly defined their individual
contribution to the total energy consumption of the
living space. Therefore, the first goal is to develop
a personalized software product that can label people
in terms of their energy consumption (Griffith, 2008).
We suggest three different labels:
• Green energy-labeled for the ones who care about
their daily energy consumptions and green gas
emissions to be kept below the predefined stan-
dard quota.
• Yellow energy-labeled for the ones who are
around the quota limits positively.
• Red energy-labeled for the ones who are consum-
ing more than quota limits.
Therefore, it can be seen who are the waster and econ-
omizer of energy in building scale view or further in
city scale view. Limits are defined based on cultural
elements and governmental energy policies. They can
be set adaptively throughout the year based on differ-
ent energy needs or cultural events. In this section a
normalized human-building software product will be
defined and described.
2.1 Energy Book Motivation
In a current daily life, there are social networks like
Facebook and Twitter that we can check updates from
our friends or persons whom we are interested in.
Why not to have a similar web-based framework to
check the appliances we use and own and personal
status as an energy consumer. It can feature compar-
ison among different occupants as a means of com-
petence to achieve efficiency goals. We name such a
software solution as Energy Book in courtesy of the
main idea originating from face book.
Thanks to building’s equipment with wireless sen-
sor and actuator networks, we are able to monitor any
energy concerning event happening in the building.
Added to energy-based events we are able to track in-
door environmental changes which have direct conse-
quences in appliances usage. The main challenge is to
personalize this event-based infrastructure. Therefore
each permanent or temporary inhabitants can make
personal profiles which introduce them as occupants
of the host buildings in order to handle their comfort
in parallel with their energy consumption.
2.2 Conceptual Model
Applying this software product, user can interact with
his own comfort parameters (temperature, luminos-
ity, scheduling, budget, etc.), energy consumption and
carbon foot print (Paul and Taylor, 2008). Nowa-
days, such a software solution is undefined and unre-
alized for many reasons (O’Brien and Gunay, 2014).
Indeed, this software product should be independent
from the buildings’ types of control and infrastruc-
tures. Its back-end is capable to create a transparent
dialog between any building and occupants. There-
fore, a dynamic generation of software products for
building environments that actively adapts to user and
data environment is in need. The general goal is, in-
terfacing human with comfort, power and energy in a
manner that is depicted in figure1.