services) have no control over the real execution
environment of the application. This inhibits the
correct evaluation of the security controls.
The approach almost universally followed to
define guarantees for users of a service is the
introduction of Service Level Agreements (SLAs).
An SLA is a formal agreement between a service
provider and its end user that describes functional
and non-functional aspects of the provided target
service, together with clearly defined responsibilities
of the involved parties.
The most well-known machine-readable SLA
models are the Open Grid Forum’s Web Services
Agreement (WS-Agreement) (Hubbard & Sutton,
2010) and IBM’s Web Service Level Agreement
(WSLA) (VukoliĆ, 2010). The WS-Agreement
specification proposes a domain-independent and
standard way to create SLAs while its predecessor
WSLA seems to be deprecated.
SLAs appear as a successful method to guarantee
common Quality of Service parameters, like
availability and performance indicators. As stated in
many recent works, such as (Kandukuri, Paturi, &
Rakshit, 2009), in order to deal with security
requirements in the Cloud ecosystem, SLAs should
be actually used to define target service security
Security Service Level Agreements (often named
SecLA), are recognized as a promising way to model
security issues between Cloud Service Providers and
their users. ENISA, in (Dekker & Hogben, 2011),
has also identified the importance of SecLAs in the
Cloud computing field, pointing out that, in many
circumstances, customers are not aware of many
acquired services security aspects.
As introduced in (Almorsy, Grundy, & Ibrahim,
2011) and in (Luna et al, 2013), the current dearth of
reasoning techniques on Security SLAs is preventing
the diffusion of these approaches in production
environments. Nevertheless, currently, many efforts
are being made to fill this gap. For example, in
(Luna et al, 2013), authors aim to outline techniques
to quantitatively reason about Cloud Security SLAs,
defining security metrics and a proof of concept
semi -automated framework in order to assess cloud
security of different providers.
Several European projects have worked or are
working in this subject focusing mainly on SecSLA
negotiation (SPECS Project, 2014), the creation of a
security-aware SLA based language and related
cloud security dependency model (CUMULUS
project) and on the accountability for cloud-based
services (A4Cloud Project, 2014).
2.3 Security Driven Dynamic
Deployment of Multi-Cloud
Multi-cloud applications have complex composition,
provisioning and deployment requirements, and the
application design becomes even more complex at
the time an additional aspect such as security enters
in the equation. Therefore, several initiatives are
running in order to support this type of activities.
CloudML (CloudML project, 2013) (Ferry et al,
2013) developed a domain-specific language to
support the specification of provisioning,
deployment and adaptation concerns related to
multi-cloud systems at design-time and their
enactment at runtime. CloudML’s background is
PIM4Cloud language, defined in REMICS project
(REMICS Consortium, 2012) (Ferry, Chauve,
Rossini, Morin, & Solberg, 2013).
Based on CloudML, different approaches
(ARTIST Consortium, 2013) (ModaClouds
consortium, 2013) (PaaSage Consortium, 2014) and
versions of CloudML have been recently released to
provide means to the design of cloud based
applications deployment. In this context where there
are multiple CloudML versions, a joint task force
has been started by MODAClouds, PaaSage and
ARTIST projects which goal is to define a unique
common CloudML specification (ARTIST
Consortium, 2013).
Another approach that can be followed includes
TOSCA (OASIS, 2013). The TOSCA specification
aims to enhance the portability of cloud applications
and services by using a language for defining both
the service components of distributed applications
and the service management interfaces (Antonescu,
Robinson, & Braun, 2012). This approach is
currently being followed by SeaClouds (Seaclouds
consortium, 2013).
Multi-cloud solutions represent a new challenging
field in order to add value to overall cloud client
experience (VukoliĆ, 2010). In order to exploit
multi-clouds potentialities, different architectural
approaches can be adopted (Bohli et al, 2013):
(i) replication of applications, i.e. the same system
is deployed in more than one provider and
malicious attacks can be easily discovered
comparing operation results;