Learning Scenarios' Operationalization
A Process based on Ontology and Patterns
Zeyneb Tadjine, Lahcen Oubahssi, Claudine Piau-Toffolon and Sébastien Iksal
Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'Université du Maine, Avenue Olivier Messiaen, Le Mans, France
Keywords: Operationalization, Patterns, Ontologies, Instructional Design, LMS, Teaching Situation.
Abstract: This article describes our work that aims to support teachers deploying automatically their instructional
design, by the mean of patterns. We seek to balance between the need of expressive instructional scenarios,
and the technical constraints that occur while deploying those scenarios on learning management systems
(LMS). This could be seen as a need of a formal description in order to translate the concepts of a
pedagogical scenario, according to those embedded in the LMS. To address this need, we propose a process
of structuring formalizing, indexing and finally adapting and operationalizing the instructional scenario.
This Process is based on a model of knowledge representation. Different Data levels around the scenario
representation as well as the functional essence of educational systems will be presented. We also describe
the way this model is structured so that it allows preserving most of the scenarios semantic.
The deployment phase of learning scenarios allows
the translation of scenarios intended by teachers,
into an implemented version on learning platforms.
As part of the current research in LIUM laboratory,
we are interested more specifically in the dimension
of designing, operationalizing and adapting
educational situations. We consider the
operationalization as the development of specific
research procedures that will result in empirical
observations, representing the learning scenario's
concepts in the real world (learning management
systems). We need to offer for teachers a mean to
design adaptable and importable scenarios on
distance learning environments such as Moodle
(Rice, 2011) Sakai (Sakai, 2015) etc.
We focus on scenario-based design approach
with patterns. This approach aims to provide
teachers as designers with ideas that are based on
broadly accepted practices (Hernandez-Leo et al.,
2010) and help them collaboratively expressing their
own pedagogic ideas (Laurillard, 2012). According
to Laurillard this formalism can be expressed
computationally and may help teachers-designers in
providing deployable scenarios with a minimum loss
of semantic information (Clayer et al., 2014)
(Loiseau et al., 2014) (Abedmouleh et al., 2012)
(Oubahssi et al., 2013). Despite of the significant
advance of research work in the domain of learning
environments, the operationalization phase of
learning scenarios still remains a challenge in the
technology enhanced learning (TEL) field.
Teachers-designers are still poorly assisted in this
phase. Educational languages and standards were
proposed (Berggren et al., 2005) (Ferraris et al.,
2007) to design learning scenarios in a machine-
readable version. However, on the one hand this
formalism may allow reproducing the author's
design and running it online, but the teacher may
find it difficult to express, design and adapt their
pedagogical scenarios. On the other hand, their
computational integration requires an extra effort,
for each implementation, because of the technical
and pedagogical constraints set by platforms. This
complexity is due to the fact that existing platforms
use instructional knowledge coded in different levels
of granularity using implicit instructional language.
We aim to help teachers and designers to
operationalize their learning scenarios by automating
this activity. We propose a process based on patterns
to guide the teachers from the learning scenarios
formalization to their deployment on a target
platform. Some research work has proven the
efficiency of pattern approaches for learning design
(Laurillard 2012). The semi-structured
representation of scenarios will enable the
capitalization and the reuse of teaching practices
Tadjine Z., Oubahssi L., Toffolon C. and Iksal S..
Learning Scenarios’ Operationalization - A Process based on Ontology and Patterns.
DOI: 10.5220/0005493301390147
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2015), pages 139-147
ISBN: 978-989-758-108-3
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
used by teachers. Most importantly, our hypothesis
is that this representation allows browsing the
patterns for relevant information retrieval and the
deployments of this information on different
learning management systems (LMS). We strive to
show that regardless of the learning environment,
using a pattern structure combined with a semantic
representation of pedagogical objects (ontology
approaches), will facilitate the operationalization.
This paper is structured as follows; the next
section will gather related research work on
instructional design for the operationalization of
pedagogical scenarios. We focus on pattern based
approaches to formalize and express scenarios and
ontology based approaches for indexing and
conserving the semantics of pedagogical objects. We
describe in section 2 a pilot study we have
conducted using a pattern editing tool. In this study,
we sought to identify different needs and constraints
for an automated operationalization. As a result, we
present in section 3 the process we proposed based
on patterns and ontologies to help achieving this
automatic operationalization of learning scenarios.
We conclude the paper by discussing further works.
Although many research works addressed the
learning design issues, few are those who take into
account the aspect of operationalization, in
particular, to facilitate the implementation of
learning scenarios on existing platforms. This would
be justified by the fastidiousness of this step. As a
matter of fact, many difficulties and constraints are
related to learning platforms, that range from the
basic instructional language and rules to the implicit
and complex structures related to each particular
platform. Thus, these problems will create a
semantic gap when considering learning scenarios
concepts and platforms features. For example,
designing tools based on modeling languages (EML)
(Koper, 2001), more specifically the educational
standard languages (IMS-LD, 2015) such as
CADMOS (Katsamani et al., 2012) consider an
XML notation, which is judged complex and tends
to change the teachers-designers view of theirs
scenarios. Also, since platforms do not follow any
educational standards, deploying a standardized
scenario would not be easy for a teacher to do. It
will require the expertise of a pedagogical engineer.
By another way, when those standardized designing
tools take the operationalization step into account, it
is always about one targeted learning environment
(eg: CADMOS generates scripts to only deploy
scenarios on Moodle).
As a solution to the lack of expressivity of
Educational Modeling Languages, we chose a
structured and formalized pattern approach for
learning designs. Patterns are used to capture expert
knowledge of the teaching practice. A pattern is
pictured as a three-part structure, specifying a
problem and a solution addressing this problem
according to a peculiar context (Alexander et al.,
1977). Defined links between patterns (association,
composition, etc.) are considered as a pattern
language. As shown is (Buendia and Benlock 2011),
a pattern structure and formalization have been
proposed in order to improve the instructional design
process, by taking advantage of what patterns offer
in terms of structure and ease of expression.
Educational language representation was used to
help structure the proposed patterns (Anderson and
Krathwohll 2001). We also note the WebCollage
(Villasclaras et al., 2013) designing tool, it is based
on pedagogical patterns. Within this approach, the
implementation step still requires a platform expert
assistance. (Clayer et al., 2014) elaborates a
framework of an engineering design process and an
editing tool based on patterns, however, the
operationalization aspect of the patterns is not
addressed. Finally, GLUE!-PS is a tool dealing with
instantiation and deployment that allows deploying
learning designs from multiple learning design
language/authoring tool to multiple learning
environments, yet, the design languages are based on
IMS LD, which is too complex for the teachers
(Prieto et al., 2011).
However, having as a main goal to automate
learning scenario's operationalization, we have
noticed that most of the proposed design languages
and tools do not preserve the semantic meaning of
teachers' intention while transposing it on a learning
system. There will always be a lack of information,
and as consequence a need for adapting and
modifying the initial learning scenario. Moreover,
we believe that the use of ontologies for both
designing as well as operationalizing scenarios can
solve this problem. Ontologies allow having one
same semantic base which will retain the essence of
the scenario during the transition between learning
design and deployment phases. In educational fields,
ontologies have played an important role as
knowledge representation and sharing mechanism.
We find ontologies based on IMS LD language
(Amorim et al., 2006), as well as ontologies around
the learning scenario (Paquette, 2014) and also
ontologies to describe common modules of learning
platforms (Montenegro et al., 2010). We noticed that
the main advantages of these ontologies take place
during the learning design phase. We note that we
highly believe that it would simplify the
implementation phase and help us automate the
deployment of patterns based scenarios.
The main concern of this work is to study the
mechanisms supporting instructional design and
scenario's deployment activity by teachers-designers.
We are adopting a co-participative and iterative
approach with teachers-researchers. The approach is
called "Design Based Research"(Wang and
Hannafin 2005), a methodology suitable to both
research and design of technology-enhanced
learning environments (TELEs). Especially those
design experiments involve both scientific and
educational values (through scientific processes of
discovery, exploration, confirmation, and
transmission that create strong links among
researching, designing, and engineering). By this
approach, we try to reduce the gaps between what a
technology enhanced learning environment is and
how it should be used theoretically (comparing what
it is and how it is used in practice). We propose in
this work to link learning design and
operationalization of pattern-based scenarios. The
main goal is to automate operationalization of
scenario without losing its semantic information.
The present section provides an introduction to
issues related to the deployment of pattern-based
scenarios in TEL environment. As shown in Figure
1, we worked on an example following the process
of operationalization of learning scenarios based on
patterns design, in order to study its feasibility and
hen, identify the problems to deal with in our
In this direction, we put our focus on patterns-
based learning design approaches as they offer a
high level of expressivity and formalization for
learning design concepts (Laurillard 2012).
We expect to benefit from their formalized
structure to achieve an operationalization of
scenarios on LMS. Ontologies are also a very
important part of this work, considering the
knowledge representation and the sharing
mechanisms they offer, we model and browse all the
learning vocabulary and language embedded in
learning platforms as well as in learning scenarios.
Ontologies allow making a description of learning
scenario's context, taking into account the level of
granularity used in it (teaching program, course,
learning unit, etc.).
We performed a pilot study aiming to explain
how would both patterns and ontologies be a key
solution for the automation of learning scenario's
deployment reducing the semantic loss of
information. The two starting points were the
following: in a first step we collect the textual
version of a learning scenario (as intended by the
teacher) and model it with a pattern-based design
tool (Clayer et al., 2014). Then we looked at the
version of the same scenario already operationalized
manually on the Moodle platform. The idea behind
this example is to identify the different needs in
terms of technical and theoretical constraints around
the deployment of learning scenarios on TEL
The learning scenario is about an algorithmic
introductory course for students in computer science
in first university degree. The work was carried out
in three steps, as a first step we extracted a list of
learning concepts identified in the textual version of
our scenario. We modelled the learning scenario
using a pattern-based design tool (Clayer et al.,
2014). During this step, we noticed that even though
we consider the same textual version as a base of our
design, numerous pattern formalizations could be
realized (without any loss of the learning concepts
identified earlier).
After that, we studied the "manually"
operationalized version of the scenario on Moodle
platform, and following the same logic, we
identified the learning concepts in this deployed
scenario. Once again, the concepts list remained
Though, we have noticed a lack of a set of
information needed for the operationalization (they
were missing in the initial textual description). The
information would make the connection between
concepts describing the scenario and their
equivalents on the platform. (eg courses, course
structure etc.)
Those two first steps results and the literature
leads us to conclude that the use of ontologies and
meta-modeling when defining patterns for scenarios
would reduce the semantic gap due to the
Figure 1: A process for formalizing and adapting learning scenarios for an operationalization purpose.
Figure 2: Case study and methodology.
transformation steps from the teacher's pedagogical
intention to the platform. A pattern-based
formalization -considering its semi structured data-
allows teachers-designers expressing their
pedagogical needs without extensive loss of semantic
information while representing their pedagogical
intention with a pattern-based editing tool. On the
other side, this open way of expressivity raises some
difficulties for automating the learning scenario
operationalization phase (Bézivin and Lemesle, 1998)
In fact, learning platforms have their own
pedagogical structure and language. So, the mapping
of each element of the scenario with the relevant
concepts in the platform is not obvious. We noticed
that several solutions could be possible. Then we
need to guide the teacher-designer toward a learning
design approach that considers the operational needs
and constraints, without forcing them to use any
specific platform formalism.
The third and final step was to confront the XML
file obtained from Moodle scenario (after
transforming the backup file according to Moodle
meta-model (Abedmouleh et al., 2012)) with the
XML file generated from the pattern-based editing
tool (we kept two versions of the learning scenario
formalization). We noticed that: a pattern component
corresponds, sometimes, to more than one
educational concept. The identification is not"
unique". Also, the same pedagogical concept is
identified in different locations for each formalization
(according to the teacher's point of view), this makes
it difficult to automatically implement the scenario on
a computer environment.
Our conclusions lead us to identify the need for
techniques to establish the best correspondence
between pattern's components and educational
concepts for the targeted learning platform. We
suggest to use an indexing service (Dietrich and
Elgar, 2007)
According to our study we formulate more
precisely our main research concerns as: which
approaches models and / or techniques to consider for
transforming the pattern-based scenarios into
implementable models on different learning
platforms? To answer this, we should deal with three
major questions:
• How could we provide to the teacher-designer
some predefined components or "patterns" that
would be used to gradually build a learning
scenario ready to be directly implemented on any
learning platform?
• Which formalism can be proposed for the patterns
so that the learning design process delivers a
structure helping the automatic operationalization
without limiting the degree of expressivity and
• How to successfully maintain the semantics of
learning scenarios while transforming its
pedagogical concepts into learning platforms
To answer our research questions presented in the
previous section, we propose to define a process that
aims at assisting teachers-designers to manage the
instructional learning design activities (Figure 03).
We believe that we should offer to the teachers a
certain merging of expressivity, but it should be
structured enough to make the scenarios deployable
on learning platforms. This process consists of five
steps. The first two: structuring (1) and indexing (2)
allow a mapping of the educational concepts (coming
from the teaching practices and needs of designers)
and the learning platforms concepts and features.
Formalizing (3), which consists on developing
pattern-based scenarios by teachers-designers? Then
we have the step to automate the implementation of
scenarios (5). Before that, an adaptation step (4) is
conducted to reduce the gap between the pedagogical
language embedded in the platforms and the one used
by teacher-designers.
4.1 Structuring
This step aims at structuring the learning scenario. It
consists of two phases: the identification phase and
classification phase. On the basis of the work
presented in section 3, one can observe that the
patterns-structured learning design scenarios as used,
cause some difficulties while deploying on computer
environments. Some pedagogical concepts could be
missing or ignored, or poorly linked to the concepts
of the targeted learning platforms. This lack of
information prevents the automatic implementation of
the scenarios (eg. not mentioning the course structure,
activities dependencies etc.).
In this phase, different concepts of the learning
scenario are identified in order to be formalized as
patterns (Course, structuring unit, Sequence of
activities etc.). The identification is based on research
work about ontologies and educational standards (see
in particular work presented by (Paquette, 2014)
(Neven and Duval, 2002). Each of the scenario
concepts are also linked to other concepts such as
course outline, study plan, learning method,
pedagogical method, strategy or tactics of teaching.
We also mention that a pedagogical activity is
defined as a series of steps or sub-activities that could
be considered too as a learning scenario. Once the
vocabulary for the scenario is built, we proceed for
the classification phase. In order to offer
pedagogically correct, significantly related and well
structured patterns, we relied on the research work
about the different dimensions and classification
levels of the a learning scenario (Pernin and Lejeune,
2004). We consider different levels of granularity for
a learning scenario: a structuration unit, an
instructional sequence and even an elementary
activity. We also rely on Bloom's taxonomy to
classify the educational knowledge (Anderson and
Krathwohll, 2001) and the different types of learning
scenarios and activities (Paquette, 2014).
This classification will help the indexing work
(presented next), because the structure of the learning
scenario should satisfy the requirements of its
implementation on a learning platform. We are
talking about how to facilitate the detection and
extraction of the relevant pedagogical information in
order to map it to the most suitable platform feature,
having a minimal semantic gap.
Figure 3: A process for formalizing and adapting learning scenarios for an operationalization purpose.
In this step, we aim to classify the learning
scenario's patterns on several levels. Meaningful
semantic relations should be defined between the
different levels (Hierarchy, Typology,
Compositions, Use etc.).
4.2 Indexing
In our context, we consider indexing as matching the
pedagogical features offered by learning platforms
with the learning scenario content. This phase
consists on a mapping between both learning
platforms and learning scenarios pedagogical
language. Through our confrontation work (section
3) between a pattern-based learning scenario and its
operationalized version, we identified a component
of the learning scenario that has been translated into
several features on the learning platform.
Consequently, we need this indexation as a
necessary intermediate phase between the
structuring/formalizing the pattern-based learning
scenario and its operationalization on a learning
management system. We initially use an ontological
description about the learning scenario concepts
(Paquette, 2014) (Montenegro et al., 2010). The
ontology description should respect the structure of
patterns previously explained. Defining semantic
relations intra and extra packages is very important
in order to facilitate the detection of any relevant
information from the learning scenario. Once the
ontology is built, we proceed on matching every
concept, every semantic relation and every
constraint with the paradigm offered by each
learning platform to consider. This indexation will
create an extension to our ontology. It is part of the
originality of our proposal. The ontology extension
allows adapting any set of patterns designed by the
teacher-designer, to a directly implemented scenario
on any learning platform. We note that, the
pedagogical language of the learning platform is
extracted from its pedagogical meta-model. To
identify this meta-model, we use the process of
identification and formalization of the LMS
instructional design language (Abedmouleh et al.,
4.3 Formalizing
Once the structure of our learning scenario is
defined, comes then the step of formalizing it. The
formalism to offer is different from a pattern
package to another. We are mainly inspired by the
design patterns that have been adopted in e-learning
context (Goodyear Yang, 2008) (Clayer et al., 2014)
and more particularly pedagogical patterns (ppp
2015). While modeling our scenarios with the
pattern-based editing tool (Clayer et al., 2014) (Part
3), we noticed that it is more likely an open tool for
learning design that allows a free expression, this
leads to some difficulties for detecting a specific
needed concept. For example, the course duration
could be set differently from one version of a
scenario to another. Therefore, and in order to get
over the automated operationalization problems, the
composition of a pattern, should not compromise the
detection of the relevant information, it should be
well formalized while offering for teachers some
freedom to design their scenarios. To be able to
locate any information in a pattern is the key to an
automatic operationalization, also, ensured by the
use of an ontology allowing combining the
pedagogical language concepts of a teacher-designer
and the learning platform concepts as defined in the
next phase of indexing.
4.4 Adapting
This step reflects the adjustments to apply on the
learning scenario aiming to allow its automatic
operationalization. The starting point is the pattern-
based learning scenario, it should be structured and
organized according to the previous step of the
process (for each pattern used and each component
filled by the teacher). Depending on the target LMS,
an instantiation of the indexed concepts (as
presented in section 4.3) should be executed as well,
thus, providing an XML file in accordance with the
meta-model of the learning platform. XSLT
transformations are applied to cover the missing
information and properties if necessary. Finally, we
get a scenario file ready to be deployed on the target
4.5 Operationalizing
Consequently of the steps above, the learning
scenario is formalized as structured patterns, well
adapted to instructional language of the target
platform. The next step is to implement this resulted
scenario. To do so, we use the module of learning
scenario importation. This importation is automatic
and does not require any intervention of the learning
platform expert. All that the teacher has to do, is to
express his/her intention and pedagogical need in a
semi-open structured language. We will then offer
tool support to guide the automatic
operationalization with a minimal semantic gap,
especially without requiring him/her to master the
complicated instructional language of the learning
platform. The progression of this process is based on
data about the pedagogical scenario and learning
platforms (inputs / outputs). This data is organized
and represented as a model introduced in the
following paragraph.
4.6 Data Representation
Considering the data level point of view, the process
of operationalization of learning scenarios involved
is specified on different levels of representations
(From a logical level to the physical level). As
shown in the following illustration (Figure 4), we
define three levels of representation, depending on
our operationalization needs of pattern-based
4.6.1 Conceptual and Semantic Level
This first level of representation stands with the
"Computationally Independent" viewpoint, and
enables us to have an instructional design knowledge
representation as closer as it could be to the
language used by a human teacher as well as the
language embedded in a learning management
system. this layer is about the "Learning scenario"
modeled in an ontology inspired. This ontology
should reflect the different teaching strategies and
the diffenrent levels of granularity in a learning
scenario (a course, a learning unit etc.).
Keeping in mind our main objective to automate
the operationalization process of learning scenarios,
this ontology should include in its definition of
concepts, the features provided by the various LMS
to consider. This extension is an indexation of the
instructional language of a learning platform.
Building this semantic level ensures a common
vocabulary for all teachers-designers and facilitates
the interoperability between different LMS.
4.6.2 Instructional Design Level
The previously presented process's phases
"structuring" and ''formalizing" provide a
representation of the pattern-based scenario. This
result is what makes the content of the instructionl
design level. Each element of instructional design
level is connected to one or more nodes from the
semantic representation (level 1).
The elements are linked through "Instructional
Relations" that establish the function and identify
the various features to use on the learning platform
while deploying the scenario.
4.6.3 Content and Ressources Level
This content layer consists of different learning
objects (documents and material resources) used in
different contexts (Churchill, 2007) Such as: course
notes, exam's forms, the use of software and any
mean of communication etc. A classification of
these objects has to be considered (Churchill, 2007)
(presentation, practice, simulation, conceptual
models, contextual information and representation
objects). This level is strongly related to levels 2 and
3, it allows to instantiate the objects on learning
platforms depending on the choice of use of the
teacher-designer (as a support resource, mediation,
building knowledge or as course application).
Figure 4: Data layers for the automatic operationalization of pattern-based learning scenarios.
This paper presented the research about a process of
designing deployable learning scenarios, based on a
model of data representation. We tried to answer our
main question of research, which concerns the way
of transforming pattern-based scenarios into
implementable models ready to be automatically
operationalized on a learning platform. It is
important to consider the use of the semantic web
advantages. We leaned on a case study that helped
us to highlight the problems facing the
operationalization of learning scenarios based on
patterns. We intend to provide a structure and
classification of scenarios to help the LMS's features
indexing purpose. We take into account the
taxonomy of activities, resources and other
educational concepts, according to the teacher's
intentions while designing. At the present time, we
prepare an experiment, which will allow us to
experiment a pattern-based formalism and collect
multiple versions of patterns structures for the same
learning scenario. Then, we plan to apply the
process presented earlier on these resulting scenarios
to study their operationalization in a design-based
research approach.
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