This paper presented the research about a process of
designing deployable learning scenarios, based on a
model of data representation. We tried to answer our
main question of research, which concerns the way
of transforming pattern-based scenarios into
implementable models ready to be automatically
operationalized on a learning platform. It is
important to consider the use of the semantic web
advantages. We leaned on a case study that helped
us to highlight the problems facing the
operationalization of learning scenarios based on
patterns. We intend to provide a structure and
classification of scenarios to help the LMS's features
indexing purpose. We take into account the
taxonomy of activities, resources and other
educational concepts, according to the teacher's
intentions while designing. At the present time, we
prepare an experiment, which will allow us to
experiment a pattern-based formalism and collect
multiple versions of patterns structures for the same
learning scenario. Then, we plan to apply the
process presented earlier on these resulting scenarios
to study their operationalization in a design-based
research approach.
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