vices. A cache allows the gateway to reduce forward-
ing of requests and to ensure that a value is always
returned, even when requested devices are sleeping.
In Section 4.1 we could see how cache may reduce
the communication overhead. In general, by avoiding
requests made to constrained devices, the gateway be-
comes suitable for them.
This paper proposed GoThings, a preliminary ar-
chitecture for creating gateways to interconnect
application-layer messaging protocols focused on In-
ternet of Things, and suitable for constrained de-
vices. In regard to message exchange pattern, the ar-
chitecture support both request-response and publish-
The main aspects of the architecture are interop-
erability, extensibility, generality and configurability.
GoThings allows transparent interoperability in a way
that devices can use its own protocol to have a het-
erogeneous communication. GoThings was designed
to be extensible: enabling a new protocol is only a
matter to install a new plugin. GoThings is generic
enough in the context of IoT problems, and the users
are able to change gateway behaviors through the use
of listeners.
Finally, there are some ongoing work. We are
looking for the best ways to specify the message
model in a manner that existing and possibly future
IoT protocols can be interconnected without losing
their semantics. When the message model is properly
specified we can work on plugin subsystem which in-
cludes the specification of communication manager
API. We plan to deploy our proof-of-concept gateway
implementation in a Raspberry Pi
. We will compare
performance with the achieved of native protocol im-
plementations. We expect to finish these work until
January 2016.
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