Figure 18: Total evaluation of fuzzy variants.
fuzzy variants resulting in the best decision. Here we
use ranking methods as described in section 4.3., i.e.
Center of gravity, L domination and R domination.
For the last two methods level α = 0.7 was used. The
results are in the following table.
Figure 19: Rank of variants.
In this paper we have proposed two Microsoft Excel
add-ins DAME and FVK which were developed for
students to help them understand and solve decision
making problems. Comparing to other decision
support programs they are free, able to work with
scenarios or multiple decision makers, allow for
dependency among criteria, can work with fuzzy
numbers, allows for easy manipulation with data and
utilizes capabilities of widespread spreadsheet
Microsoft Excel. On a realistic case study we have
demonstrated their functionality in individual steps.
These add-ins are regularly used by hundreds of
students in the course Decision Analysis for
Managers at the School of Business Administration
in Karvina, Silesian University in Opava. The
feedback from students is mostly positive and also
teachers of this subject observed increased students’
understanding of the decision support theory by
using these add-ins.
This research was supported by the grant project of
GACR No. 14-02424S.
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Center of gravity
L dominantion R dominantion
ar 1
ar 2 0,342 333
ar 3 0,424 212