In figure 2, a sample of post (P) is also presented in
“PostSample.XML” file. To detect users’ opinions
based on their comments on the post (P), we apply
PostSentimentScore (algorithm 1) which returns a
sentiment score for each user that comments (P).
This score depends on opinion words and emoticons
exploited in comments. For that, we apply
CommentSentimentScore (algorithm 2). Results
are depicted in figure 2 (Post Sentiment Scores).
Due to the importance of people’s opinions
expressed on social networks for decisional systems,
we worked on integrating them in ETL processes
design. In this paper, we focus on ETL
transformation process. We propose a new
algorithm which analyzes user’s opinions expressed
through comments about a post shared on the social
network Facebook. Its goal is to detect both positive
and negative polarity. We associate for that a
sentiment score depending on comment’s opinion
terms and emoticons. In the proposed algorithm,
sentiment analysis adopts a lexicon method based on
opinion and emoticons dictionaries.
As future works, we intend to enrich our lexical
DB in order to adapt context-specific opinion
analysis. Also, we will extend our ETL processes
design approach by integrating more opinion web
sources including clickstreams, web sites, and others
social networks.
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