Prospective Products and Benefits of the Green AGH Campus Project
Providing Scaled-down Future Smart Grid Experience
Igor Wojnicki, Sebastian Ernst and Leszek Kotulski
Department of Applied Computer Science, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland
Smart Grid, Optimization, Energy Distribution, Grid Design, Control, Optimization, Artificial Intelligence,
Smart grid stakeholders have partially opposing goals. New tools and utilities are needed to reach them. The
paper discusses prospective products and benefits of the Green AGH Campus Project. The project provides
energy management infrastructure being a test bed for future smart grid solutions. It is based on three main
components: an Advanced Distribution Management System, a Power Data Warehouse and a Simulation Sys-
tem. Coupled together, they are capable of providing advices regarding either optimization of grid operations,
or its design and topology. The optimizations are multicriteria and multivariant balancing stakeholders’ needs.
A smart grid is an electricity network that can cost
efficiently integrate the behaviour and actions of all
users connected to it generators, consumers and
those that do both in order to ensure an econom-
ically efficient, sustainable power system with low
losses and high levels of quality and security of sup-
ply and safety” (European Commission, 2011). Par-
ties involved in smart grid management are identified
as either operators or consumers. The operators are
responsible for managing the grid. They are subdi-
vided further mainly into: Transmission System Op-
erators (TSO), Distribution System Operators (DSO),
Energy Generators (producers).
TSOs manage the very high voltage grid such as
400 or 225 kV. They connect all regional electricity
grids with each other. TSOs are responsible for cor-
recting the imbalance in the network regarding energy
demand and supply. They are decoupled from retail
and generation. DSOs are responsible for energy dis-
tribution at the regional level. They handle high volt-
age (below 60 kV), medium voltage (1–30 kV) and
low voltage. Their main responsibility is to deliver
energy to the consumers. Producers provide electric-
ity, which is distributed through TSO and DSO grids.
Consumers use electricity delivered by DSOs and
are subdivided into residential and commercial ones.
Taking into account a decentralized energy generation
a new category of consumers has emerged, so-called
prosumers: producing consumers. An introduction
of distributed generation, including renewable energy
sources, is a major game changer for the electricity
delivery. It is no longer a uni-directional flow from
the producers through TSO and DSO grids to the con-
sumers but a multidirectional flow which can be con-
trolled only by proper ICT (Information and Commu-
nications Technology) systems. There are very high
requirements for such systems. They need to be: geo-
graphically distributed, heterogeneous, real-time and
must allow for partial disconnections. What is more
they generate massive amounts of data. The electric
grid, in this context, is perceived as the most wide
spread adoption of the Internet of Things concept.
The stakeholders of the energy business have mul-
tiple, even opposing, goals. Among others these are:
non technical loss identifications (theft), energy price
and usage optimization, energy quality assurance,
emergency response time minimization etc. There
are multiple efforts carried out to provide proper ICT
tools. They regard grid planning, simulation and real-
time management.
There are several big IT players involved, includ-
ing: IBM, Oracle, SAP, Google, Cisco
. The main
focus of rapidly progressing smart grid solutions is to
provide more insight into processes taking place on
the grid and beyond to provide integration with Smart
City concepts. There are also emerging businesses
offering added values on top of data analytics such as
source: European Utility Week 2014, Amsterdam:
Wojnicki I., Ernst S. and Kotulski L..
Prospective Products and Benefits of the Green AGH Campus Project - Providing Scaled-down Future Smart Grid Experience.
DOI: 10.5220/0005494403950400
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS-2015), pages 395-400
ISBN: 978-989-758-105-2
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Opower or Nest Labs.
This paper focuses on the DSO perspective and
surroundings. It involves the end customers, includ-
ing prosumers, and sellers. The aim is to present an
overview of products and benefits of the Green AGH
Campus project (Szmuc et al., 2012). The project
takes into consideration a campus area. It is a model
of a scaled down urban area representing a distribu-
tion network. Thus it serves as a testbed to research
new energy management strategies, develop new tools
for future smart grid, being a living lab. The project
is led by AGH University of Science and Technology,
hence its name.
There are three major stakeholders taken into consid-
eration. These are: a DSO, an end customer, and sales
(the producers or prosumers), see Fig. 1 for details.
They are targeted at simple yet divergent goals. A
DSO’s goal is to maintain grid operations. A cus-
tomer wants to lower his electricity bills. While sales
want to maximize their income.
There are two main observable drivers than: cus-
tomer satisfaction and compliance with regulations.
The customer satisfaction drives all stakeholders how-
ever after analyzing it, it turns out, that it regards dif-
ferent, even opposing goals such as: income maxi-
mization and energy bill reduction. The main assess-
ments of this driver are: non interruptible delivery,
better power quality and wise energy usage. The non
interruptible delivery and better power quality con-
tribute to the DSO’s main goal which is maintaining
grid operations. The wise energy usage contributes
towards the income maximization for the sales as well
as energy bill reduction for the customer.
The compliance with regulations drives the DSO.
It is a complex driver which main components can be
characterized as: regarding renewables, CO2 emis-
sion and reliability
. The compliance is usually
forced upon DSOs by regulators and law. Assess-
ing this compliance results in: non interruptible deliv-
ery and better power quality, which regard maintain-
ing grid operations and income maximization goals
which are main objectives for the DSO and sales re-
So, as it can be seen from the above, these three
parties and their goals are highly entangled. Fulfill-
ing them is a great challenge. Providing proper tools
which can support reaching the goals is the ultimate
EU climate and energy package
clima/policies/package/index en.htm
goal for the proposed research. The tools regard ICT
solutions, including algorithms, software, and anal-
ysis, as well as methodologies and good practices.
They focus on two major areas being either topology
optimization or control optimization (see Fig. 2), the
former regarding grid design, the latter regarding grid
operations. Thus these are the requirements that re-
alize the goals (energy bill reduction, income maxi-
mization, maintaining grid operations). Particularly
optimizing grid operations is a complex requirement
which consists, among others, of providing dynamic
tariffs, restore service after a failure as soon as possi-
ble while minimizing number of disconnected loads,
and stabilize grid to provide uninterrupted operations.
There are three main product categories of the pro-
posed Green AGH Campus Project. These are: scien-
tific, commercial, didactic.
The scientific category ranges from researching
topics related to distributed computing, agent-based
systems, optimization, to artificial intelligence (AI).
Distributed computing in this contexts regards analy-
sis of large volumes of data, often referred to as Big
Data. Significance of this topic is reinforced by sole
nature of power grid which is distributed by nature.
Amount of data generated by grid sensors, including
smart meters, and their high scale is uncomparable
and without precedence. Microgrid and islanded op-
erations force smart grid solutions to be more flexible
and capable of distributed processing. Contemporary
grid managements are usually centralized, thus fur-
ther applied and interdisciplinary research regarding
agent-based applications and systems is required. As
it has been already researched (Wojnicki et al., 2013;
Kotulski, 2008; Kotulski and Sedziwy, 2012), apply-
ing agent-based approach both to process large vol-
umes of data and provide optimized control could of-
fer proper solutions.
The above systems need to be supported with ar-
tificial intelligence, mostly to optimize their modus
operandi. It is expected to research and deploy ma-
chine learning with advanced pattern recognition and
planning and preference modeling (Klimek et al.,
2013). It could serve identification of processes tak-
ing place on the grid and supporting operators with
admissible solutions.
Considering the above there is a need for knowl-
edge management at the grid level as well as to pro-
vide proper inputs and outputs for AI methods. Simi-
larly, there is a need for formal specifications for such
distributed control systems to verify their behavior
Figure 1: Stakeholders and goals.
Figure 2: Goal realisation.
and assure their safety.
Another aspect of AI which finds applications
here is inference. Real-time inference is needed to
provide context aware control and early malfunction
detection. It also includes automatic state interpreta-
tions providing advices and serving as analytics plat-
form, thus supporting operators and engineers at the
control center, at DSO, or applications to other par-
ties. One of important themes here is so-called non-
technical loss identification, which is regards energy
Multiple optimization methods and concepts find
applications here as well. Especially multidimen-
sional, multicriteria and multivariant algorithms.
They can be used both for power grid design or con-
Last but not least there is a need for historic data
analysis. It allows to make either control, design or
business decisions based on insufficient data, thus ap-
proximating or filling gaps with the interpreted his-
torical ones. It is not only “foreseeing” the future but
also fulfilling gaps in data streams representing states
of the entire grid system overload, lost communica-
tion etc.
The commercial type of outcomes regards actual
products and services that could be offered directly to
the involved parties. Besides new grid control algo-
rithms which needs to be tightly integrated with DMS
systems, or methods for grid design, being products
for DSOs, the most prominent one would be establish-
ing and providing dynamic tariffs. It would be a result
of multicriteria analysis using researched earlier do-
mains, since there are different goals of the involved
stakeholders. Thus dynamic tariffs can improve main-
taining grid operations, maximizing sales profits and
minimizing energy bills of the end customers.
The didactic category of the outcomes is not sub-
ject of this paper however it should be noted here
since the project is developed by AGH University.
As a result all other outcomes: research results, al-
gorithms, methodologies, tolls can find a way to be
integrated with curricula.
The proposed concept is based on three main com-
ponents. These are: an aDMS (Advanced Distribu-
tion Management System), a Power Data Warehouse,
and the Simulation System (see Fig. 3: Distribution
Management System, Data Warehouse, Simulation
respectively). It is assumed that the aDMS works in
a redundant mode, based on two instances: the ac-
tual aDMS, managing the distribution of energy and a
shadow instance, also called the shadow environment.
The shadow instance is not connected to physical de-
vices. Its role is to verify the energy management pro-
cess under varying (real or simulated) circumstances
and parameters. These include raw telemetric data
from field devices, raw simulated data, simulated and
real decisions made by the operators and engineers
as well as structural modifications to the managed
network. This approach allows, on one hand, effi-
cient management of power, and on the other opti-
mization of the network operation based on any crite-
ria, including simulation-based implementation of the
assumed management process and network structure
Using an ETL (Extraction-Transformation-
Loading) process, the data warehouse collects
information regarding the network operation from
the aDMS. This allows for its further analysis using
BI (Business Intelligence) methods and extraction
of results and conclusions which can serve as
input to the simulation environment. Simulations
allow for verification of the aDMS operation and
implementation of arbitrarily complex optimization
processes, based on multiple criteria. Separation
of the simulation system from the aDMS makes
it independent from technological and conceptual
limitations of current aDMS systems and makes its
performance less critical. Performed analyses do
not affect the management of the actual network,
and therefore cannot destabilize it. It must be noted
that while the simulation system uses information
about the network structure from the ‘production’
aDMS instance, the generated operation parameters
are submitted to the shadow instance.
aDMS systems extend classical SCADA solutions
by assuring appropriate scalability and integration
with the power grid operator’s business processes.
They usually have a modular structure, which typi-
cally includes the following components: SCADA,
NMS (Network Management Systems), OMS (Out-
age Management Systems), FDIR (Fault Detection,
Isolation and Recovery) and VVC (Volt-Var Control).
The SCADA module is responsible for communica-
tion with local SCADA systems and directly with
field devices; it acquires telemetric data and assures
efficient remote control. The NMS module provides
network management features, offering an operator’s
interface (including e.g. schematic and geographic
visualization, an event log, notifications, event reac-
tions, etc.) and cooperating with the SCADA module
by allowing for appropriate control of the entire man-
aged network. The OMS module allows for mainte-
nance planning and scheduling and manages fault no-
tifications and handling. It often integrates data from
smart meters, allowing for automatic detection of dis-
connected grid segments. The above modules consti-
tute a DMS-class system. By further developing its
functionality, an aDMS (Advanced DMS) system can
be created. This is usually achieved by integrating
additional modules, responsible for network opera-
tion optimization, such as FDIR and VVC. The FDIR
module allows for automatic isolation of faults and
provides automatic switching (or recommendations
for the operator) to minimize losses, e.g. the number
of affected customers. VVC stabilizes network volt-
ages and power distribution. Such modules often use
additional helper modules which perform power flow
calculations on a given network structure or simulate
its behavior. aDMS systems are also often equipped
with modules which allow field crews to directly in-
teract with the system, which gives them information
about the current network status and provides means
of reporting diagnostic and repair actions.
Simulation of power grids is perform both within
aDMS-class systems and by means of external tools.
Simulations are usually performed on three logical
levels: device, network and comprehensive simula-
tion. Device-level simulation involves replacement of
real field device input and output data with simulated
information. This allows for simulation of the DMS
system behavior as well as its reaction to generated
events. Solutions such as SimSCADA can be used for
this purpose. Network-level simulation goes a step
further, offering input and output data in conjunction
with the grid topology. This allows for generation
of events involving groups of devices as they inter-
act within the network. Often, such simulations also
allow for generation of events which, under normal
circumstances, are the decisions of the NMS or the
system operator. SimNet is a ready-to-use solution
of this class. Finally, comprehensive simulations in-
volve all possible significant grid components as well
as factors which affect them: end devices, network
parameters and topology, source and load character-
Figure 3: Architecture and requirements realisation.
istics and weather conditions. One of the solutions
which can be used in such scenario is GridLAB-D,
described further in this section.
Data warehouses allow for central storage and
analysis of business data. They usually store data
from long time spans which can be used to obtain new
information, significant for the business operation.
Therefore, a data warehouse provides a unified data
store oriented around business entities, which is: inte-
grated (as it contains data from different subsystems),
time-variant (as they contain data from various peri-
ods) and non-volatile (as the data is loaded incremen-
tally from transactional systems). Data warehouse so-
lutions are provided by, among others, Oracle, IBM,
SAS and Microsoft. These solutions often use pro-
prietary or open software components for data ac-
quisition, discovery and analysis, including relational
databases (Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, PostgreSQL,
Informix), non-relational data stores (HBase, Mon-
goDB, Cassandra) and AI-based solutions (classifica-
tion, machine learning, statistical analysis, decision-
support systems, etc.).
GridLAB-D, developed by the Pacific Northwest
National Laboratory and supported by the US Depart-
ment of Energy, is an advanced, open-source power
system simulation tool based on the BSD license.
This system is one of the leading grid simulation
tools, which provides accurate results thanks to pre-
cise models. Thanks to GridLAB openness, it is pos-
sible to modify any of its components, which is often
necessary to adjust it to local conditions and require-
GridLAB-D is a modular system: besides the
“central” power flow simulation module, it has ded-
icated modules for precise simulation of loads (in-
cluding residential and commercial customers), dis-
tributed generation, weather, energy market compo-
nents, reliability testing (including metrics such as
SAIFI or SAIDI), power storage or electric vehicle
However, while the system has been widely used
in the USA (as the project was started by the US De-
partment of Energy) and Australia (e.g. within the
Smart Grid, Smart City project
), its use in Europe
was very limited. Therefore, it is crucial to verify
how each component complies to the characteristics
of European (and Polish) power grids and the local
regulations. Evaluation of each module will provide
the information whether it needs to be modified and to
what extent – from adjusting parameters to algorithm
and model modifications. This process will be per-
formed by the University’s software and power grid
staff, as well as external experts.
The foreseen changes include customization of the
modules for proper operation with voltages and phase
configurations used in Europe and better coherence
with real devices and installations. For instance, the
residential module includes predefined load schemes
for houses and apartments and algorithms to multiply
the instances with set parameter variations, which al-
lows for easy and scalable simulation of loads gener-
ated e.g. by newly-built housing estates. However, its
characteristics are typical for American households,
with deep penetration of air conditioning systems, dif-
ferent thermal insulation parameters and heating solu-
tions as well as different characteristics of the appli-
ances themselves. It is a similar case with the com-
meracial module, which simulates loads originating
from commercial and office buildings.
Practically all modules are predicted to require
modifications. GridLAB-D’s supported weather data
formats are vastly popular in the USA, but less so in
Europe; data formats and conversion workflows need
to be established. Models for DG devices (PV, wind
turbines, heat pumps) need to be customized to bet-
ter match European devices. Quality metrics used by
Polish and European utilities need to be implemented
and configured; also, for economics-related simula-
tions, the energy trading schemes may need to be ad-
justed to local characteristics.
The above components cooperate (see Fig. 3) to
form an Advice which in turn can be used by the
aDMS. Providing the Advice fulfills requirements:
Optimize grid operations and Optimize design and
topology, which in turn realize the goals (see Fig. 2).
The Green AGH Campus project is based on state-
of-the-art solutions and methods to ensure it is on
the cutting edge of distribution grid management re-
search. The concept, based on three components
(aDMS, Power Data Warehouse, Simulation), is an
innovative approach which allows for better exploita-
tion of data and detection of knowledge (rules, pat-
terns) regarding grid operations. Because AGH Uni-
versity is not a TSO or DSO, but a research-oriented
scientific institution, the potential for improvement
and experimental verification of results is much big-
ger than in case of industrial, production systems.
One possible criticism may address the fact the
system will be initially deployed on the university
campus power network, which is of a significantly
smaller scale than the intended application. However,
all components are assessed with regard to their scal-
ability, and tight integration of simulation solutions
allows to perform experiments on models of larger,
real-life distribution grids.
Finally, one of the important aspects of the Green
AGH Campus projects is the possibility to develop a
range of services, from operation parameter optimiza-
tion to strategic investment planning, which can be
offered to operators on the Polish and European mar-
This research is financed by AGH University of Sci-
ence and Technology contract number
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