kWh during the cycle. All of this potential is not
available for recovery, because the system is already
in baseline operation inherently feeding the energy
for consumers during the regenerative braking. In
addition, the timing of the compressor usage in the
baseline is often occurred during the hardest
decelerations, and on the other hand, many of the
additional compressor activation in the modified
strategy occur in low power regeneration and current
limit is not met. Although the achieved energy
saving was small on this particular case, higher
savings can be anticipated when also the power
steering and HVAC usage will be optimized. This
could include switching off the power steering pump
on straight driving sections and boosting HVAC
power when slowing down. In addition, the speed
profile of the cycle had only modest decelerations,
and therefore the battery current limit was exceeded
only few times.
Electric buses in comparison with conventional
buses have potential for increased energy efficiency,
zero tail pipe emissions and decreased noise caused
by city transport. This paper described a driver
assistant system to be used for guaranteeing optimal
driving style for electric city buses. The system will
be even further developed to include also intelligent
control of various subsystems. Optimal operation of
auxiliary components was discussed in the paper.
Auxiliary components in electric buses are
inherently controlled in more energy efficient
manner than in diesel buses. Some improvements in
efficiency using intelligent control can be still
achieved. A simulation model that is used for
studying the optimal operation of electric vehicle
subsystems was described. Simulation results when
using optimal air compressor activation was
presented. Overall energy consumption of the
vehicle was reduced 1.6 %. The savings can be
further increased when other auxiliaries are also
considered for optimization.
Based on the bus route information, the proposed
advanced driver’s aid system could combine the
driver guidance and the optimal use of auxiliary
components to achieve more energy efficient electric
city bus driving. In the future, it could include also
communication interface for bus fleet management.
The authors acknowledge the financial support for
the research work that received from the Electric
Vehicle Systems (EVE) programme funded by
Tekes – the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation.
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