cludes: Location data centers, location of software
components, and routing. Therefore, the authors also
consider an exact optimization approach, which is pri-
mary appropriated for planing aspects. (Wang et al.,
2012) focus on mobile cloud gaming and propose an
approach for the minimization of the total costs of a
cloud provider taking the individual quality require-
ments of the users into account. The authors develop
a scheduling algorithm for assigning computation and
networking resources during run time. In contrast to
this work the authors do not formulate an optimiza-
tion problem.
(Choy et al., 2012) focuses in their work on the
availability on cloud gaming in the US. Therefore, the
authors analyze the cloud infrastructure provided by
Amazon and show that only 70 percent of the popula-
tion can use services. They propose the use of addi-
tional data centers or Edge Server to increase the cov-
erage. In contrast to our work, they does not propose
an optimization approach for the efficient placement
of such data centers and servers.
In summary, to the best of our knowledge, our
work is the first to include a detailed analysis of a
priority-based heuristic approach for cost-efficient se-
lection of cloud data centers for QoS-aware services
provisioning. In this context, this paper provides a
generic heuristic approach, which allows substantial
reduction of computation time compared to previ-
ously presented approaches.
In this paper, we presented a heuristic approach to
a previously introduced optimization problem, the
Cloud Data Center Selection Problem. From this
generic approach, a variety of specific heuristic ap-
proaches can be deduced. Depending on the selected
prioritization and cost allocation rules, either very fast
heuristics approaches or heuristics with an outstand-
ing solution quality can be configured.
Based on the presented approach, we plan two ma-
jor enhancements in the future. First, we plan to de-
velop a best-of-breed approach, which combines the
benefits of multiple heuristics. Second, we plan to de-
velop improvement procedures, such as tabu search or
simulated annealing, to further enhance the solution
quality of our approach.
This work has been sponsored in part by the German
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
under grant no. 01IS12054, by E-Finance Lab e.V.,
Frankfurt a.M., Germany (www.efinancelab.de), and
by the German Research Foundation (DFG) in the
Collaborative Research Center (SFB) 1053 MAKI.
The authors are fully responsible for the content of
this paper.
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