Changes in the Client Middleware. For using
anonymous credentials the complete functionality
of the client middleware needs to be changed.
On the one hand, the client middleware needs
to deal with anonymous credentials stored on
an underlying token and, on the other hand,
needs to implement the ABC4Trust protocol for
Trust in MOA-ID. Applying the proposed architec-
ture, MOA-ID requires no full trust. MOA-ID
never sees any personal citizen data in plain. The
only data MOA-ID sees is the citizen’s credential
but not its included attributes. Hence, MOA-ID
can be easily deployed in a public cloud. How-
ever, our assumption is based on the honest but
curious cloud attacker model, which means that
the cloud provider works correctly but may want
to inspect processed data.
Anonymous credentials are a valuable technology to
protect citizen’s privacy. One of the main features is
unlinkability, avoiding user tracking during multiple
different identification and authentication processes.
In addition, anonymous credentials allow the disclo-
sure of only a subset of a complete identity still in an
authentic fashion. Moreover, even derived attributes
can be used for authentication (e.g. age instead of
date of birth). This makes anonymous credentials also
interesting in the eID context.
In this paper we proposed an architecture show-
ing how anonymous credentials can be integrated into
the Austrian eID system. Thereby, anonymous cre-
dentials can be used for identification and authentica-
tion at service providers, still following the existing
privacy concept based on sector-specific identifiers.
Moreover, the proposed architecture even allows a
deployment of MOA-ID in a public cloud, enabling
higher scalability end elasticity features. In addition,
concrete technologies were identified for a possible
upcoming implementation. The implementation can
be considered as future work.
An implementation of the proposed architecture
can clearly show its practicability. The main bottle-
neck for that might be the client middleware, which
needs to run complex and power intensive compu-
tations for credential proof generation. A detailed
analysis of an implementation would deliver deeper
insight if citizens loose usability in terms of perfor-
mance when using anonymous credentials. Neverthe-
less, for the near future anonymous credentials are a
valuable and promising means for ensuring data pro-
tection and privacy when applied in an eID context.
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