Using Anonymous Credentials for eID Authentication in the Public Cloud
Bernd Zwattendorfer
E-Government Innovation Center (EGIZ), Graz University of Technology, Inffeldgasse 16a, 8010 Graz, Austria
eID, Electronic Identity, Citizen Card, Anonymous Credentials, Privacy, Authentication, Public Cloud.
Unique identification and secure authentication are important processes in several security-sensitive areas
of applications such as e-Government or e-Health. Within Europe, electronic IDs (eIDs) are the means to
securely support these processes. In Austria, the Austrian citizen card is used by citizens for identification and
authentication at online applications. Identification in Austria is based on a special data structure including
multiple personal attributes stored on the citizen card. However, in the current situation it is only possible
to disclose the complete identity of a citizen and not only parts of it. To bypass this issue and to increase
privacy, in this paper we propose a security architecture which uses anonymous credentials for Austrian eID
authentication to enable minimum/selective disclosure. Due to the use of anonymous credentials, our proposed
architecture also allows the migration of important components of the Austrian eID system into a public cloud.
A public cloud deployment has several advantages, in particular with respect to scalability and cost savings.
While public cloud deployment brings up new issues relating to privacy, the use of anonymous credentials can
mitigate these issues as they can ensure privacy with respect to the cloud provider.
Unique identification and secure authentication are
important processes when access to protected data
needs to be regulated. In particular, in security-
sensitive areas of applications such as e-Government
these processes are essential. For protecting citizen
access to public and also private sector applications
Austria relies on the Austrian citizen card, the offi-
cial eID in Austria (Leitold et al., 2002). The Aus-
trian citizen card is capable of unique identification
and qualified signature creation, which is further used
for authentication at service providers (applications).
Using the Austrian citizen card, identification is
based on a special data structure stored on the citizen
card. In the current situation it is only possible to dis-
close the complete identity of a citizen (the complete
special data structure) to a service provider. However,
in some situations it might be favorable to disclose
only some parts or even just derived attributes from
this identity (e.g. age instead of date of birth).
To achieve this, in this paper we propose a se-
curity architecture which uses anonymous credentials
for Austrian eID authentication. Anonymous creden-
tials particularly preserve users’ privacy and ensure
only minimum data disclosure, hence it’s not neces-
sary for citizens to reveal their complete identity any-
more. Moreover, our proposed architecture also al-
lows the migration of important components of the
Austrian eID system into a public cloud. Comparing
all cloud deployment models, the public cloud offers
the highest benefits in terms of scalability and cost
savings with respect to all other cloud models (Alford,
2009). However, the public cloud also has the high-
est privacy concerns (Pearson and Benameur, 2010).
Deploying the Austrian eID system in a cloud-based
setting could take advantage of the public cloud ben-
efits, but requires the need of privacy preservation at
the same time. This can be achieved by adopting our
proposed architecture, which is able to ensure privacy
with respect to the cloud provider under the assump-
tion that the cloud provider is acting honest but curi-
ous (Nu
nez and Agudo, 2014).
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2
briefly describes the Austrian citizen card concept.
Section 3 elaborates on anonymous credentials and
overviews different technologies. In Section 4 we de-
scribe our proposed architecture on using anonymous
credentials for a public cloud deployment of the Aus-
trian eID system, explain an identification and authen-
tication process in detail, suggest technologies for im-
plementing the proposed architecture, and discuss it
in Section 5. The paper is round up by a drawing con-
clusions in Section 6.
Zwattendorfer B..
Using Anonymous Credentials for eID Authentication in the Public Cloud.
DOI: 10.5220/0005494901560163
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2015), pages 156-163
ISBN: 978-989-758-106-9
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The Austrian eID system, handling in particular
unique identification and secure authentication of cit-
izens, constitutes a main pillar within the Austrian e-
Government infrastructure. The core component of
the Austrian eID system is the so-called Austrian cit-
izen card (Leitold et al., 2002). In the following sub-
sections we briefly describe the Austrian citizen card
concept and explain how the Austrian citizen card is
used for identification and authentication at online ap-
2.1 The Austrian Citizen Card Concept
The Austrian citizen card constitutes the core compo-
nent of the Austrian eID system. The Austrian citizen
card is rather a concept than one concrete implemen-
tation, hence different technological approaches for
implementing a citizen card may exist. Currently, two
implementations are rolled-out in the field, one rely-
ing on smart cards and the other one using a mobile
phone. In more detail, the citizen card has three main
functions as many other European eIDs according to
(Arora, 2008):
1. Unique identification
2. Secure authentication
3. Qualified signature creation
Unique identification of the Austrian citizen card
is based on a special data structure (so-called identity
link), which is directly stored on the card. This special
data structure contains personal data for identifying a
citizen. The personal data consists of a unique iden-
tifier, first and last name, and date of birth of the citi-
zen. To ensure integrity and authenticity of the iden-
tity link, it is digitally signed by a trusted authority,
the so-called SourcePin Register Authority.
Unique identification at online applications is
mainly based on the unique identifier included in the
identity link, which is called sourcePIN. The sour-
cePIN is solely stored on the citizen card and must not
be stored in any other location according to Austrian
law (Federal Chancellery, 2008). Hence, due to these
legislative restrictions and further privacy reasons, for
identification at online applications the sourcePIN is
not used directly but rather a derived identifier by us-
ing a one-way hash function. Derivation of this iden-
tifier, which is called sector-specific PIN - ssPIN), is
based on the governmental sector (e.g. tax, finance,
etc.) the online application belongs to.
Secure authentication at online applications is
based on creating a qualified electronic signature. By
verifying the created signature at the online applica-
tion, the citizen can prove the authenticity of her iden-
tity data. However, qualified signature creation can
be seen as separate process for the Austrian citizen
card. Hence, the creation of qualified electronic sig-
natures, which are equivalent to handwritten signa-
tures according to the EU signature directive (Euro-
pean Parliament and Council, 1999), defines the third
main function of the citizen card.
2.2 Identification and Authentication at
Online Services
Identification and authentication at Austrian online
applications using the Austrian citizen card is based
on the following architecture illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1: The basic Austrian eID system Architecture.
The following entities are involved in an identifi-
cation and authentication process:
Citizen. A citizen wants to access a protected re-
source at the service provider.
Service Provider. The service provider is operated
by the public or the private sector and offers pro-
tected services to citizens .
MOA-ID. MOA-ID (Lenz et al., 2014) is an open
source software module which enables the usage
of the Austrian citizen card for accessing pro-
tected services at the service provider. In this con-
text, MOA-ID can be seen as identity information
provider according to (ISO/IEC JTC 1, 2011). On
the one hand, MOA-ID communicates with the
client middleware to access citizen card function-
ality. On the other hand, MOA-ID provides the
service provider identity and authentication infor-
mation of the citizen in a structured way, which is
based on SAML (Cantor et al., 2009). Regarding
the operation of MOA-ID, the current Austrian
eID system foresees a local (de-centralized) de-
ployment of MOA-ID in every service provider’s
Client Middleware. The client middleware can be a
piece software either installed locally in the citi-
zen’s domain or on a remote server. In fact, the
client middleware is an implementation of an ab-
stract layer (Hollosi et al., 2014). This layer al-
lows accessing citizen card functionality in a stan-
dardized way without the need of knowing any
details on the underlying citizen card implemen-
According to Figure 1, an identification and au-
thentication process using this architecture comprises
the following steps:
1. A citizen wants to access a certain protected ser-
vice at the service provider. Assuming that the cit-
izen is not authenticated yet, the service provider
sends an authentication request to MOA-ID.
2. MOA-ID verifies this authentication request and
initiates the authentication process by invoking
the citizen’s client middleware. In a first step,
the citizen’s identity link is read and verified from
the client middleware and the citizen card respec-
tively. In a second step, the creation of a qualified
electronic signature from the client middleware is
requested by MOA-ID. The received signature is
then verified by MOA-ID again.
3. Following the sector-specific identification con-
cept outlined in the previous section, MOA-ID de-
rives the sourcePIN extracted out of the identity
link according to the sector the service provider
belongs to. This results in the generation of the
4. Finally, MOA-ID puts all identification and au-
thentication data into a standardized data structure
(SAML assertion) and transmits it to the service
5. Based on the received data the service provider
can decide to either grant or deny access.
Anonymous credential systems allow authentication
of users based on authentic anonymous attributes.
Hence, only a certain attribute or a part of an identity
and not the complete identity must be revealed during
an authentication process. For instance, anonymous
credentials allow authentication based on a certain
age, without revealing the full date of birth of the au-
thenticating user. Anonymous credential systems are
not particularly new (Brands, 2000; Camenisch and
Lysyanskaya, 2001), however, in the past years they
transform from theoretical and scientific concepts to
practically applicable solutions.
Basically, anonymous credentials can be differen-
tiated into one-show (Brands, 2000) and multi-show
credentials (Camenisch and Lysyanskaya, 2001). Us-
ing one-show anonymous credentials, always the
same mathematically computed attribute value is dis-
closed to a verification entity. Due to that, persons
might be somehow linkable, since the re-occurring at-
tribute value allows recognition over several authenti-
cation processes. In contrast to that, when disclosing
a mutli-show credential to a verifier, for every disclo-
sure always a different mathematical attribute value is
calculated, which avoids linkability. In the following,
we briefly introduce the actual most important anony-
mous credential systems.
3.1 U-Prove
constitutes an anonymous credential system
invented by (Brands, 2000), which is further devel-
oped and improved by Microsoft. The central compo-
nent of U-Prove is a so-called U-Prove Token, which
includes authentic and cryptographically protected at-
tributes. This U-Prove token is used during interac-
tions with a service provider for proving certain at-
tributes (Paquin, 2013). The U-Prove Token and its
included attributes are thereby verified by a service
provider. U-Prove Tokens are usually issued to and
for a user by a trustworthy entity (issuer), which ver-
ifies the authenticity of claimed user attributes before
they are stored in the U-Prove Token.
Revocation of issued U-Prove Tokens is done by
using blacklists. Usually, a unique identifier is en-
coded into an issued U-Prove Token, which is put on
the blacklist if the token needs to be revoked. U-Prove
Tokens can be revoked either by the user herself or by
a service provider.
The main features of U-Prove are unlinkability
and selective attribute disclosure. In that case, unlink-
ability means that there exists no relationship between
two U-Prove Tokens, which have been issued to one
and the same user. Nevertheless, users - even anony-
mous – are still linkable when using just one U-Prove
Token at different service providers. The reason is
that always the same mathematical value is disclosed
to the service provider, which makes U-Prove a one-
show credential system. However, users are still able
to decide themselves which attributes should be dis-
closed to a service provider and which should not.
3.2 Idemix
Identity Mixer
(Idemix) is an anonymous credential
system developed by IBM. Similar to U-Prove, a user
gets issued a credential containing different attributes
from an issuer, which asserts the authenticity of the
attributes. If one of these attributes is needed as proof
for authentication at a service provider, the issued cre-
dential is transformed into a new credential, which
only contains a subset of attributes to be used for
authentication at the service provider. Thereby, the
user can convince the service provider that she pos-
sesses certain attributes or fulfills certain properties
without revealing her complete identity. In contrast to
U-Prove, such a credential transformation can be car-
ried out any number of times and the user still stays
unlikable. Hence, Idemix can be seen as a multi-show
anonymous credential system.
Revocation in Idemix - in contrast to U-Prove -
is mostly based on whitelists. If a user needs to ver-
ify that her credential has not been revoked, she just
needs to prove that a certain identifier of the cre-
dential is listed on the whitelist. However, a cou-
ple of other revocation mechanisms exist in Idemix,
e.g. also blacklists. An overview of different revo-
cation mechanisms for Idemix credentials is given by
(Lapon et al., 2011).
3.3 ABC4Trust
(Attribute-based Credentials for Trust)
was an EU co-funded project of the framework pro-
gramme 7, which was lasting for 4 years and ended
in 2014. The aim of ABC4Trust was the development
and piloting of a framework, which is capable of com-
bining different anonymous credential systems. Cur-
rently, ABC4Trust supports in its framework U-Prove
and Idemix as underlying technologies. The follow-
ing Figure 2 illustrates the general architecture of the
ABC4Trust framework and its interactions between
involved entities (Camenisch et al., 2012).
Figure 2: ABC4Trust Framework Architecture. (Ca-
menisch et al., 2012)
In the following sub-sections we explain how the Aus-
trian eID system can be made more privacy-friendly
by using anonymous credentials and why it is possible
to deploy the eID system in a public cloud.
4.1 Motivation
Currently, the Austrian eID system requires the de-
ployment of MOA-ID in every service provider’s do-
main. While this current deployment approach in fact
ensures high scalability, having a centralized deploy-
ment approach may be advantageous. Having a single
central instance would take away much burdensome
work from service providers (e.g. installation and
deployment of MOA-ID, maintenance efforts, etc.).
In addition, during an authentication process citizens
would always be presented the same user interface of
one central MOA-ID instance instead of always dif-
ferent user interfaces of multiple MOA-ID instances.
A central MOA-ID instance operated under nor-
mal settings would be less scalable than the decen-
tralized approach. Nevertheless, this scalability issue
could be easily mitigated by moving MOA-ID into a
public cloud, which provides the best advantages in
terms of scalability. However, a move of a trusted ser-
vice such as MOA-ID into a public cloud brings up
new obstacles, particularly relating to privacy (Pear-
son and Benameur, 2010). This is now where anony-
mous credentials come into play, which have strong
privacy capabilities.
In the following we present an architecture on how
the Austrian eID system can be securely moved into
the cloud by still preserving citizen’s privacy with re-
spect to the cloud provider operating MOA-ID.
4.2 Architecture
In this section an architectural design is presented on
how the Austrian eID system can be moved into a
public cloud by using anonymous credentials. Apply-
ing this architecture, the main advantage for citizens
is that it is not necessary to reveal their complete iden-
tity to MOA-ID and subsequently the service provider
as it is done now. To achieve this, the Austrian citi-
zen card and its containing attributes of the identity
link must be modeled as anonymous credentials. This
can be seen as prerequisite when applying the follow-
ing cloud-based architecture. Figure 3 illustrates this
architecture. From the general architectural point of
view, there are no big differences to the existing archi-
tecture in Figure 1. However, one new component is
added (Revocation Authority), which will be queried
during the identification and authentication process.
Figure 3: Cloud-based Architecture using Anonymous Cre-
Using the proposed architecture, the citizen card
supports the functionality of selective attribute dis-
closure because the citizen card is modeled based on
anonymous credentials now, which are still issued by
the trusted SourcePIN Register Authority. Verifica-
tion of the validity of citizens credentials is done by
MOA-ID. To do that, MOA-ID contacts on-the-fly
the revocation authority (similar to requesting revoca-
tion information for traditional X.509 certificates us-
ing OCSP (RFC 6960, 2012)). If the credential has
not been revoked, access for citizens to the service
provider can be granted. In more detail, proofs of
credentials are exchanged between the citizen and the
service provider.
The following entities are involved in this archi-
tecture. A Citizen wants to access a protected service
using her citizen card. This time, the attributes of the
citizen card are modeled as anonymous credentials.
The Service Provider requires just a minimum of data
for authentication, e.g. the citizen’s age. MOA-ID
takes over the identification and authentication pro-
cess for the service provider. In particular, MOA-ID
does the revocation checking. The Revocation Au-
thority stores a blacklist according to (Lapon et al.,
2011). The blacklist contains a list on all revoked
credentials. The revocation authority is operated by
the SourcePIN Register Authority. In our setting, the
SourcePIN Register Authority is also acting as Issuer
and also takes over the issuance of anonymous cre-
dentials. The Client Middleware regulates access to
credentials on the citizen card. In addition, the client
middleware is responsible for any credential transfor-
4.3 Used Technologies
In the following we briefly describe the technologies
which are feasible for implementing the architecture.
Idemix. Idemix was selected as a possible anony-
mous credential system because it is a multi-show
credential system, supported by ABC4Trust, and
Java libraries are freely available. When imple-
menting our architecture, Idemix should be used
for modeling the Austrian citizen card and its at-
tributes as anonymous credentials.
Idemix supports different approaches for revoca-
tion checking (Lapon et al., 2011). In this con-
crete architecture we rely on verifiable encryption
(Lapon et al., 2011) in combination with black-
lists. Verifiable Encryption means that a citizen
can actually proof an attribute although the at-
tribute is encrypted. In our architecture, a unique
identifier of the citizen’s credentials is encrypted.
Thereby, the citizen can proof the correctness of
the unique identifier without disclosing the identi-
fier to a verifier.
ABC4Trust. ABC4Trust will be used as XML-
based communication protocol between service
provider and client middleware, and MOA-ID and
client middleware. Thereby, between both enti-
ties a presentation policy and a presentation token
according to the ABC4Trust specification will be
exchanged. The presentation policy defines which
attributes or credentials, respectively, are required
from the citizen and need to be read out from
the citizen card via client middleware. The client
middleware calculates and creates the requested
credentials and returns them included in a presen-
tation token to the requesting entity.
SAML. The Security Assertion Markup Language
(SAML) (Cantor et al., 2009) is an XML-based
framework for the secure exchange of identifica-
tion and authentication data. The current MOA-
ID implementation already relies on SAML for
the secure data exchange between MOA-ID and
the service provider. Hence, we will also rely on
SAML for this communication flow. However, in
our proposed scenario no real data will be trans-
ferred but rather revocation information.
SOAP. SOAP (W3C, 2007) is an XML-based pro-
tocol for simple data exchange between entities
using web service technology. SOAP messages
can include arbitrary XML documents for mes-
sage transfer. For our approach, a web service
was defined to exchange revocation information
between MOA-ID and the revocation authority.
4.4 Process Flow
In this sub-section the detailed identification and au-
thentication process using the proposed architecture
and technologies is described. The individual steps
are illustrated in the sequence diagram in Figure 4.
The process steps are as follows:
1. A citizen wants to access a protected resource of
an online application (service provider).
2. Since we assume that the citizen has not success-
fully authenticated yet, the service provider sends
a SAML AuthnRequest to MOA-ID.
3. MOA-ID verifies the SAML AuthnRequest and
creates a presentation policy, which requests from
the user that her credentials are valid and not re-
voked. The presentation policy is transmitted by
MOA-ID to the client middleware.
4. To prove that the citizen’s credential is not re-
voked, verifiable encryption (VE) as revocation
mechanism will be used. The unique identifier of
the credential will be encrypted by the user (VE-
Attribute) and together with the actual credential
included into a presentation token. The presenta-
tion token is then returned to MOA-ID.
5. MOA-ID extracts the VE-Attribute out of the pre-
sentation token and verifies it. However, MOA-
ID can only verify the validity, more precisely the
calculated proof, of the VE-Attribute but not its
value, since the value is encrypted.
6. To verify the validity of the citizen’s credential,
the VE-Attribute is transmitted via SOAP web
service to the revocation authority.
7. The revocation authority decrypts the VE-
and extracts the containing unique
identifier of the citizen’s credential.
8. The revocation authority checks whether the iden-
tifier is listed on its maintained blacklist. All cre-
dential identifiers, which are on the blacklist, are
9. The revocation authority returns the revocation in-
formation as a web service response. More pre-
cisely, it is sufficient to just return a boolean value
indicating whether the credential is revoked or
not. In our presented scenario we assume that the
presented credential is still valid.
10. MOA-ID includes the presented citizen’s creden-
tial as well as the corresponding revocation infor-
mation into a SAML assertion. The SAML as-
sertion is wrapped in a SAML response, which is
11. MOA-ID returns the SAML assertion (SAML re-
sponse) to the service provider, as it is done in the
current Austrian eID system architecture.
12. The service provider verifies the SAML response
and SAML assertion.
13. The service provider assembles a presentation
policy (including the requested attributes (proofs)
required for authentication) and sends it to the
client middleware. For instance, this could be the
age of the citizen.
14. The client middleware calculates the proofs ac-
cording to the presentation policy and transmits
them together with the credential wrapped in a
presentation token to the service provider.
15. The service provider verifies the presented at-
tributes/proofs. Additionally, it is checked
whether the credential presented to the service
provider in this step and the credential included in
the SAML assertion, which has been previously
presented to MOA-ID in step 4, are identical.
16. If both verification processes are successful, the
service provider can grant the citizen access to the
protected resource.
In this section we briefly discuss our architecture ac-
cording to selected criteria.
The revocation authority is able to decrypt the VE-
Attribute since it is part of the SourcePIN Register Author-
ity, which was responsible for credential issuance.
Figure 4: Identification and Authentication Process using Anonymous Credentials for the Austrian eID.
Re-use of Existing Infrastructure. The use of
anonymous credentials requires a complete
exchange of the identity link since a completely
different technology is used. Sector-specific PINs
(ssPINs) can be either modeled for all sectors as
credential attributes or by using scope-exclusive
pseudonyms (Camenisch et al., 2011), which
are supported by ABC4Trust. Additionally, both
MOA-ID and the service provider need to support
the communication protocol (presentation policy
and token exchange) of ABC4Trust.
Compliance to the Current Process Flow. The
process flow described in Figure 4 using anony-
mous credentials is a bit different to the process
flow of the current situation as illustrated in
Figure 1. In our proposed architecture MOA-ID
just verifies if a presented credential is revoked
or not. The actual verification of attributes and
corresponding proofs is done by the service
Scalability. Revocation checking of anonymous cre-
dentials is very complex and computational inten-
sive, especially for multi-show credentials such as
Idemix. In particular, for a high number of users
such as the Austrian population computation
power demand increases. However, a movement
of certain components in the cloud (e.g. MOA-
ID) can lower this burden.
Practicability. Proof computation for certain at-
tributes in multi-show credential systems is also
very computational intensive (Lapon et al., 2011).
According to our architecture, this is done on the
client middleware. Hence, due to that there may
be longer waiting times during the authentication
Extensibility. Extensibility heavily depends on the
option chosen for modeling sector-specific PINs.
If every ssPIN is modeled as separate attribute
in the credential, then any additional sector or
ssPIN would require a new issuance of the cit-
izen’s credential. In contrast to that, if sector-
specific PINs are modeled using the scope-
exclusive pseudonym approach as described in
(Camenisch et al., 2011), a similar concept as it
is done is available. Scope-exclusive pseudonyms
can be seen similar to the current approach hav-
ing a sourcePIN and then deriving ssPINs based
on different sectors.
Changes in the Client Middleware. For using
anonymous credentials the complete functionality
of the client middleware needs to be changed.
On the one hand, the client middleware needs
to deal with anonymous credentials stored on
an underlying token and, on the other hand,
needs to implement the ABC4Trust protocol for
Trust in MOA-ID. Applying the proposed architec-
ture, MOA-ID requires no full trust. MOA-ID
never sees any personal citizen data in plain. The
only data MOA-ID sees is the citizen’s credential
but not its included attributes. Hence, MOA-ID
can be easily deployed in a public cloud. How-
ever, our assumption is based on the honest but
curious cloud attacker model, which means that
the cloud provider works correctly but may want
to inspect processed data.
Anonymous credentials are a valuable technology to
protect citizen’s privacy. One of the main features is
unlinkability, avoiding user tracking during multiple
different identification and authentication processes.
In addition, anonymous credentials allow the disclo-
sure of only a subset of a complete identity still in an
authentic fashion. Moreover, even derived attributes
can be used for authentication (e.g. age instead of
date of birth). This makes anonymous credentials also
interesting in the eID context.
In this paper we proposed an architecture show-
ing how anonymous credentials can be integrated into
the Austrian eID system. Thereby, anonymous cre-
dentials can be used for identification and authentica-
tion at service providers, still following the existing
privacy concept based on sector-specific identifiers.
Moreover, the proposed architecture even allows a
deployment of MOA-ID in a public cloud, enabling
higher scalability end elasticity features. In addition,
concrete technologies were identified for a possible
upcoming implementation. The implementation can
be considered as future work.
An implementation of the proposed architecture
can clearly show its practicability. The main bottle-
neck for that might be the client middleware, which
needs to run complex and power intensive compu-
tations for credential proof generation. A detailed
analysis of an implementation would deliver deeper
insight if citizens loose usability in terms of perfor-
mance when using anonymous credentials. Neverthe-
less, for the near future anonymous credentials are a
valuable and promising means for ensuring data pro-
tection and privacy when applied in an eID context.
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