Also noteworthy is the fact that by constructing
high quality features, simple methods, such as linear
regression can work as well or even better than other
more sophisticated algorithms (such as Random
Forests, SVR, etc.). By using less complex models,
optimal model parameters are found more readily,
the models run a lot faster, and they are easier to
understand and maintain.
We also state that the main disadvantage of
models presented in this research, is its inability to
predict unusual traffic events. Even though common
traffic status is informative for a commuter in a new
environment, unusual traffic is the most informative
information for local commuter who is aware of
usual traffic. The main reason for this disadvantage
is that current models uses only historical traffic
data. Since, some of unusually traffic events are
caused by other related events (such as nearby traffic
accidents, bad weather, holidays, etc.), we believe
that by including additional data sources in the
model, prediction of such events could be
significantly improved.
Therefore, our future plan is to collect several
quality traffic related data sources (such as weather
forecasts, traffic alerts, special days statuses, bigger
social events, etc.) and fuse them with loop counters
data in order to generate better traffic prediction
models. We intend to test different data fusion
approaches, such as: early (or full) integration;
which transforms data sources into a single feature-
based table, late (or decision) integration; where
each data source give rise to a separate model and
predictions are later fused, and intermediate (or
partial) integration, where data are fused through
inference of a single joint model with a recent matrix
factorization based algorithms, providing very good
results in the field of bioinformatics (Žitnik and
Zupan, 2013).
This work was supported by Slovenian Research
Agency and the ICT Programme of the EC under
MobiS (FP7-318452).
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