In this paper, we presented a process modelling ap-
proach that enables the seamless integration of im-
perative and declarative provisioning models by in-
troducing the concepts of (i) Declarative Provision-
ing Activities and (ii) Integrated Provisioning Mod-
els. The approach enables intuitive provisioning mod-
elling without handling technical integration issues of
regarding different technologies and domain-specific
languages that pollute the control as well as the data
flow of the resulting workflow models. To prove the
technical feasibility of the approach, we applied the
presented concept to the workflow language BPEL
and extended the standards-based application man-
agement system OpenTOSCA. In addition, we eval-
uated its features by several criteria. The evaluation
shows that the presented approach enables to benefit
from strengths of both flavors. In future work, we plan
to apply the concept also for application management.
This work was partially funded by the projects
SitOPT (Research Grant 610872, DFG) and NEMAR
(Research Grant 03ET40188, BMWi).
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