Third subarea provides specializations within
existing study programs for academic education with
the main subject of smart cities. The UAS
Technikum Wien already offers study programs
involving some of the main topics, such as smart
energy, smart environment, and smart mobility. In
the context of the project, inter-departmental
(mobility and energy departments) courses in smart
cities are offered. EU-ASCIN has established
cooperation with a partner university in Ulm
(Germany) and Austrian Institute of Technology.
Implemented Web platform will support study
programs by providing e-learning courses.
In the first step, the evaluation of the existing smart
cities related studies was performed. As a result, 15
Bachelor’s and 24 Master’s programs with such
smart cities relevant focuses as renewable energy
technologies, energy efficiency, building
management, mobility and transportation,
information and communication technologies,
environmental studies and resource managements,
electronics and driver assistance systems, telematics
and control engineering could be identified at the
universities of applied sciences in Austria.
Additionally, 8 Bachelor’s and 10 Master’s degree
programs at the universities in Austria are involved
in some of the smart cities specific topics.
The considerable specific training opportunities
exist on the European level, in form of European
Master programs held on several partner
universities. This reflects the core idea of connected
interdisciplinary training. The European Institute of
Innovation and Technology offers several Master’s
degree programs, such as Energy for Smart Cities,
Energy Technologies and Smart Electrical Networks
and Systems.
After analysing the different educational
programs, few smart cities specific training
opportunities, which implement smart cities as
global, interdisciplinary topic could be identified.
From the evaluation results, the Master’s degree
program at the University of Applied Sciences
Joanneum explicitly integrates the system approach
into the Bachelor’s degree study program “Energy,
Transport and Environmental Management”. At the
university level the KTH Stockholm with Energy
Innovation Master Program with smart cities
specialization should be mentioned (Wahl, et al.,
2.1 Mobility and Energy
The concept for the integration of holistic smart
cities concept is based on the strong use of the
synergies between its individual subareas. Previous
concepts are strongly domain-specific approaches
e.g. renewable energy oriented or mobility oriented
study programs.
The proposed concept intentionally limits the
scope of smart cities to the 3 chosen sub-aspects:
smart mobility, smart energy and smart people
(Wahl, et al., 2014). The advantage of this approach
is the possibility for deeper understanding and the
crosslinking of these areas.
Smart mobility is dealing with the energy-
efficient, safe, comfortable and affordable
transportation possibilities. Bachelor’s degree
program “Transportation and Environment” focuses
on telematics, traffic management, traffic
information systems, multimodal transportation
modes, environmental aspects of the traffic
engineering, electromobility, driver assistance
systems, and traffic simulation (Bululukova, et al.,
The student projects within the program include
smartphone app development for traffic information,
indoor navigation, multimodal ticketing, software
development for traffic simulation, fleet
management and container management, methodical
analysis of traffic surveys, congestions and routing
Smart energy is a key concept of smart cities,
which provides users with liveable, affordable, and
environmentally friendly living space and supports
their needs based on the sustainable energy
technologies. The “Urban Renewable Energy
Technologies” Bachelor’s degree program offers a
well-founded education with three topical focuses:
renewable energy technologies, industrial-scale
plants and buildings energy design. Students learn
how to develop and set up the power supply systems
of the future as well as how to dimension these
systems and combine them into an integrated system
(Bululukova, et al., 2014).
2.2 Professional Field Research
Design of the new study programs or specializations
requires a clear definition of the prospective job
Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) is
involved into the smart cities research in several sub
areas, such as integrated urban planning thermal
energy networks, energy-efficient interactive