The initial prototype based on the concepts and algo-
rithms presented has been validate on an electronic
archiving platform with the event specification and
detection console allocated to a dedicated virtual
machine, while the multi agent system platform
JADE has been adopted for the specification and
management of agent entrusted with the role of de-
tecting primitive events as can be seen in Figure 2.
NAGIOS plugins (
Pervilä, 2007) along with other
tailored programs where developed for the detection
of primitive events within the Infrastructure.
The initial results were very encouraging as most
of the security events of concerns provided by the
SaaS provider and consumer and specified using the
Event designer were detecting, by simulating altera-
tions and attacks targeting the archived files. Fur-
thermore, the capacity of the VM required for host-
ing the whole application (Event Designer and mul-
ti-agent detection platform) was confine to a 2 Go of
RAM and in single CPU. Nonetheless, further appli-
cations are envisaged for better appraising the effect
of deploying simultaneously a multitude of agents
for detecting and reporting events of interest.
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SAINTS project, financed by the national fund of
research of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (FNR)
under grant number C12/IS/3988336. The authors
also thanks Maimouna Seck and Charles Hubert
Duthilleux for their work on implementing the tool.
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