mutual behavior of the classes in a convenient
format. It provides some useful clues as to how
classes interact when running the use-cases. The
dynamic UML class diagram of the functional
structure of the use-case conveniently summarizes
all the programming elements involved in the
execution of the use-cases.
The drawback of our reverse-engineering technique
is that we are unsure to go through the all the
alternative paths in each of the scenarios since the
latter are recovered from the observation of the
users. For example, in the case of legacy desktop
applications, we investigated a semi-automated
technique to recover the use case from the legacy
code (Dugerdil, Sennhauser, 2013) with moderate
success however, due to the complexity of the task.
Indeed, use-case recovery from source code is still
an open problem. As future work we will integrate
our tool with IBM’s RSA to be able to generate the
dynamic UML class diagram automatically. We also
intend to develop new views to represent the
dynamic business-level application semantics.
Indeed we are building domain concept ontologies
whose concepts will be dynamically identified in the
executed code. This technique will help to close the
semantic gap between the high level business
domain concepts and the code level.
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