Power Point document is then indexed with standard
methodologies to be available for a search engine.
This solution is nontrivial, but it is a first attempt to
solve this complex problem for a real case study
where a positive judgement from users has been
obtained. In fact, this solution has been tested with
Enel SpA energy company, where encouraging
preliminary results have been obtained. The scenario
considered is a call center, where a technician has to
identify the right content in a few minutes during
telephone assistance. At the moment, we have
conducted some interviews with technicians who are
using the new service that implements our solution,
receiving positive feedback. In the future, we are
planning to validate the preliminary positive
feedback with robust analysis.
The work presented in this position paper could
open a debate in order to establish new
methodologies aimed at solving the problem related
to the automatic definition of a structure from
documents made up of short textual descriptions,
titles, images, etc. The difficulties arise when the
standard approaches (based on the frequency of text
analysis or based on LDA/LSA methods) presented
in the literature are not efficient for this specific
task. A discussion to improve the preliminary
attempt presented in this position paper that is based
on a specific syntax to annotate this particular type
of documents could stimulate the definition of new
This paper was written within the Enel SpA Project,
and we wish to thank all the people who worked
with us on the development of the software.
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