Multi-dimensional Goal Refinement
in Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering
Wataru Inoue
, Shinpei Hayashi
, Haruhiko Kaiya
and Motoshi Saeki
Department of Computer Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ookayama 2–12–1, Meguro-ku, 152–8552, Tokyo, Japan
Department of Information Sciences, Kanagawa University, Tsuchiya 2946, Hiratsuka, 259–1293, Kanagawa, Japan
Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering, Concern, Multi-Dimensional Space.
In this paper, we propose a multi-dimensional extension of goal graphs in goal-oriented requirements engi-
neering in order to support the understanding the relations between goals, i.e., goal refinements. Goals specify
multiple concerns such as functions, strategies, and non-functions, and they are refined into sub goals from
mixed views of these concerns. This intermixture of concerns in goals makes it difficult for a requirements
analyst to understand and maintain goal graphs. In our approach, a goal graph is put in a multi-dimensional
space, a concern corresponds to a coordinate axis in this space, and goals are refined into sub goals referring
to the coordinates. Thus, the meaning of a goal refinement is explicitly provided by means of the coordinates
used for the refinement. By tracing and focusing on the coordinates of goals, requirements analysts can un-
derstand goal refinements and modify unsuitable ones. We have developed a supporting tool and made an
exploratory experiment to evaluate the usefulness of our approach.
In informationsystems development,it is necessary to
clarify causality relationships between organizational
goals and requirements to information systems, e.g.,
how and which organizational goals requirement to
an information system resulted from. These causality
relationships are very significant to verify if the in-
formation systems can satisfy real customers’ needs.
For example, Gulla analyzed system development
projects whose delivery dates were delayed (Gulla,
2004) and found that they were re-enacted again. In
these projects, the requirements related to the achieve-
ment of customers’ strategy were not sufficiently an-
alyzed, and as a result, the customers’ needs were not
satisfied. Thus, we need a technique to keep trace-
ability links between various types of goals such as
strategic goals and functional goals during a require-
ments elicitation phase.
Goal-oriented requirements engineering (GORE)
is one of the promising approaches, and in this ap-
proach, elicited requirements and their relationships
are represented with a graph, called goal graph (van
Lamsweerde, 2009). We can reason about how a goal
is derived by means of tracing the edges incoming to
and outgoing from it. However, as elicited require-
ments are increasing more and more in a goal graph,
it is more difficult to analyze them using the graph
because the numbers of the goals and their relation-
ships are larger. As a result, the structure of the goal
graph is more complicated. A case study of analyz-
ing a large-scale system was reported where goals
exceeded more than 500 in a goal graph (van Lam-
sweerde, 2009). The complicated graph results in
the difficulties of analyzing it, especially of finding
specific goals and of tracing their relationships to the
other goals such as their parent and/or sub goals. As a
result, maintaining the goal graph can be error-prone
tasks for human analysts. In addition to the larger
number of goals and edges, goal refinements cause
the difficulties in maintaining the goal graph.
A (parent) goal is refined into the sub goals that
contribute to its achievement. More precisely, the
achievement of the parent goal is a logical entailment
of its sub goals’ achievement from logical view (My-
lopoulos et al., 1992; Giorgini et al., 2002; van Lam-
sweerde, 2001), i.e., if the achievement of the sub
goals holds, that of the parent goal also holds. This
rule on the logical entailment of goal achievement
dominates the formal meaning of goal refinements.
Although some techniques propose the patterns of
goal refinements such as Divide-and-Conquer and
Guard-Introduction(van Lamsweerde, 2009), most of
them are based on logical entailment. For require-
Inoue W., Hayashi S., Kaiya H. and Saeki M..
Multi-dimensional Goal Refinement in Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering.
DOI: 10.5220/0005499301850195
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (ICSOFT-EA-2015), pages 185-195
ISBN: 978-989-758-114-4
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ments analysts as practitioners, they refine goals into
sub goals from various views not only from the view
of logical entailment. In some cases, analysts may
refine a goal into actions or tasks that can realize its
achievement, and in other cases they may do the goal
into the conditions or constraints that should hold for
achieving it. The former case is based on operational
view of goal refinements, i.e., a sequence of actions or
tasks is necessary to be executed for the achievement
of the goal, and the latter is on a logical view of the
conditions or assumptions of the goal. The wide va-
riety of goal refinement views causes the difficulties
in analysts’ constructing and/or maintaining a goal
graph. To use GORE practically, it is necessary for
analysts to understand goal refinements well (Munro
et al., 2011).
The paper proposes a technique to classify goal
refinement views and show them for analysts so as to
understand the goal graph easily. The basic idea of
our approach is the usage of the concept of a multi-
dimensional space. In our approach, a goal graph
is put in a multi-dimensional space, a concern of re-
quirements analysts corresponds to a coordinate axis
in this space, and goals are refined into sub goals re-
ferring to the coordinates. Thus, the meaning of goal
refinements is explicitly provided by means of the co-
ordinates used for the refinements. By tracing and
focusing on the coordinates of goals, requirements
analysts can understand goal refinements and further-
more correct unsuitable ones.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2, we show a motivating example and clarify
where our problem to be solved is. Section 3 presents
our approach and in Section 4, we show the support-
ing tool based on our approach. We assess our ap-
proach with an experiment and discuss its effective-
ness based on the experimental results in Section 5.
Sections 6 and 7 are for related work and concluding
In GORE, the customers’ and users’ abstract needs
can be considered as goals to be achieved and the
goals are decomposed or refined into more concrete
sub goals. The achievement of the sub goals con-
tributes to the achievement of their parent goals. We
have two types of goal refinement; one is AND refine-
ment, and the other is OR. In AND refinement, if all
of the sub goals are achieved, their parent goal can be
achieved, while in OR refinement, the achievement of
at least one sub goal leads to the achievement of its
parent goal. The meaning of refinement is “logical
: Coordinate supply chain
participants via data network
linking them
: Deliver stock to franchise
stores just-in-time
: Send product orders to
: Send shipping requests to
delivery center
Figure 1: Part of a goal graph in B-SCP: Excerpt from
(Bleistein et al., 2006).
entailment” only.
Figure 1 illustrates a part of the goal graph ex-
cerpted from (Bleistein et al., 2006), which was the
result of analyzing the business strategy of Seven
Eleven Japan (Makino and Suzuki, 1997). In the fig-
ure, rounded boxes and arrows stand for goals and
goal refinements, respectively. For example, the goal
is refined into sub goals n
and n
in OR refine-
ment. Considering the meaning of these goals, their
goal refinement is not easy to understand underlying
ideas on how these sub goals n
, n
, and n
had been
derived from the root goal n
. The goal n
fies stock delivery just-in-time, and it includes both
a functional aspect (stock delivery) and a strategic
one (just-in-time)
. Its direct sub goal n
ing the coordination of supply chain contributes to
the achievement of the strategic aspect of n
, just-in-
timeliness of stock delivery, but less contributes to its
functional aspect, i.e., stock delivery. Rather, n
, which are direct sub goals of n
not n
, seem to
directly contribute to the achievement to the stock de-
livery of n
. It can be considered that the refinement
of n
to n
is done based on a strategic aspect, and on
the other hand, the refinement of n
to n
and n
on functional aspect of n
, not of n
. Thus, n
and n
are not so suitable as the result of refining directly the
goal n
, rather it is better to consider that the goal n
directly refined into them followinga functional view-
point. The point is that this example includes mixed
views of a goal refinement, strategic view, and func-
tional view in a plane goal graph. More concretely,
goals derived from multiple views are intermixed in
the same graph, and this intermixture leads the dif-
ficulty of understanding and furthermore maintaining
the goal graph.
We call the aspects that a goal specifies and that a
requirements analyst has an interest for his/her analy-
sis concerns, and the analyst refines the goal into its
sub goals from the view of these concerns. The goal
Here, we regard the constraints of goals as strategic.
Figure 2: Goals in a multi-dimensional space.
refinements based on these concerns are more natu-
ral for human analysts rather than based on the view
of logical entailment. A goal specifies more than one
concern as shown in the goal n
, and a requirements
analysts try to refine it into sub goals from the view of
its concerns. Suppose that the analyst refines the goal
directly into n
and n
from the view of a func-
tional concern and into n
from the view of a strategic
concern. The resulting goal graph includes two types
of goal refinement, and as a result, it is difficult to
understand the meaning of the relationships between
the parent goal n
and its sub goals (n
, n
, and n
because of the intermixture of goal refinement having
different meaning. This paper addresses this problem,
and the next section presents how to tackle it.
3.1 Basic Idea
The problem that we address in this paper is the in-
termixture of multiple goal refinements based on the
concerns related to information systems development.
We adopt the idea of multi-dimensional spaces for ad-
dressing this problem. In this space, we can consider
that a goal is put as a point, and a dimensional axis
stands for the concern of a goal refinement. In our
technique, we construct and maintain a goal graph
whose goals are projected to the multi-dimensional
space, and we concentrate on goal refinements for
a single concern by tracing them along the corre-
sponding coordinate axis. That is to say, each co-
ordinate corresponds to a concern. The aim of our
work is to develop the supporting technique to main-
tain goal graphs, especially to understand the rela-
tionships among goals through the meaning of goal
refinements. Figure 2 illustrates the overview of this
idea. This is a three-dimensional space, and it has
three coordinate axes; function, strategy, and non-
function. Suppose that a goal is refined into a sub goal
from the view of a strategy concern. This sub goal is
located in a vertical direction of its parent goal.
3.2 Coordinate of Goals
As mentioned above, since a goal in a goal graph
is a point having multiple coordinates in a multi-
dimensional space, and each coordinate corresponds
to a concern, the coordinate of a goal means what con-
cern the goal specifies. As shown in Figure 3(a), the
goals of the motivating example in Figure 1 can have
two coordinates: a function concern and a strategy
one. Thus, this goal is projected to a two-dimensional
space whose axes are Function and Strategy. Since
specifies these two concerns, on one hand, we set
its coordinate value to be hfunction, strategyi. On the
other hand, n
specifies only one concern, i.e., strat-
egy, and so its value is h−, strategyi. The value “–”
denotes a null value, and it means that the goal does
not specify the corresponding coordinate. The coor-
dinates are similar to the attributes or semantic tags
attached to goals (Tanabe et al., 2008; Saeki et al.,
2009; Hayashi et al., 2012).
Our approach has three beneficial points to sup-
port maintaining goal graphs. The first one is that we
can reason about the meaning of goal refinements and
can understand how sub goals are derived. For exam-
ple, the refinement from n
into n
has a meaning of
the refinement of the strategy “just-in-time” because
both of these goals have a strategy concern. If a re-
quirements analyst tries to focus on a strategy con-
cern, he/she can trace the goals having a coordinate
“strategy” and their refinements. As a result, he/she
can understand why and how the strategic goals were
derived while constructing the goal graph. We can
classify the meaning of goal refinements as follows,
and this clarification is useful to reason about how
goals specifying a certain concern are derived.
A parent: strategy, a sub goal: strategy
The parent goal is divided or refined into a
more concrete strategy denoted by the sub goal.
A parent: strategy, a sub goal: function
The sub goal is a function or an operation to
realize the strategy denoted by the parent goal.
A parent: function, a sub goal: strategy
The sub goal is a strategy to implement the
function denoted by the parent goal.
A parent: function, a sub goal: function
The function denoted by the parent goal has
the sub-function denoted by the sub goal.
In the first category of the above classification, if both
a parent and a sub goal specify a strategic concern, the
parent goal is divided or refined into the strategy de-
noted by the sub goal. By reading these meaning de-
: Coordinate supply chain
participants via data network
linking them
: Deliver stock to franchise
stores just-in-time
: Send product orders to
: Send shipping requests to
delivery center
<function, strategy>
<–, strategy>
<function, –> <function, –>
: Coordinate supply chain
participants via data network
linking them
: Deliver stock to franchise
stores just-in-time
: Send product orders to
: Send shipping requests to
delivery center
<function, strategy>
<–, strategy>
<function, –>
<function, –>
(a) Coordinates of goals. (b) Modifying the goal refinement.
Figure 3: Coordinates of the motivating example.
<function, strategy>
<function, –>
<function, –>
<function, strategy>
<function, –>
<function, –>
strategy concern
Figure 4: Focusing on a concern.
scriptions on tracing a sequence of goal refinements, a
requirements analyst can reason about the derivation
process of the related goals.
The second benefit is to support the detection of
unsuitable goal refinements in a goal graph as shown
in Figure 1. Suppose that we have the rule of goal
refinement A goal should be refined into sub goals
from the view of at least one of the concerns that
it specifies”. In a multi-dimensional space, this rule
can be translated into “The coordinates that are a null
value at a parent goal should be a null value at its sub
goals”. Figure 3(a) violates this rule at the refinement
from n
into n
and n
, because the coordinate Func-
tion has a null at n
while its value is neither null at n
nor at n
. Thus, we can obtain the modified version
as shown in Figure 3(b) by letting n
and n
be direct
sub goals of n
. This approach allows us to automate
detecting the occurrences of semantically unsuitable
goal refinements. Note that this rule is an extreme but
comprehensive example. We used it only for the ex-
planation of the second benefit.
The third beneficial point is the mechanism to fil-
ter out the goals specifying irrelevant concerns, i.e.,
the goals that a requirements analyst has less interest
in can be hidden. For a human analyst, it is difficult to
analyze a goal graph recognizing many types of con-
cerns at the same time, especially in the case when
the graph is larger and more complicated. The analyst
can select a small number of the concerns that he/she
wants to focus on at first. Figure 4 illustrates hiding
a strategy concern from the motivating example. As a
result, the analyst can devote himself/herself to focus-
ing on goals and their refinements from the viewpoint
of a function concern.
We can summarize the beneficial points to im-
prove the existing GORE approach by using our ap-
proach as follows:
1. understandability on why and how sub goals are
derived by clarifying the meaning of goal refine-
2. detectability of unsuitable goal refinements by
considering coordinates of goals, and
3. easiness to analyze goal graphs by reducing their
size by means of hiding the goals having less in-
teresting concerns.
3.3 Applying Our Approach
In this subsection, we mention how to apply our ap-
proach to GORE. There are two alternatives to apply
it. The first alternative is its application to the con-
struction of a goal graph specifying no unsuitable goal
refinements. A requirements analyst decides what
concerns he/she has an interest and then starts con-
structing a goal graph. While constructing the graph,
the analyst can find and add new concerns that he/she
must consider. He/she considers what concerns that a
Figure 5: Screenshot of the supporting tool.
goal represents and attaches the suitable correspond-
ing concerns to it. The attached coordinates play a
role of the guideline on goal refinements. Suppose
that a requirements analyst has a goal n
shown in
Figure 3 and that he/she focuses on a function con-
cern and a strategy one. The analyst recognizes that
has both of function and strategy concerns and for
each concern, the analyst tries to decompose n
sub goals. As a result, as shown in Figure 3(b), the
analyst refines n
into n
and n
from the viewpoint
of a function concern, while into n
from a strategy
The second alternativeis the application of our ap-
proach to already constructed goal graphs. A require-
ment analyst has constructed a goal graph by using
the existing technique such as KAOS, the strategic ra-
tionale model in i*, or AGORA, and then he/she iden-
tifies what concerns each goal in the graph has. After
finishing the attachment of corresponding coordinates
to the goals, the analyst checks the suitability of goal
refinements and improves them by changing sub goals
or adding new sub goals if any unsuitability exists.
To understand the goal graph for maintaining it, the
analyst can trace the goal graph along a goal refine-
ment of a certain concern. In addition, the analyst can
remove goals having the other concerns from his/her
view. These supports result from the three beneficial
points mentioned in the previous subsection.
We have implemented a tool for supporting our ap-
proach by using an AGORA tool that had been devel-
oped before by the authors’ group (Saeki et al., 2009).
Figure 5 illustrates the screenshot for editing a goal
graph. The example goal graph shown in this screen-
shot is the same as the one shown in Figure 3(a). The
following is a list of the functions of this tool.
1. Getting a coordinate definition file: Before
starting and/or while constructing a goal graph, a
requirements analyst can define new coordinates.
The tool can obtain a file having information on
the coordinates that the analyst (also the tool user)
newly defines in XML form. The definition of a
coordinate includes the name of the coordinate,
new goal refinement rules in which the coordinate
participate, and semantic information on the goal
refinements related to the coordinate. The refine-
ment rules are represented in a matrix form whose
entries are suitable goal refinements, and are used
to detect the occurrences of unsuitable goal re-
finements. The semantic information is written
in text and presents the explanations of the goal
refinements as shown in the previous section. It
is shown to an analyst and useful for him/her to
understand how the corresponding sub goals have
been derived.
2. Attaching coordinates to a goal and displaying
them: An analyst selects a goal that he/she tries
to attach coordinates, i.e., concerns, by clicking
it with a pointing device and chooses suitable co-
ordinates from a pop-up menu. In the screen of
the tool, coordinates are differentiated by color-
ing a goal. For example, a function, a strategy,
and a non-function coordinate are respectively as-
signed to red, green, and blue, and goals having
these coordinates are colored following this color
assignment. Like the goal n
having function and
strategy concerns, it is colored with yellow, which
is the mixture of red and green.
3. Hiding goals: When an analyst selects the con-
cerns that he/she likes or does not like to focus on,
the tool displays the goals specifying the selected
concerns or not specifying them.
4. Showing semantic information of a goal refine-
ment: See the Properties tab in the bottom screen
of Figure 5. This tab is for the area where the
meaning of the selected goal refinements is dis-
played in a textual form. More precisely, when an
analyst points a goal, the tool displays the mean-
ing of its refinement to sub goals and their con-
tents in a tree form. In the figure, the analyst
points the goal n
, and the tool shows the meaning
of the refinements to n
and n
“[parent strategy]
is realized by [sub function(s)]”. This means that
strategy n
is realized by sub function(s) n
, etc.
The analyst considers if the strategy “Coordinate
supply chain participants via data network link-
ing them (n
) can be realized by “Send product
orders to suppliers” (n
) or not. Perhaps, he/she
may be doubtful for this refinement and consider
that it is not sufficient from the view of realizing
a strategy by functions. In this way, considering
the meaning of goal refinements, the analyst may
also find an unsuitable goal refinement.
Subject Subject
Goal Graph
1. Explanation
2. Solving questions
3. Solving questions
using the tool
Response time
+ Questions
Goal Graph
+ Questions
Response time
Figure 6: Experiment.
As mentioned in Section 3, our approach and tool
have three beneficial points:
understandability on why and how sub goals are
derived by clarifying the meaning of goal decom-
detectability of unsuitable goal decompositionsby
checking coordinates of goals, and
easiness to analyze goal graphs by reducing their
size by means of hiding the goals having less in-
teresting concerns.
In this section, we made an experiment to assess if
these beneficial points are obtained or not. The main
results of this experiment are shown in Table 1, which
is explained later.
5.1 Procedure
The aim of our experiment is to confirm that our
approach including the supporting tool can have the
above three beneficial points. To do, we made a com-
parative experiment with two settings; one is the situ-
ation that our subjects analyze goal graphs using the
existing technique, and the other is that they analyze
the goal graphs using the supporting tool. Their pro-
cesses and outcomes are compared. Figure 6 illus-
trates this experimental procedure. Our subjects were
provided with goal graphs and questions about them,
and they answered the questions by analyzing the goal
graphs. The subjects were grouped into two sets; one
is for the subjects who use the existing goal graph
editor such as (Saeki et al., 2009), and the other is
for the subjects who use our tool mentioned in Sec-
tion 4. Subjects made answers to the several ques-
tions related to sample goal graphs that might include
unsuitable goal decompositions. We observed their
answering processes and their resulting answers and
extracted the following information.
1. The numbers of wrong answers and missing an-
swers: We checked if the answers of a subject
using our approach included wrong answers and
missing ones less than those of a subject not using
our approach.
2. The time spent in making answers (response
time): We measured the time when a subject spent
in making answers. This is for checking if our
subjects could reduce their efforts or not.
We made questions to observe and evaluate the
following items;
Item (a) our subjects can understand goal decom-
Item (b) our subjects can detect unsuitable goal de-
compositions, and
Item (c) our subjects can focus on goals having a
certain concern.
We designed three types of questions to obtain the
information on the above items from our subjects as
Question Type 1 (QT 1): Selecting goals having
the specific roles on deriving the given goals.
Given two goals that are connected in a goal
graph, a subject is required to identify the goals
having specific roles on deriving these given two
goals. Since the given two goals, letting a descen-
dant goal and its ancestor be n
and n
tively, are connected, one goal n
is transitively
derived from the other goal n
. There are goals on
the path between n
and n
that more contribute
to the derivation of n
from n
based on a certain
concern. The subjects were asked to look for such
goals as these. To find them correctly, the subjects
should understand the derivation process from n
to n
, i.e., how and why n
is derivedfrom n
a view of a certain concern. The example of the
question of this type is “Goal n
can contribute to
the achievement Goal n
. Which can goals on the
path between n
and n
play a role of Function for
their achievement?”.
Question Type 2 (QT 2): Identify goals decom-
positions to be modified. We gave goal graphs
of lower quality that had been artificially gener-
ated and asked our subjects to find the goal de-
compositions to be modified. To generate the goal
graphs of lower quality, we picked up original
goal graphs whose quality was high, and dete-
riorate them by reconnecting some of sub goals
to wrong parent goals so that we got goal graphs
having unsuitable goal refinements. See Figure 7.
Given the produced unsuitable goal graphs, a sub-
ject is required to identify unsuitable goal refine-
Figure 7: Modifying edges in a goal.
Question Type 3 (QT 3): Identifying insuffi-
cient derivation of sub goals from a certain
concern. Given a certain coordinate and a goal
having it, a subject is required to check if there
exist the goals that contribute to the given goal
from the view of the other relevant coordinates,
or not. The example of the question of this type
is “Where are the goals having the concern Non-
Function whose their achievement as Function are
not considered, if any?” In a completed goal
graph, the goals representing non-functional re-
quirements should be finally refined into sub goals
that denote the functions to implement these non-
functional requirements. If these sub goals do not
exist yet in a goal graph, the goals of the non-
functional requirements should be analyzed and
refined further. This type of questions is for the
subjects to select the goals necessary to be ana-
lyzed and refined further.
These types of questions correspond to the obser-
vation Items (a), (b), and (c) mentioned above. For
example, to answer QT 1 correctly, a subject should
understand the meaning of goal decompositions be-
tween the given two goals, e.g., the goal n
and n
the example question. We prepared 3, 1, and 2 ques-
tions for QT 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Some of the
questions correspond to multiple solutions. For exam-
ple, the question of QT 2 for each graph correspond
to 8 solution goals.
In our experiments, we use three coordinates:
function, non-function, and strategy. Note that we
did not use goal decomposition rules, i.e., any co-
ordinate combination was allowable in this example,
and we made the textual explanations of the mean-
ing of 9 (= 3 coordinates× 3) types of goal decom-
positions. The textual explanations of the meaning of
decomposing a strategy concern into a function con-
cern are displayed to our subjects on the screen of
the tool, as shown in Section 4. The reason we did
not use the rules is as follows. It is obvious that our
tool can detect the violation of the rules in an instant,
and the comparison of correct answers and answer-
ing time is not so meaningful. Rather, we would like
to show our semantic information of goal decompo-
sitions can contribute to detecting unsuitable goal de-
compositions as well.
Table 1: Average of correct and wrong answers.
Correct Wrong Missing Correct Wrong Missing
QT 1
No support
2.5 2.5 0.5 1 3.5 2
Our approach
2.5 1 0.5 3 4.5 0
QT 2
No support
3 0 5 3 0 5
Our approach 3.5 0 4.5 3.5 0 4.5
QT 3
No support
2 1 3 1 2 2
Our approach 5 1 0 3 3 0
Table 2: Details of used goal graphs.
# goals 50 50
# functions 26 22
# non-functions 11 15
# strategies 15 16
# edges 61 60
Table 3: Goal graphs that subjects used.
No support Our Approach
Subject A G
Subject B G
Subject C G
Subject D G
We used two goal graphs G
and G
. G
for the strategies of Seven Eleven in Japan (Makino
and Suzuki, 1997), and G
is for an information
system where university students apply for class cred-
its. Table 2 shows their size such as the numbers of
goals, edges and the occurrences of coordinates. For
example, the graph G
had 50 goals and 61 edges,
and function coordinate was attached to 26 goals out
of the 50 ones.
We had four student subjects of the computer sci-
ence department who had learned requirements en-
gineering. All of them had experiences in develop-
ing information systems, but were not expertized to
requirements analysis techniques. Thus, as shown
in Figure 6, we gave the subjects a short lecture of
GORE and the existing goal graph editor, which had
no support of our approach and our tool in 20 min.
They tried out these tools in this lecture. Table 3
shows the assignment of the goal graphs G
to the subjects. For example, Subject A ana-
lyzed G
with the existing goal graph editor and
with our tool, i.e., he/she proceeded the step 2
with G
and the step 3 with G
. We use the term
“No support” to express the group of the subjects who
did not use our tool but the existing goal graph editor.
Table 4: Average time spent in answering.
QT 1
No support 2’48” 1’44”
Our approach 2’39” 2’16”
QT 2
No support 10’15 10’34
Our approach 10’47” 10’44”
QT 3
No support 3’14” 4’44”
Our approach 3’31” 3’59”
5.2 Results
Table 1 shows the results of the subjects’ answers.
The numerals of the table represent the average num-
bers of correct answers, wrong answers, and missing
answers over the four subjects. In the case where a
subject did not find a correct answer, we count it as
a missing answer. Suppose that a goal n is one of
the correct answers. If a subject answered as n, we
count this answer as a correct one in the table. On the
other hand, if he/she did not, we count it as a missing
answer, but if he/she did the different goal n
, it is a
wrong answer. In the example of QT 1 and the goal
, each subject answered three questions, and two
subjects of four used our approach. The total num-
ber of real correct answers to these questions was just
3. Subject A answered the three questions correctly,
i.e., he/she could find all three goals that were cor-
rect answers to the questions. However, Subject B
listed four goals as his/her answers, and two of the
four were correct. He/she identified two wrong goals
and missed one real correct goal. For the two subjects
using our approach, 2.5 in average were correct one,
and they selected one wrong answer and missed 0.5
correct answers in average.
Table 4 shows the average time spent on subjects’
answering the questions. In the example of the graph
and QT 1, the average time of the subjects was
2 min 48 sec.
5.3 Discussion
According to the experimental results, we can con-
sider that our approachallows to prevent requirements
analysts from missing the goals necessary to under-
stand goal decompositions from the viewpoint of a
certain concern. In QT 1 to the graph G
of Table 1,
our approach was successful in reducing missing an-
swers at two and increasing correct answers. How-
ever, for G
we could not observe the same result, so
we need more experiments and investigations further.
In addition, we could not observe considerable differ-
ences on wrong answers between no support and our
approach, so we cannot conclude that our approach
reduced misunderstanding of goal decompositions.
As for detectability of unsuitable goal decompo-
sitions, we could not obtain positive results. consider
that our approach might be useful to reduce the ef-
forts of our subjects because the time spent in finding
the unsuitable goal decompositions was decreasing.
See the column QT 2 of Table 4. Our subjects using
the tool could reduce their average times of G
at only 32 and 10 sec respectively, and we could
not conclude that the difference is enough large. Also,
in QT 1 and QT 3, we could not obtain the evidence
of the benefits of our approach. Rather, in these cases
the time spent in making answers was increasing. The
manipulation time of our tool, e.g., the manipulation
time for retrieving the goals having specific coordi-
nates, might cause additional time. As a goal graph to
be analyzed is larger and more complicated, we might
obtain clearer results.
Let us turn back to Table 1 and see the column of
QT 3. For the subjects using our tool, the number of
missing correct answers was reduced at 3 in G
2 in G
respectively, and the correct answers were
increasing. Thus, we can conclude that our approach
reduced missing the goals necessary to be analyzed.
To sum up, our approach has possibilities of pre-
venting analysts from missing goal decompositions
to be recognized and goals to be analyzed. Regard-
ing the reduction of the efforts in detecting unsuitable
goal decompositions in a goal graph, the new usages
of the tool might be the obstacle to detecting such de-
compositions quickly.
5.4 Threats to Validity
5.4.1 External Validity
External validity is related to generalization of our ex-
perimental results. We used students as subjects of
the experiment, and in this sense, it may be doubtful
whether the experimental results can hold in practi-
tioners. However, our subjects had been involved in
practical projects and had experiences in system de-
velopment. Although they were not practitioners of
requirements analysis or GORE, they took lectures
related to requirements engineering. Thus, although
experiments for practitioners may be necessary, we
do not consider that experimental results extremely
different. In addition, the two goal graphs and the
concerns that we used are limited. The domain of
the goal graphs was business application. We need to
make experiments using goal graphs in differentprob-
lem domains and different concerns. In particular, we
consider concerns more than three: Function, Strat-
egy, and Non-Function. Interrelated concerns and the
larger number of them may result in more positive ef-
fects of our approach.
5.4.2 Internal Validity
It may be a problem that the questions that we made
really reflect on the items to be evaluated. For ex-
ample, we made a question like “Where are the
goals having the concern Non-Function whose their
achievement as Function are not considered? to
check if the subjects could identify insufficient goal
decompositions or not. Suppose that we have a goal
having a Non-Function concern and that it should
be achieved. The Non-Function concern should be
implemented by functions in an information system,
so the goal graph should include some goals having
a Function concern that can contribute to the Non-
Function goal. If this kind of a Function goal does not
exist, the goal decomposition can be insufficient, and
we should add sub goals having Function concern to
achieve the Non-Function goal. To identify these in-
sufficient decompositions, the subjects should under-
stand the meaning of goal decompositions in the goal
graph well. Thus, the question can contribute to eval-
uating Item (c) (our subjects can understand goal de-
compositions) mentioned in Section 5.1. In this way,
we designed the questions carefully, but we do not
consider that the used questions can cover all the as-
pects of the items to be evaluated. Thus, we should
consider wide varieties of questions that cover more
aspects of the evaluation items in further experiments.
5.4.3 Construct Validity
Our experiment was based on a comparative way, i.e.,
we have two experiments where only one factor is dif-
ferent from them. This factor is the usage of the sup-
porting tool for our approach, and the other factors
such as the characteristics of subjects should be the
same in the two experiments. Construct validity guar-
antees that nothing but the difference of this factor
causes the experimental results. We chose the sub-
jects who had the same experiences and skills as pru-
dently as possible. We used two tools having editing
functions of goal graphs. One is the AGORA edi-
tor (Saeki et al., 2009) as the tool having no functions
of our approach. The other is the tool supporting our
approach and is an extended version of AGORA edi-
tor. That is to say, two tools have the same user inter-
face and the functions except for the functions related
to coordinates. Thus, we do not consider there are
any effects of the experimental results caused by the
differences on the tools.
The idea of modeling intermixture of concerns with
a multi-dimensional space is not new. Tarr et al. pro-
posed a technique to manage software documents by
separating them from the multiple viewpoints based
on concerns (Tarr et al., 1999). The hierarchical struc-
ture of a document along a concern corresponds to
a coordinate axis of the space. Our approach is the
extension of this basic idea to goal graphs. Mor-
eira et al. developed a technique of handling multi-
ple concerns to analyze cross-cutting functional re-
quirements (Moreira et al., 2005). In their approach,
concerns are separated into coordinates in a multi-
dimensional space and the relationships among the
concerns are defined. These relationships are helpful
to understand cross-cutting functional requirements.
Their aim and concrete approach are similar to ours.
However, it applied to XML documents, not goal
graphs. Rather, they tried to support the selection
of software architectures to implement the functional
requirements. Giorgini et al. introduced the concept
of dimension into Tropos method in order to model
data warehouse systems (Giorgini et al., 2005). In
their method, a dimension is attached to a goal, and
it looks like a check item that is necessary to confirm
the achievement of the goal. Thus, the definition and
usage of a dimension concept are different from ours.
Rather, they set up two perspectives for modeling: or-
ganizational perspectiveand decisional one, and these
perspectives are conceptually closer to the idea of our
coordinates. i* approach adopts different notations of
graph nodes, e.g., Hard Goal, Soft Goal, Task, and
Resource (Yu, 1997). It may be useful for require-
ments analysts to understand the meaning of goal re-
finements, e.g., they can understand that the refine-
ment from a soft goal to tasks via Means-End links
expresses the implementation of the soft goal. How-
ever, in this approach varieties of notation are limited,
and the goals derived from multiple concerns cannot
be handled. In addition, it is difficult for human ana-
lysts to understand at a glance the underlying various
intents of goal refinement. In i* and NFR, it is also
possible to tag goals, e.g., via contribution links to
soft goals. However, our approach can use varieties
of semantic tags as coordinates, and furthermore re-
quirements analysts can individually define them.
Similarity to the proposed approach, our previous
work (Tanabe et al., 2008; Hayashi et al., 2012) can
handle semantic information to goals. Although this
approach aims to support the change impact analysis
of a goal graph, the proposed approach aims to obtain
the goal refinement of higher quality.
This paper addresses the problem of the intermixture
of goals specifying various concerns in a goal graph
so as to make it difficult to understand the goal graph,
especially goal refinements. Our approach is to adopt
the idea of a multi-dimensional space, and we con-
sider a concern as a coordinate. Goals are refined
along the directions of coordinate axes. We provide
the meaning of a goal refinement based on a coordi-
nate axis, i.e., thecombinations of the coordinates of a
parent goal and those of a sub goal. Furthermore, we
developeda supporting tool, where a requirements an-
alyst can define his/her interesting concerns as coor-
dinates. The tool also has functions for displaying the
meaning of goal refinements, of retrieving goals hav-
ing a specific concern, of hiding the goals having ir-
relevant concerns, etc. These functions are embedded
to the existing goal graph editor AGORA as a plug-
in. Although our experimental results did not show
positive observations for all beneficial points that we
expected, some of them were observed.
Our future work can be listed up as follows:
More Case Studies. As future work, we have to
make more experiments using various problem
domains, more concerns, and practitioners.
Formalism. The proposed multi-dimensional space
is defined in an informal way in this paper. We
can clearly define the target models by providing
the extended meta model of our goal graph.
Improving the Usability of the Tool. When the
number of coordinates would increase, the usabil-
ity of the technique might decrease because the
effects of hiding and showing goals become large.
A further technique to visualize and analyze a
goal graph on many-dimensional space should be
considered in the future.
Using Different Types of Concerns. Using new
types of concerns can be used in our multi-
dimensional technique. For example, some
quality attributes of goals, such as performance
or security (Tanabe et al., 2008), can also be
regarded as the concerns put on the proposed
multi-dimensional space. Moreover, we are also
able to regard the view from a stakeholder as a
specific concern.
Handling the Type of Refinements. Although we
adopted the three dimensions in this paper as an
example, our approach can handle with various
types of goal refinements such as causality rela-
tionship. Its reason is that an axis denotes an
atomic meaning of goal relationship on refine-
ment, and requirements analysts can define the
axes that they will use. Furthermore, by combin-
ing axes, we can express complex meaning of goal
relationships. It is also one of the future work to
illustrate this issues and to show an additional ef-
fectiveness of our approach.
This work was partly supported by JSPS Grants-
in-Aid for Scientific Research (#15K00088 and
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