causes the experimental results. We chose the sub-
jects who had the same experiences and skills as pru-
dently as possible. We used two tools having editing
functions of goal graphs. One is the AGORA edi-
tor (Saeki et al., 2009) as the tool having no functions
of our approach. The other is the tool supporting our
approach and is an extended version of AGORA edi-
tor. That is to say, two tools have the same user inter-
face and the functions except for the functions related
to coordinates. Thus, we do not consider there are
any effects of the experimental results caused by the
differences on the tools.
The idea of modeling intermixture of concerns with
a multi-dimensional space is not new. Tarr et al. pro-
posed a technique to manage software documents by
separating them from the multiple viewpoints based
on concerns (Tarr et al., 1999). The hierarchical struc-
ture of a document along a concern corresponds to
a coordinate axis of the space. Our approach is the
extension of this basic idea to goal graphs. Mor-
eira et al. developed a technique of handling multi-
ple concerns to analyze cross-cutting functional re-
quirements (Moreira et al., 2005). In their approach,
concerns are separated into coordinates in a multi-
dimensional space and the relationships among the
concerns are defined. These relationships are helpful
to understand cross-cutting functional requirements.
Their aim and concrete approach are similar to ours.
However, it applied to XML documents, not goal
graphs. Rather, they tried to support the selection
of software architectures to implement the functional
requirements. Giorgini et al. introduced the concept
of dimension into Tropos method in order to model
data warehouse systems (Giorgini et al., 2005). In
their method, a dimension is attached to a goal, and
it looks like a check item that is necessary to confirm
the achievement of the goal. Thus, the definition and
usage of a dimension concept are different from ours.
Rather, they set up two perspectives for modeling: or-
ganizational perspectiveand decisional one, and these
perspectives are conceptually closer to the idea of our
coordinates. i* approach adopts different notations of
graph nodes, e.g., Hard Goal, Soft Goal, Task, and
Resource (Yu, 1997). It may be useful for require-
ments analysts to understand the meaning of goal re-
finements, e.g., they can understand that the refine-
ment from a soft goal to tasks via Means-End links
expresses the implementation of the soft goal. How-
ever, in this approach varieties of notation are limited,
and the goals derived from multiple concerns cannot
be handled. In addition, it is difficult for human ana-
lysts to understand at a glance the underlying various
intents of goal refinement. In i* and NFR, it is also
possible to tag goals, e.g., via contribution links to
soft goals. However, our approach can use varieties
of semantic tags as coordinates, and furthermore re-
quirements analysts can individually define them.
Similarity to the proposed approach, our previous
work (Tanabe et al., 2008; Hayashi et al., 2012) can
handle semantic information to goals. Although this
approach aims to support the change impact analysis
of a goal graph, the proposed approach aims to obtain
the goal refinement of higher quality.
This paper addresses the problem of the intermixture
of goals specifying various concerns in a goal graph
so as to make it difficult to understand the goal graph,
especially goal refinements. Our approach is to adopt
the idea of a multi-dimensional space, and we con-
sider a concern as a coordinate. Goals are refined
along the directions of coordinate axes. We provide
the meaning of a goal refinement based on a coordi-
nate axis, i.e., thecombinations of the coordinates of a
parent goal and those of a sub goal. Furthermore, we
developeda supporting tool, where a requirements an-
alyst can define his/her interesting concerns as coor-
dinates. The tool also has functions for displaying the
meaning of goal refinements, of retrieving goals hav-
ing a specific concern, of hiding the goals having ir-
relevant concerns, etc. These functions are embedded
to the existing goal graph editor AGORA as a plug-
in. Although our experimental results did not show
positive observations for all beneficial points that we
expected, some of them were observed.
Our future work can be listed up as follows:
More Case Studies. As future work, we have to
make more experiments using various problem
domains, more concerns, and practitioners.
Formalism. The proposed multi-dimensional space
is defined in an informal way in this paper. We
can clearly define the target models by providing
the extended meta model of our goal graph.
Improving the Usability of the Tool. When the
number of coordinates would increase, the usabil-
ity of the technique might decrease because the
effects of hiding and showing goals become large.
A further technique to visualize and analyze a
goal graph on many-dimensional space should be
considered in the future.