implemented decisional process.
In this paper a methodological approach has been set
to customize the business modeling discipline in a
measurement-based context.
The RUP process has been tailored to this
purpose, leading us to the following main results:
identification and description of priority
metrological concepts useful for the business
modeling in a measurement-based context;
insertion of the Measurement Expert as a
crucial stakeholder in the business modeling
discipline carried out in the inception phase.
His role is different from a general Domain
Expert role;
insertion of a specific input document (the
Measurement core concept document)
supporting an efficient and effective sharing
of the measurement concepts with the
business modeling team.
These results represent an effective, even though
preliminary, contribution to an aware cooperation
among stakeholders involved in business modeling
of a measurement-based context. The improved
cooperation will contribute to a better interpretration
of the information deriving from measurement data.
The attention is paid to the inception phase so
far, nevertheless according to the proposed
methodological approach, the Measurement Expert
is also expected to give a contribution in the next
RUP phases: the elaboration, the construction and
the transition ones. Future work will focus on the
evaluation of these perspectives.
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