boxes (“is”, “of” and “expressing”)-. A Path must al-
ways be associated with a corresponding bibliograph-
ical Reference, so that the source of the information
can be traced down (in the example this is the ref-
erence labeled with the number 3). In addition, an
RCM allows to have Concepts to be organized in Lay-
ers (boxes with different shades of blue), so that the
creator of the diagram assigns degrees of relevance to
the Concepts, depending for example on the proxim-
ity of each concept in the map to the main concept
whose meaning he/she is attempting to clarify. All of
these features ensure that an RCM is a type of model
that can represent knowledge gathered from defini-
tions that are dispersed throughout multiple sources.
The RCMTool pursues three objectives. First, it
allows the management of bibliographical references.
These sources can be inserted manually, also through
files (in BIBT
X format) or through integration with
reference management tools like Mendeley. Sec-
ond, RCMTool facilitates the graphical representation
of definitions through paths. A Path can be manu-
ally constructed (graphically with building blocks of
RCM) or created in a semi-automated way by a re-
stricted natural language processing assistant. Finally,
the tool should allow collaborative use, enabling sev-
eral creators of an RCM to work on the same diagram
providing new definitions or references or improving
those already existing.
RCMTool is a web tool developed using consol-
idated technologies such as HTML5/CSS3, NodeJS,
JS, oAuth, and REST APIs. It uses Rappid (Client
IO, 2014), a toolkit for building interactive diagram-
ming applications, under an Academic User License.
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2
shows the related work. Sections 3 and 4 explain the
fundamentals and features of the tool. RCMTool at
work is shown in Section 5. The last section sets out
our conclusions and further work.
Various techniques for knowledge representation ex-
ist in the literature. Many of these techniques are
based on the graphical representation of ideas, con-
cepts, topics or terms (in many cases using graphs).
Topic Maps (Park and Hunting, 2003) and Mind
Maps (Buzan, 2006) are two cases in point. Mind
Maps has tools, such as FreeMind (FreeMind Dev.
Team, 2014) or XMind (XMind Ltd., 2014) that al-
low the computer-based creation of that kind of maps.
On the other hand, Concept Maps (Novak and Ca
2006) stands out for its extensive use. Concept Maps
were created by Novak, based on Ausubel’s theory of
meaningful learning (Ausubel, 1963; Ausubel et al.,
When developing modeling tasks, however, often
what is important is not only the representation of
knowledge but a strong consensus on the concepts and
terms used. This consensus facilitates the modeling
task since ambiguities and misunderstandings among
members of the development team are avoided. We
found that although it might be feasible to use Con-
cept Maps (or other techniques) in order to compare
and to present definitions in a compact way, none
of the existing techniques are perfectly suited to this
task. On the one hand, the goal of a Concept Map is
not to present definitions of concepts, but to represent
knowledge about concepts. On the other hand, a Con-
cept Map does not facilitate comparison of different
definitions available from various sources, nor does it
have a precise system for managing these sources.
Inspired by Concept Maps, the References-
enriched Concept Maps (RCM) tech-
nique (Rodriguez-Priego et al., 2013) has been
developed to include several features, mainly path
labeling and concept layering, which meet the needs
explained above. The RCM technique also includes
additional features to measure the complexity of
the included definitions and their relationship with
their corresponding references. These features allow
authorship attribution to be mantained. This infor-
mation, in turn, allows the RCM creator to consider
the relative weight of different definitions (e.g. a
definition included in an online encyclopaedia could
be considered less relevant than another included
in an article in a prestigious scientific journal),
representing a certain kind of knowledge modeling.
CMapTool is also of interest (Ca
nas et al., 2005).
It focuses on Concept Map, emphasizing its informa-
tion visualization features. This tool is not tailored
to the specific features of RCM. It allows the associ-
ation of information resources to concepts or linking
words on the map, thanks to which a Concept Map
can be used as a repository of information about a
certain topic. However, it does not allow the associa-
tion of resources to sequences of concepts and linking
phrases (paths). Since the above feature is not avail-
able in any system, yet of paramount importance, so
it has been necessary to develop a tool that realizes it.
The tool has been designed keeping in mind two
fundamental principles. Firstly it clearly distin-
guishes the graphical representation from the con-
ceptual model behind an RCM. In a similar way