NoSQL Storage for Configurable Information System
The Conceptual Model
Sergey Kucherov, Yuri Rogozov and Alexander Sviridov
Department of System Analysis and Telecommunications, Southern Federal University,
44 Nekrasovsky St., Taganrog, Russian Federation
Keywords: Data Storage, NoSQL, Configurable Information System.
Abstract: A basis for creation of configurable information systems and data warehousing for them is the using of a
single form of representation - base abstraction for action synthesis. The base abstraction for action
synthesis (BAfAS) involves a description of information system as an user's activity, rather than as
individual components. Configurable information system's data storage should be focused on storage not
isolated facts, but on types of user actions. Implementation of these action types in turn will lead to obtain
facts. Purpose of the paper is to propose the model of configurable information system's storage, which is
adequate to a model of the system and the conceptual model of storage described with NoSQL-technologies.
Be advised that papers in a technically unsuitable
form will be returned for retyping. After returned the
manuscript must be appropriately modified. The
transition to a new generation of information
systems (IS) (Rogozov and Degtyarev, 2014a) -
configurable IS (CoIS) (Garcia and Goldszmidt,
2007), differ both in architecture (Rogozov and
Degtyarev, 2013) and the principles of operation
(Sviridov, 2014), causes the appearance of another
data storing principles and ways of its
implementation (Kucherov, Rogozov and Sviridov,
Setting aside technical and methodological
features of development processes an IS can be
considered as a reflection of user actions performed
using other means, but with the same result
(Rogozov, 2013). We considered classical
approaches to a design of flexible software systems
(Rossi, Guevara and Enciso, 2010), and formulated
the following abstract scheme of an IS design
process from the "main abstraction" (Rogozov,
Sviridov and Belikov, 2013) viewpoint (Fig. 1).
Initial state of a domain is a performing certain
actions by user. First step in transition to an
information system is describing user actions in the
form of business process model that is fixing his
Figure 1: Abstract scheme of the classical IS design
Depending on design concepts representation of
business processes can vary, but in any case there is
the first step to avoiding the usual to an user "action"
abstraction. Next step is representation of a business
process as a set of abstractions describing an
information system, which is capable to performing
the process. Usually, the set abstractions at the
modelling stage is the structural (IDEF, DFD) or
object (UML) model. At the design and
implementation stage abstractions are interface,
business logic and data, which is absolutely not
comparable with user's "action" abstraction. Despite
the fact that as a result we change user action
(performed manually) to end-user action (performed
by an information system), the form of presentation
varies significantly. This variety creates a lot of
problems, and the main problem is misunderstanding
between an user and a developer. The reasons are
lies in application of classical analysis methods to
nonclassical problem for them (Lazarev, Rogozov
and Sviridov, 2014).
In our opinion, the only abstraction that can
Kucherov S., Rogozov Y. and Sviridov A..
NoSQL Storage for Configurable Information System - The Conceptual Model.
DOI: 10.5220/0005499802790287
In Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications (DATA-2015), pages 279-287
ISBN: 978-989-758-103-8
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
represent IS in adequate to a domain and to an user
form is the base abstraction for action synthesis
(BAfAS) (Rogozov, 2014a). BAfAS is the fixed set
of characteristics with variable content (Rogozov
and Sviridov, 2014a). Changing content determines
the assignment of actions, while the fixed structure
of an action representation (characteristics: element,
function, tool, result) allows to use one abstraction
throughout the process of creating an IS - from a
study of subject area, prior to an implementation and
an operation of the system (Rogozov and Sviridov,
2014b). This, in turn, will require different methods
of system analysis and synthesis based on the
"action" abstraction. The paper introduces the
concept of configurable information system's storage
based on the "action" abstraction and NoSQL
Configurable information system should
primarily provide the flexibility to customizing,
extending and changing functionality with minimal
effort (Kucherov, 2013). In this context, there is
necessity to shift from the traditional IS partitioning
to "interface", "business logic" and "data" to a
common base abstraction (Rogozov, 2014b). Base
abstraction should be the unified way of an IS
representation. For many years there was the
problem of misunderstanding between developer and
end-user (Kucherov, Lipko and Shevchenko, 2014),
caused by substitution of concepts in the
implementation of the system: the end-user requires
automation of specific actions or his entire activity,
while the developer operates mentioned above
aspects - "interface", "business logic", "data"
(Kucherov, 2013).
BAfAS allows to simulate the user activity, but
not parts of an information system, reproducing the
user's actions (as it does a lot of existing
methodologies). This is the principally new
viewpoint on information systems (Rogozov, 2013).
To describe an end-user's activity BAfAS uses a
simple set of characteristics - elements, functions,
tools and results. Regardless of the detalization level
this set stays fixed and represents the shape. Filling
the BAfAS shape with content (specification of
elements, functions, etc.) is a process of construction
an action. Actions could form the activity by general
characteristics, by binding through "result =
element" or by nesting in each other.
The task different from data storing is arising
(Kucherov, Samoylov and Grischenko, 2014). There
is necessity to storage of action types, filling content
and implementation of which will allow to obtain
traditional data facts (i.e. stored named values).
Action types and actions (as a reflection of the user
work with information system), always consist of a
fixed set of characteristics and have enhanced
binding possibilities (Kucherov, Sviridov and
Belousova, 2014) laid down in the BAfAS. The set
of stored action types and actions is not simply the
result of the user work with IS, but also the IS
configuration. Filling the structure of action type
with content is the process of configuring an IS.
Performing of action and remembering this process
is a reflection of the user work with IS. The
configurable information system's storage should
have the next number of new properties:
Shifting the focus in storage: key aspect is
action type (reflects configuration of the IS)
and the action itself (lead to obtain the fact),
not some fact taken separately (result of action);
Expansion of the connection's significance
between stored objects. In the classical
approach the relationship between instances of
stored data objects means their mutual
affiliation. In the case of storing actions
connection determines the sequence of steps in
automated end-user activity.
The possibility of using widespread data storage
technologies for obtaining of the above properties
requires analysis. In the paper we represent CoIS
storage concept that are based on the BAfAS and
NoSQL-technologies. The action storing model and
requirements to CoIS storage is formulated in the
first section. The second section presents the results
of data storage technologies analysis in case of their
application to solve described problem. The third
section describes a conceptual model of CoIS
The data model (the most close in meaning term)
includes three aspects (Codd, 1981) - data structure,
data manipulation rules and tools to ensure integrity.
At the stage of formulating action storage
conception in CoIS we will focus on the structural
aspect. The use of classical approaches for creating
configurable information systems invariably leads to
complication turnkey solutions from a technical
point of view (Shaw and Garian, 1996.). Despite the
apparent simplicity of operation configurable
systems, their support without the involvement of
technical experts is difficult.
Figure 2: Action type "calculation of the monthly wage of an employee".
One reason for the complexity of created
solutions is no single view (abstraction) on an IS.
Consequence of this is multiple interfaces to make
an adequate state of system components (e.g., ORM-
layer, resulting a relational database adequate to the
object model). The system should be presented in a
unified manner to resolve this issue. This manner
could be a base abstraction, which is a reflection of
user's actions. Base abstraction should be used to
present both logic of interaction with user, stored
action results and configuration of the system itself.
The actions that can be performed, but does not
include values of characteristics represent the system
configuration. Actions that have been performed
with certain values of characteristics - represent the
result of user work with the information system
(Rogozov, 2013).
Consequently, the model of action representation
in configurable information system, being adequate
to unified BAfAS model, should use the action as a
basic storage unit. From the structural aspect in the
model of action representation can be distinguished:
action type, action (performed), constant.
Action type is a reflection of the user's work unit,
expressed by:
used elements:
applied functions;
tool that regulates rules of applying functions to
the result that can be obtained by performing the
Result corresponds to the purpose of action
implementation. It should be noted that the action
type has only specified the expected outcome in the
form of performing goals, while the value of the
result appears after the action implementation.
Action type is the basic unit of storage and
representation in configurable information system.
An example of the user's action type can be
"calculation of the monthly wage of an employee"
(Fig. 2).
As elements the action type uses information on
number of days worked (which in turn is the result
of Action type "counting the number of days
worked) and information about the cost of one
working day (which is the constant - action type
with non-specified elements, functions, and tools,
but with specified result value). As functions the
action type uses the mathematical operator
"multiplication". The tool in this case is a
multiplication rule, included in one of the system
In case of representing a system as actions erased
a clear separation on the "data", "business logic" and
"interface". The IS model becomes more adequate to
picture of the real world. Described action type can
be repeatedly reproduced to calculation of the
monthly wage. In such context, the action type is
much like the concept of the function in a
programming language, but unlike function the
action is not a fragment of code which access data
and GUI across multiple interfaces. Action is
independent stored element, which can be
configured and used as a source of values.
Action is a result of performing the action type at
any point in time, containing specific values of all
characteristics, including the value of result (Fig. 3).
In the context of above described example, the
action can be a particular employee wages for a
particular month. BAfAS will allow to store not only
the wage value, but also its production process. This
largely enhances the warehousing possibilities in
terms of maintaining the integrity and historicity
Constant is a special case of the action type,
which does not have the content of elements,
functions and tools, the combination of which
allowed us to obtain the result value (Fig. 2).
Figure 3: Action "particular employee wages for a particular month".
From structural viewpoint the model of action
representation in configurable information system
differs from the currently known data models and
requires alternative ways to implement. More in
detail the differences are presented in the next
In order to evaluate the applicability of existing
storage technologies for configurable information
system we denote key requirements dictated by the
model of action representation (Rogozov, Kucherov
and Komendantov, 2014):
Fixed structure of action representation.
Regardless of the action content, it must always
be presented in four characteristics - elements,
functions, tools and results.
Any of action characteristics actions may have
no content or the content may be presented by a
plurality of elements with different types;
As the value type for each of characteristics
(except the result) may be action results or a
whole action. Herewith in particular action can
be used as single types, and various
combinations thereof.
The basic storage unit should meet these
requirements, because in the other case it will again
cause a problem complicating the system (Rogozov,
Sviridov and Grischenko, 2014), and may also
exhibit negative performance (Grishchenko and
Rogozov, 2014).
Table 1: Results of analysis.
Fixed structure
Unavailable. The
structure of
relationship is
determined at the
time of its setting
on domains, the
number of which
can be arbitrary
Available. Class is
always represented by
the name, attributes and
Multiple values
Relation instance
contains one value
of each domain
Partially available. Class
instance is characterized
by a specific attribute
values. The problem can
be solved by complex
data types
The multiplicity
of values types
for a single
Unavailable. Each
domain is a
separate data type
Partially available. Class
attribute has a specific
value type. The problem
can be solved by
complex data types
From the many created for today data storage
technologies clearly the declared basic storage unit
only have two - relational and object-oriented. In the
first case the basic storage unit is a relation that
allows to group and record the individual facts. In
the second case, the basic storage unit is a class that
contains a set of attributes and operations. Results of
analysis mentioned above data storage technologies
from the viewpoint of BAfAS implementation are
shown in Table 1.
None of the submitted data storage technology is
not able to meet the requirements. This is a
consequence of the narrow focus and it affects the
final form of the base storage unit (Kucherov,
Rogozov and Borisova, 2014).
To meet the model requirements configurable
information system's storage technology can be
obtained in one of two ways:
development of its own storage technology
which has adequate representation in the form of
use of existing storage technologies, allowing to
independently define the base storage unit
First method is more efficient in terms of the final
result, second method has fewer risks and deadlines.
As part of the study is expected to first carry out
optimization and testing of the model on existing
technologies, and then go on to create their own
For today there is a whole class of models and
data storage technologies, combined by the term
NoSQL (Sadalage and Pramod, 2012). These
solutions include next types: family of columns,
key-value, document-oriented etc. Because
information systems are focused on factual
information storage, document-oriented ways of
presenting information is not applicable, in addition,
they require additional processing after extraction of
information (document) from the storage. Actions
have a clear structure and themselves, in turn, form a
complex structure - user activity. Therefore, the key-
value technology is not applicable too, since storage
is not natively focused on associated data objects.
Mentioned requirements are met by column family-
based types of NoSQL storage.
NoSQL storages oriented to work with families
of columns have different ways of presenting data
(McCreary and Kelly, 2013). Of greatest interest are
so-called schema-free systems (Tweed and George,
2010), wherein the base storage unit has no
deterministic structure of representation. The unit
structure can be initially set in the adequate to
configurable information system form. Such systems
use basically principles laid down in the hierarchical
and network data models - each data object is a
sparse hierarchical tree of elements. Next, consider
the conceptual model of the configurable
information system's storage based on NoSQL-
Both action types and actions must meet BAfAS
requirements. In this connection, convenient to
introduce the storage concept as a multi-layered
storing system of actions. (Fig. 4). The base of the
storage (also the basic storage unit and the first
layer) is an BAfAS, consisting of four characteristics
- elements, functions, tools and results.).
User work with the system at moment C...
IS Configuration layer
User work with the system at moment B
User work with the system at moment A
action type
action type
Timestamp t
Timestamp t
Timestamp t
element function tool result
Action types
Figure 4: Conceptual model of the configurable
information system's storage.
The next layer is the system configuration,
expressed by action types. Each action type is the
result of applying the basic abstraction to non-
automated user activity. Action type contains
elements, functions and tools, which implementation
will lead to obtain the target result. Every action
type can be repeatedly reproduced thereby will be
memorized actions reflecting the user work with the
The system configuration representing by
connected action types (base layer) are created once
at the configuring stage. During the IS operation we
are building up the layers reflecting results of a
different action types in variable contexts (secondary
layer). Each secondary layer is a result of action
types implementation fixed at a certain point in time.
Horizontal upbuilding of the base layer occurs
during system configuration by adding new action
type. Vertical upbuilding occurs in IS operation (in
new times we perform action types from the base
layer). Multi-layered character of the storage is a
consequence of using the unified abstraction in the
process of creating and operating the system. Next
consider models of action type, action and constant
taking into account the NoSQL technology.
Fig. 5 shows the model of BAfAS representation
in NoSQL configurable information system's
Action type is formed through the common
pattern (base abstraction for action synthesis), which
includes the name of the action, and a list of four
characteristics with their constituent components.
Result in the description of action type is degenerate,
since the action is described, but not yet implemented.
Figure 5: Model of BAfAS representation in NoSQL configurable information system's storage.
Due to schema-free technology the number of
components and their types can be determined
Action, in contrast to an action type, has values
of characteristics. Each value is accompanied by a
time-stamped obtaining or assignment. Action also
store the result of its implementation, and the
timestamp of result value is considered as the
moment of action implementation. Constants are a
particular example of an action type, because they
are recorded at the configuration stage. They have
degenerated characteristics of elements, tools and
functions and contain only the result with the
As we seen in Fig. 5, each base storage unit is a
named tree that describes the user action. Inside a
node may be hierarchy describing the embedding of
actions at each other and allowing to describe
complex user activities.
Described above components are basic
components of the conceptual model of the
configurable information system's storage. Storage
itself is done at the expense of hierarchical trees
constructing. Next, the example from of the first part
shows the general concept of the storage (Fig. 6).
Storage is logically divided into two aspects -
configuration and operation.
The configuration aspect is those components
that can be reused for the reproduction of user
activity. This includes action types that reflect
the user's work. They comprise the
specification of characteristics (elements,
functions and tools), but they do not contain
specific values. Also the configuration aspect
include constants, as they contain pre-defined
during configuration values and do not reflect
the user's work.
The operational aspect is action types from a
configuration aspect, supplemented by value
of specified characteristics and
implementation results. Thus the operational
aspect represents the actions performed by the
user within information system. Each
characteristic's value is accompanied by a
timestamp. The action implementation time is
determined by the result's timestamp.
Drawing an analogy with object-oriented and
relational technologies it can be said that the action
type (by destination) is like a class (entity), and the
action is like an object (entity instance). However,
unlike entities and classes the action storage model
has significantly greater opportunities:
it is more dynamic;
it has more semantics than the current data
User work with the system
User work with the system
Information system configuration
Information system configuration
Calculation of the
monthly wage
Days worked
Rate of payment
Multiplying rule
15.09.2014 21:06:00
15.09.2014 21:05:00
Counting of days
Days in the month
Days off
Subtraction rule
01.09.2014 15:00:00
01.09.2014 15:00:00
01.09.2014 15:00:00
Days in the month
Days off
01.01.2008 10:00:00
01.09.2014 15:00:00
01.01.2008 10:00:00
The value of the
base rate of pay for
one day
21.04.2012 10:37:00
01.01.2008 10:00:00
Days worked
Rate of payment
01.01.2008 10:00:00
Figure 6: Example of filling NoSQL storage of configurable information system.
it is more adequate to picture of the real world.
Main ideological difference of the proposed
storage is that it is not based on a set of separated
actions, but on BAfAS, which allows to receive
various types of user actions for further
The proposed storage allows the use of different
types of characteristic's values, thereby building
a sequence of action types, the implementation of
which leads to a result (data fact). By using
BAfAS we met requirements of the action
representation model in configurable information
system, and also the conditions for its
implementation without additional funds to bring
an adequate form (interfaces). The possibility of
"growth" at the expense of schema-free allows
unlimited detalization of actions. It also allow to
describe complex activities.
The paper proposed the base abstraction of action
synthesis (BAfAS) and conceptual model of
configurable information system's storage. The
model focused not on the storage of certain facts, but
on storage of action for their preparation.
Representation of configurable information
system, storing of its configuration and its operating
results as a set of actions will eliminate currently
existing problems, such as: growth of the technical
complexity with enhancing flexibility,
misunderstanding between end-user and developer,
extraction requirements, etc.
BAfAS allows to bring the storage to a new level
- data semantics, their occurrence are clearly
documented in a readable form for an user. This in
turn has a positive effect on both the modeling
process, and the process of operation and
improvement of the system by end-user.
The model of action representation in
configurable information system and storage model
proposed in this paper have the following
Storing data in an adequate form to information
system model;
Eliminate the need for additional mechanisms
of transformation and interfaces between the
storage and information system.
The use of NoSQL technologies, in turn, will
allow to realize high-performance solutions devoid
of drawbacks structure-independent databases
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