The research is performed within the government
mandate № 0110021005901621. Theme № 213.01-
11/2014-17 "Development of methods for data
storage creation in configurable information systems
and mechanisms for their implementation".
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Journal of Informatization and Communication
2'2014, P. 85-88
Rogozov Y., 2014a. Methodology of creation of subject-
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Communication 2'2014, P. 6-10
Rogozov Y., Sviridov A., 2014a. Approach to the
construction of information systems based on the
methodological approach. // Proceedings of II
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didactics in teaching. Vol 1.- Taganrog: Publishing
House SFU, 2014. S. 3-9
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Rogozov Y., 2014b.
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Russian Conference on Control VSPU-214. Moscow,
16-19 June 2014: Proceedings. ISBN 978-5-9145-151-
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Kucherov, S., Lipko, J., Schevchenko, O., 2014.The
integrated life cycle model of configurable information
system.Proceedings of IEEE 8th International
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Communication Technologies - AICT2014. IEEE
Catalog Number CFP1456H-PRT, ISBN: 978-1-4799-
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Kucherov, S., 2013. User-configurable information
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Kucherov S., Samoylov, A., Grishchenko,A., 2014.
Flexible database for configurable information
systems .Proceedings of IEEE 8th International
Conference on Application of Information and
Communication Technologies - AICT2014. IEEE
Catalog Number CFP1456H-PRT, ISBN: 978-1-4799-
4120-9 2, p. 374-377"
Kucherov S., Sviridov, A., Belousova S., 2014. The formal
model of structure-independent databases.
Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Data
Management Technologies and Applications, Vienna,
Austria, Scitepress - Science and Technology
Publications. ISBN: 978-989-758-035-2. p. 146-152
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Rogozov Y., Kucherov S., Komendantov, K., 2014. The
methodological approach to creation of user data
structures in user-configurable information systems
Innovative technologies and Didactics in Teaching: