size of the problem is small, but suffer from poor
scalability due to the exponential time complexity of
the applied search algorithms. In their work, Alrifai
and Risse (2009) proposed a hybrid selection
approach that combines local selection with global
selection by decomposing global constraints into
local constraints in order to find close-to optimal
solutions. Canfora (2005) proposed a genetic
algorithm to the QoS-based composition. Genetic
algorithms are based on the evolution theory and in
opposition to linear programming algorithms, the
input data doesn’t need to be linear. Besides, genetic
algorithms are related to the number of service
classes and not to the number of candidate web
services, so they are more effective in a large space
context. However, linear programming is proved to
be faster than genetic algorithms and is preferred
hence in a small space. Yu and Keiw-Jay (2004)
proposed heuristic algorithms that can come as an
alternative to exact solutions. The authors modelled
the problem as combinatorial problem and proposed
a heuristic Branch and Bound algorithm (WS HEU)
and a heuristic graph model (MCSP-K). The two
algorithms are proved to be more efficient than exact
algorithms. Ardagna and Pernici (2007) tried to
overcome the shortcomings of both local and global
service composition by proposing an approach that
addresses optimization problems under severe QoS
However, today, as we are moving from limited
data systems to large scale systems, the methods
proposed above are no longer practical. Cloud-based
composition approaches were developed to deal with
the problem of QoS-based web services composition
in large scale systems. One can classify those
approaches into five categories: classic approaches
such as the work of Kofler, Haq and Schikuta (2010)
where the authors tried To achieve a feasible
concrete workflow for service composition with
respect to the consumer QoS requirement, the
problem is considered to be equivalent to a multi-
dimensional multi-choice knapsack problem
(MMKP) in which a parameter called happiness that
is calculated based on QoS parameters is used as the
utility function. Combinatorial approaches such as
the works of Ludwig (2011) where in the service
provider system an improved genetic algorithm is
proposed; Yang, Mi and Sun (2012) and Ye where
game theory is used to propose a service level
agreement (SLA)-based service composition
algorithm., Zhou and Bouguettaya (2011)
authors also applied a genetic algorithm to solve the
composition problem in which a roulette wheel
selection algorithm is used to select chromosomes to
execute a crossover operation, framework based
approaches like Pham et al. (2010) who proposed a
new framework for service composition in which a
composition agent is responsible for receiving the
request and providing service management, machine
based approaches with contributions such as the
work of Baou and Dou (2012) researchers designed
finite state machines to consider service correlations
and finally structure based approaches such as the
contribution of Wittern and Menzel( 2012) where
the composition problem is represented by a
directed graph in which the nodes play service roles
and the edges denote the relations between service.
Skyline technique is complementary to these
solutions as it can be used as a pre-processing step to
prune non-interesting candidate services and hence
reduce the computation time of the applied selection
algorithm. The analysis of the Skyline was originally
considered as a mathematical problem. It was then
introduced in the first place in the field of database
by Borzsonyi, Kossmann and Stocker (2001). Given
a set of points in d-dimensional space, the Skyline is
defined as the subset containing the points which are
not dominated by another point. Paradigms like
Block Nested Loops (BNL) and Divide to Conquer
are among the first attempts to solve the computing
of Skyline.The index structures such as B-trees have
also been utilized to improve the performance of
analyzing the Skyline. Nearest Neighbour (NN) and
Branch and Bound Skyline (BBS) are two
representative algorithms that can progressively
address the Skyline based on R-tree structure.
In recent works, many researchers focused on
computing skyline services in the context of service
composition. However, the majority of these works
relied on Pareto dominance relationship for this
purpose Alrifai, Skoutas and Risse (2010), Chen
(2014), Abourezk and Idrissi (2014). Pareto
dominance has the shortcoming of neglecting the
smoothness and fuzziness of human preferences. A
definition and an example of Pareto dominance is
given further in our work. Bouguettaya et al. (2013)
addressed the problem of uncertainty in service
composition and defined a concept called p-
dominant service skyline.
Fuzzy logic was addressed in the optimization
techniques for service composition in many
contributions such as those of Almulla, Almatori and
Yahyaoui (2010), Torres, Astudillo and Salas
(2011), Ping et al. (2006), Xuan and Tsuji (2008).
However, in all these works, fuzzy techniques were
used to find global optimization solutions for web
services selection. Only few works used fuzzy logic
for Skyline computation. To the best of our