a final IBVS is launched (figure 4(e)). Two unex-
pected events then occur (figure 4(f)): first, a non oc-
cluding obstacle prevents the vehicle from going to-
wards the goal, but the obstacle avoidance controller
is launched, guaranteeing non collision. Second, a
pedestrian crosses the robot path, but once again the
occlusion problem is successfully treated by our re-
construction algorithms. Finally, despite the presence
of humans, initially unmapped obstacles and errors in
the map, the mission is completed (Figure 3(c)).
This paper has addressed the navigation problem of
a mobile robot in a cluttered environment. First, we
have proposed to move from the classical framework
to a new one splitting the problem into six processes
organized in an architecture. It allows to create new
combinations of processes which were not included in
the previous framework, guiding more efficiently the
elaboration of novel navigation strategies. Second,
we have presented our own solution to the navigation
problem. It is based on the coupling of sensor-based
controllers and of a topological map. We have de-
tailed the processes and the architecture. Finally, we
have validated our strategy by showing experimental
results. However, to operate in human environments,
some improvements can still be made by replacing ar-
tificial landmarks by natural ones (SIFT or SURF de-
scriptors), and by considering dynamic environments.
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