provide positive impact to the stakeholders and
potential investors to understand the market
performance, volatility, trading volume and likely
predicted movements of their chosen stocks. These
two aspects of contributions will help the
stakeholders, potential investors and research
community to understand the market much better.
The benefits offered by FMPaaS are relevant to the
themes of Emerging Software as a Service and
Analytics to allow the community to know an
improved and better Cloud SaaS services being
validated and illustrated with reported contributions.
The next phase of challenges is to improve the
overall level of accuracy from 95% to 98% and
above; improve the point accuracy as close as to
99.99% and raise three points of evaluation and
testing to six points to ensure there is a greater
coverage of accuracy tests.
A large number of QoS papers focus on the
hardware infrastructure and Service Level
Agreement with the lack of explanation and further
development for SaaS. We explain the motivation
and significance of QoS for FMPaaS, which is our
main service for finance and business intelligence.
Six factors for delivering FMPaaS QoS have been
illustrated, where the emphasis for this paper is on
performance and accuracy. We first start with the
design process and methodology for FMPaaS, and
then explain the theories behind FMPaaS. APIs are
provided in the FMPaaS, where “FinancialData” and
“TradingChart” are the two APIs that have been
developed and then used in the experiments for
performance tests. Two types of experiments were
conducted. First, each API was tested five times top
get the mean execution time to generate outputs. All
execution time was completed within 2.12 seconds.
Second, large scale of 100,000 simulations was
performed to test whether APIs can provide real-
time services. Results show that 100,000 simulations
on the API could be completed in 200,645 seconds,
or 55 hours, 44 minutes and 5 seconds with a low
percentage of standard deviations. Accuracy had
been conducted to test the differences between the
predicted and actual values. Three points of
comparisons for Facebook stock were used for
accuracy test since they represented the end of all
transaction activities. Results show that accuracy
tests had between 93.72% and 99.72% of accuracy
while comparing the actual and predicted values of
the asset prices of Facebook stock. Our future work
will include the improvement of our performance
and accuracy tests. We will also use more companies
to illustrate that our FMPaaS can provide better
services and accuracy while comparing the actual
and predicted values of asset prices.
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