increment t provides that the probability of agent’s
state change (from engaged to idle or vice versa) at
Step 1 of the algorithm is small. Approximately
dozens of repetitions of Step 1 are needed for agent’s
state change. Otherwise, the probability of omitting
the agent’s state change would be unacceptable.
The developed web application allows to set each
agent’s priorities in the order of negotiations, and, in
addition, it allows to model situations when some
agents will not communicate with each other.
This web application will enable to determine
some functional dependences which can be helpful
for its users. For example, functional dependence
determined for the coalition formation
process with nine agents is shown in Fig. 6.
Our research deals with the issues of coalition
formation with unselfish agents of restricted alliance.
Agents of such alliance evaluate each other when
making decision about possible negotiations. We
consider that during the process of coalition
formation agents of the alliance can be either in a busy
or idle state. The amount of time when agent is in an
idle or busy state is random value. The time of each
negotiation between any two agents is also random
value. Thus, coalition formation process has many
parameters that are probabilistically defined. From
this it follows that it is very difficult to predict which
coalition capable of fulfilling coalition goal will be
formed and when. The situation when such coalition
will not be formed at all is also possible. The task of
estimating the probability of formation for all
possible coalitions and determining the mean time of
their formation can be solved by providing
appropriate modeling which will take into account
many characteristics of agents’ behavior and their
strategies. We preferred to use Petri Nets for such
modeling for the reasons mentioned above.
For providing analysis of the designed Petri Net
we propose to exploit the special tool called Sharpe
in case of small number of agents or use the
developed by us web application in case of large
number of agents. By using these facilities it is also
possible to find out deadlocks in coalition formation
process and determine the probabilities of their
occurrences when dealing with the agents of
restricted alliance. Agents of restricted alliance can be
informed about possible deadlocks before coalition
formation process begins and, thus, they will be
prepared and will know what to do to proceed with
formation of final coalition.
The authors would like to thank SHARPE developer
Prof. Kishor Trivedi for his kind help and
recommendations which facilitated preparing of this
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