Figure 9: Phase portrait of Synchronization errors with T =
In the paper,the synchronization of the impulses com-
plex dynamical network with a Gui chaotic strange at-
tractor and has been investigated based on the stabil-
ity analysis of impulsive functional differential equa-
tion. The criteria for the synchronization are derived.
An illustrative example is finally included to visual-
ize the effectiveness and feasibility of the developed
methods. Compared with the correspondingly previ-
ous works(Luo, 2008; Yang and Cao, 2007; Yang and
Cao, 2010; Zhang, 2009), our model of research is
new. As far as we know, There is no paper to deal
with such a problem.
This work was supported by the National Natural Sci-
ence Foundation of People’s Republic of China(Grant
no. 60963025), the Natural Science Foundation of
Hainan(Grant no.613166,112008).
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