As stated earlier, without careful oversight, changes
to Wiki pages may go unnoticed. Although most wiki
software, including the leading software system—
MediaWiki---provides tools for monitoring and
reporting changes, a long-term commitment to
maintaining oversight becomes a time commitment
that is difficult to anticipate and manage. Based on
experiences with wikis at Kansas State University, we
often asked, “How much time is needed to properly
oversee a wiki?” The webmaster or more
appropriately phrased, wiki keeper, has emerged as a
person with key roles for conducting this oversight
(McHaney, 2012). The wiki keeper must spend his or
her time reviewing changes then take corrective
action to undo any problematic entries (Sutton, 2006).
Historically, wiki keepers tend to be non-
confrontational to encourage user contribution and
interaction rather than provoke retaliatory responses.
Wiki keepers often use a soft security approach to
protect the wiki, its users, and preserve informational
integrity from injurious actions (Meatballwiki, 2011).
These defenses must tread the fine line between
offering protection and preventing legitimate users
from unnecessary constraint. Many wiki keepers
gradually ramp up action as trolling and spam
becomes more troublesome. Many wiki platforms,
such as MediaWiki, offer features that make undoing
damage easy by offering change rollback. Often,
vandals will attempt to test a wiki’s oversight
practices by making subtle changes and then gauging
the response. If no response is detected, then the wiki
might be used for posting larger amounts of
information related to the vandal’s agenda. Ignoring
vandalism generally is not an option because
contributor time is wasted and inaccurate information
can ruin the reputation of the wiki (McHaney, 2012).
2.1 Wiki Keepers
A wiki keeper’s primary role, particularly in small,
open wikis, is that of a content editor. As new content
is added by users, grammar, style, word choice, and
formatting may be inconsistent or substandard. It falls
to the wiki keeper to encourage other users to take on
editorial roles. If this does not occur, the wiki keeper
must personally make required edits. Even if others
do become editors, their work must be reviewed
periodically to ensure consistency. Depending on
contribution quality, a substantial time commitment
may be required. Higher numbers of users beget more
changes. This leads to another task: the wiki keeper
will need to view terms used as indexing tags and
update the ontology (Hai-Jew and McHaney, 2010).
It is in the best interest of a wiki to have tags with both
a “conceptual consistency” and a “syntactic
consistency.” (Hepp et al., 2007, p. 55).
2.2 Wiki Editing
In most wiki systems, including MediaWiki-based
implementations, pages are created as plain text with
basic formatting symbols or strings. Usually, wikis
track change histories of a document reflecting both
the time of change and the magnitude of the changes
in terms of a character count. Each time a collaborator
makes changes to a wiki page, the newly revised page
becomes the current version. Older versions of the
document can be reviewed, compared side-by-side
with the current or older versions, and inappropriate
edits can be "rolled back." This is convenient because
the current project relies on the use of history
documents to provide inputs for the Wiki Page ABM.
Figure 1 provides an example of a page history from
a Wikipedia page titled “Wilson Sawyer.”
The model created for this project is loosely coupled
to Wikipedia. Its page histories provide a data source
that drives model inputs. Although this article uses
Wikipedia sources, it should be noted that the model
pre-processor can derive input data from page
histories for any MediaWiki-based wiki site. Minor
modifications to the pre-processor’s code could
extend this functionality to nearly any other wiki site.
3.1 Model Pre-processor
A model pre-processor, called Wiki-Hist-Heist, was
custom developed using C# in the Visual Studio
development environment from Microsoft. The
software prompts a user to enter the name of the
Wikipedia page and then processes the history to
derive data representing frequency and magnitude of
changes to a page over time. Outputs are written to a
CSV file where the data can be further analysed with
spreadsheet functions and statistical tools. Figure 2
provides an image of the user interface for the
Currently, the software includes all changes to the
history page regardless of source or nature. Future
revisions are planned to enable filtering on items
included in the data set. For instance, talk page
changes will have the option of being excluded.