0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Fault f
Fault f
Input u(t)
Residual r(t)
Figure 3: Residual generator based on second-order func-
tional observers detects faults in the system.
Figure 3 indicates that a residual generator based
on a second-order observer can effectively detects the
faults f
(t) and f
(t) in the system. It clearly illus-
trates the Remark 2.
This paper has proposed a new fault detection scheme
using minimum-order functional observers to con-
struct residual generators to timely trigger actuator
faults in time-delay systems. The proposed approach
is based on solving a generalized Sylvester matrix
equation via a parametric approach. Existence con-
ditions and systematic procedures for designing the
proposed fault detection scheme have been presented.
The lowest possible order and the simplicity of the
approach are the hallmark of the proposed novel fault
detection scheme. Three examples have been con-
structed to prove the theory of the scheme.
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