tween domain engineering, where a platform and a
variability model are defined, and application engi-
neering, where variability is resolved to automatically
derive specific products. In contrast, in VC, software
is developed iteratively. SuperMod bridges this gap
by transferring VC metaphors to SPLE. For the selec-
tion of versions during check-out and commit, feature
configurations are specified in addition to a selection
among the revision graph. The mapping between the
platform and the variability model is managed auto-
In a running example, where a product line of
graph domain models has been developed, we have
demonstrated many advantages of the VC/SPLE in-
tegration. Due to the filtered editing model, the ver-
sioning overhead is notably small when compared to
existing SPLE approaches. For workspace modifica-
tions, the developer is not restricted by single-version
constraints. Furthermore, a familiar development en-
vironment can be used. Intensional version specifi-
cation allows for the definition of feature configura-
tions as version descriptions. These advantages are
boosted by using models as higher-level descriptions
of the versioned software system.
Future work will address the development of a
multi-user component, which will advance SuperMod
to a full-fledged distributed VCS. The evolution of the
feature model will be subject to research. Further-
more, a detailed evaluation against SPLE tools will be
conducted, using a real-world example. The obtained
results will be important to understand the impact of
the filtered SPL editing model on the underlying de-
velopment processes and tool chains.
The research prototype SuperMod is available as a set
of Eclipse plug-ins under the Eclipse Public License.
The plug-ins may be installed into a clean Eclipse
Luna Modeling distribution using the following up-
date site (Help — Install new Software):
In order to reproduce the example provided in
this paper, at least the items SuperMod Core and
SuperMod Revision+Feature Layered Version Model
should be selected for installation.
After having installed the plug-ins, SuperMod
version control may be added to arbitrary Eclipse
projects using the operation Team — Share Project
and selecting the SuperMod repository connector. Af-
ter that, the operations Team — Commit and Team
— Update/Switch are available in order to communi-
cate with the locally persisted repository. The feature
model may be edited by Team — Edit Version Space.
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