stored in the percentage variable used in the query.
UPPAAL SMC used 118 runs with a wall clock time
WCT) of about 15 min, and suggested a CI for the
event of [0.870781,0.970278] with 95% of CD.
As another property, it was studied the event E3
“What is the probability of 4 consecutive clients
exiting the system with the sojourn time of each
client being not greater than D=50 tu?”.
In this case model decoration was adapted so as
to increment the counter
NCCSTlteD when the
current client exits the system (iTransition(25) fires)
within the deadline and the immediately preceding
one did the same. If current client does not fulfill the
deadline the counter is reset. The following query
was issued:
Pr[<=100000](<>now>=30000 && NCCSTlteD==4)
which generated, with 36 runs, a CI of [0.902606,1]
with 95% CD, and a WCT of 3.5 min.
The following query was used to estimate the
maximum value of the
NCCSTlteD counter using 20
simulation runs.
E[<=100000;20] ( max:NCCSTlteD )
Proposed answer was 13.55±0.93 (WCT of 6.45
Experiments were carried out using a Win 8,
Intel Core i5 CPU @ 2.67 Gz, 8 GB RAM.
In this paper UPPAAL SMC (David et al., 2015) is
exploited for modelling and analysis of Generalized
Stochastic Petri Net (GSPN) models which, besides
working with an arbitrary number of
undistinguishable tokens, can be decorated to work
with tagged tokens.
An original structural translation from GSPN to
stochastic timed automata was developed which
enables a thorough assessment of the temporal
behavior of a modelled system. Practical usefulness
and flexibility of the achieved implementation is
demonstrated by a case study. The example testifies
that a proper decoration of a translated model
enables queries to be designed to check not obvious
system properties. On the other hand, since the state
graph of the model is not generated, added variables
do not constitute a memory penalty for the stochastic
analysis of the model.
Prosecution of the research is geared at:
Automating the generation of the U
code of a GSPN model using the TPN Designer
toolbox (Carullo et al., 2003).
Specializing the approach to support modeling
and quantitative evaluation of stochastic Time
Petri Nets (Vicario et al., 2009).
Experimenting with the use of U
the modelling and schedulability analysis of
real-time systems.
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Software Engineering, 19(2):89-107.
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Dependent System Specifications Using Time Stream Petri
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Poulsen, D. B., 2015. U
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