model is to evolve ANNs by using multi-objective
evolutionary algorithms, which will be able to both
minimize the values of RMSE and maximize the
values of R
In this paper we have applied a NE model for the
spatial statistical downscaling of daily maximum
temperature. We demonstrated our approach by
interpolating temperature data from a large scaled
grid structure to interior points. The results of our
method showed good potential for the construction
of high-resolution scenarios. The future work of this
research can be comparison studies of our model
with the state of the art methods for the same study
area. In addition, our method can be improved by
using multi-objective evolutionary algorithms. Both
RMSE and R
should be taken into consideration
when we design the fitness function of the model.
The author would like to thank Rasmus Benestad
and Abdelkader Mezghani for valuable comments
and discussion.
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