Determination and Control of the Satellites’ Attitude by using a
Pyramidal Configuration of Four Control Moment Gyros
Romulus Lungu
, Mihai Lungu
and Mihai Ioan
University of Craiova, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Carol Blv., no. 6, Craiova, Romania
University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: Control Moment Gyro, Pyramidal Configuration, Satellite, Attitude Control.
Abstract: The paper presents a new architecture for mini-satellites’ attitude control using a cluster consisting of four
control moment gyros, in pyramidal configuration, and feedback from the quaternion and angular velocity
vectors. The designed control law modifies the cluster’s equivalent gyroscopic moment, the equivalent kinetic
moment and the angular velocities’ vector, this leading to the modification of the quaternion vector and to the
change of the satellite‘s attitude. Matlab environment is used for the architecture’s software implementation
and validation, this being achieved for a mini-satellite involved in a typical motion around its own axis.
To have multiple capabilities (missiles’ tracking, land
mobile targets’ tracking etc.), the satellites must have
good rotational handling and agility. Such satellites
need an automatic system for their attitude’s control
(ASAC) by performing fast slewing maneu-vers; the
fast repositioning maneuvers are influenced by the
physical limitations of the sensors and actu-ators, by
the structural rigidity of the satellites and by
mission’s type (Jovanovic, 2014; Bouwmeester and
Guo, 2010; Lavet, 2010).
The performances of the ASACs are limited by the
satellites’ dimensions, especially in the case of small
satellites’ usage. In these cases, the gyroscopic wheels
can not assure good agility because their limited
capability to create control couples (maximum 1.5
Nm) (Wie et al., 2002; Berner, 2005; Lungu, 2008);
therefore, in these cases, the control moment gyros
are ideal because these can generate significant
control couples (100-3000 Nm). As actuators, the
CMGs have been used on large cosmic devices
(Skylab, MIR, ISS) and, recently, on mini-satellites.
The most important drawback of CMGs is related to
the singularities’ appearance (Ford and Hall, 2000);
for particular values of the gyroscopic frames’ angles,
the CMGs do not produce big enough couples and the
gyroscopic frames get stuck; therefore, special control
laws must be designed to avoid such situations.
The CMGs may be single-gimbals type (SGCMG)
of double-gimbals type (DGCMG); for the DGCMGs,
the control law can easily avoid the singularities, due
to their extra degree of freedom, but the SGCMGs are
simpler in terms of construction and hardware, having
many other advantages related to their price, power
and reliability (Berner, 2005).
By CMGs grouping, the clusters are obtained; the
most used clusters are the pyramidal ones, having four
CMGs; such configuration is presented in our paper.
In this paper, the authors propose a new archi-
tecture for the control of the mini-satellites’ attitude; it
is based on a cluster consisting of four control moment
gyros and uses feedback from the system’s quaternion
vector (which gives information regarding the attitude
of the satellite) and satellite’s angular rates. The
control law to be designed will modify the equivalent
gyroscopic moment of the cluster, the equivalent
kinetic moment, and the angular rates’ vector, this
leading to the modification of the quaternion and to the
change of the satellite‘s attitude. The new architecture
is implemented and validated through complex
numerical simulations for the case of a mini-satellite
involved in a typical maneuver around
its own axis.
We consider the motion of a mini-satellite which
performs a typical maneuver (a complete cycle)
its own axis (with constrained angular speed);
Lungu R., Lungu M. and Ioan M..
Determination and Control of the Satellites’ Attitude by using a Pyramidal Configuration of Four Control Moment Gyros.
DOI: 10.5220/0005507304480456
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO-2015), pages 448-456
ISBN: 978-989-758-122-9
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)