Multi-granularity Modeling of Variable Structured Rocket
based on Declarative Language
Wanmeng Zhou, Hua Wang, Fuyu Sun and Haiyang Li
College of Aerospace and Engineering, National University of Defense Technology, DeYa Street, Changsha, China
Keywords: Modelica, Object-orientation, Declarative Modeling, Variable Structured Rocket, Rocket Simulation
Library, Multi-granularity.
Abstract: The development of the rocket design process depends heavily on the effective and accurate modeling
method. This paper elaborates the procedure to establish the variable structured rocket simulation package
with the declarative modeling language Modelica. The package includes the rocket library with basic rocket
components and rocket products with subsystems and segments. Some of the components like body and
measurement take full advantages of the Modelica object-oriented characters, while others like control
system and aerodynamics are assembled on the basis of traditional flight dynamics. The multi-granularity
library for variable-structured rocket is verified with a case study. The results indicate that the library is
successfully applied to the rocket modeling for flight control system design and is capable of rocket design
in different phases.
The object-oriented modeling language, Modelica, is
widely used in large scaled multi-domains
simulation. Hilding Elmqvist (1992) proposed its
main opinion firstly, which developed along with
Differential Algebraic Equations (DAE). Modelica
is now mostly used in mechanics design (Ferretti
and Vigan, 2005) and aviation (Moormann and
Looye, 2002) areas, but few researches can be seen
in rocket flight simulation.
Object-orientation and non-causality are the
main advantages of Modelica over other modeling
languages (Alejandro and Perez, 2001). In
consideration of two advantages above,Modelica
models established through declarative modeling
method, which is the process constructing the
system out of assemblies in the way same as the
topological structure, can always embody the multi-
granularity of the physical system. Connectors and
assemblies in the Modelica library can accomplish
the declarative modeling, which reflect physical
connection logics and similar hierarchical structure
with the practical system.
Nowadays, researches about Modelica in rocket
modeling areas still concerned about the flow
direction and the corresponded libraries are
constructed under the subjects other than objects
(Zhang et al., 2010), which conceal the superiority
over traditional methods and lower the utilization of
the standard Modelica library. Some of the
researches used the six degree of freedoms model
(Gertjan, 2008) which took few advantages of multi-
body dynamics library (Schiavo et al., 2006; Zhang
et al., 2011), others established specific defined
environment functions (Tiziano and Marco, 2005) to
calculate the gravity and atmosphere parameters.
Moreover, most flight vehicle is concerned about the
fixed structure with the same amount of variables,
yet the variables in multi-stage rockets composed of
segments are changed due to separations. It has
become a new challenge for multi-body fight vehicle
For taking full advantages of non-causality and
object-orientation characters, this paper proposes the
Modelica modeling method in variable structured
rocket and aims for establishing a multi-granularity
rocket simulation library. Rocket modeling is a
progress to build the rocket library as Figure 1. In
order to decrease the complexity of the rocket
modeling and enhance the universality, the rocket
library and products are encapsulated in one package
named ‘RocketSim’. The simulation results of
variable-structured rocket during the powered phase
will be presented and discussed finally in the end.
Zhou W., Wang H., Sun F. and Li H..
Multi-granularity Modeling of Variable Structured Rocket based on Declarative Language.
DOI: 10.5220/0005507703440351
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH-2015),
pages 344-351
ISBN: 978-989-758-120-5
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)