In this study, first of all, equilibrium-controlled
actuator, antagonistic-controlled actuator, structure-
controlled actuator, mechanically-controlled actuator
and controllable transmission ratio type actuator
designs are presented in detail. Then, all equations
have been derived for the design of an antagonistic,
pre-tension and controllable transmission ratio type
actuator designs. In the following section, these
designs are compared in terms of energy
consumption and power requirement at an optimal
walking speed for ankle joint. According to the
simulation results, as controllable transmission ratio
type actuator requires less power and consumes less
energy, it is more feasible than the antagonistic and
pre-tension type designs for the joints of exoskeleton
robots, orthoses, protheses and humanoid robots,
which are supplied by the batteries.
The authors would like thank to TUBITAK (The
Scientific and Technological Research Council of
Turkey) for the financial support with a research
project titled as “Design and control of a biomimetic
exoskeleton robot”.
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