forecast about the upcoming market movements. In
return, agents can anticipate the changes in the future
investors’ actions and adjust their transaction
strategies to maximize profits.
The continuing refinement of the decision rules,
will see a replacement of the single stock trading
signaling mechanism with a multiple stock position
advising one. As a result, this model will have
practical values in the portfolio management as well.
This improved CAS model can be very helpful with
defining different parameters that best characterize
agents’ trading strategies, discovering and suggesting
suitable positions for different stocks at different
times, and discovering the factors affecting an
optimal portfolio management strategy. Finally,
agents in the future system will be categorized into
individual investors and institutional investors, as the
impact of their transactions differ in the real world.
Another version that allows agents to take
historical data for the training stage is under
development. By the end of the timeframe, agents
will use real-time data to conduct potential
transactions. We believe that agents will be able to
influence the market as we create a portfolio that trade
based on the agents’ signals. In return, agents will
change their trading behaviors corresponding to their
feedback from the market.
The authors thank the Complex Systems Institute
research group at UNC Charlotte for helpful
discussions, and the IT services at UNC Charlotte for
their provision of High Performance Clusters for our
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