disclose this information if he wants.
2-party Collusion. The 2-party collisions where M
can occur are M and MB, M and DA, M and SC, M and
DC. From this collisions, M doesn’t get more knowl-
edge than he already had, and the other parties get
the knowledge of M. By colluding between DA and
SC, DA doesn’t get more knowledge than he already
had. The coalitions between DA and DC, DC and SC
get only information that C
performs the transaction
. All other 2-party collisions that could form are be-
tween CB and M, CB and MB, CB and DA, CB and
SC, CB and DC, MB and DA, MB and SC, MB and
DC, but they are not possible because the parties in-
volved do not know each other.
3-party Collusion. From the analysis above, we
observe that M can be involved in the following 3-
party collisions: M, MB, DA; M, MB, SC; M, MB,
DC; M, DA, SC; M, DA, DC and M, SC, DC. These
coalitions are reduced to 2-party collisions in which
M is involved because from these 3-party collisions
M doesn’t get more knowledge than he already had.
One more 3-party collusion can be formed between
DA, SC and DC, but it does not get more information
about customer as against the 2-party collisions DA
and DC, or DC and SC.
4-party Collusion. The only 4-party collisions (M,
MB, DA, SC; M, MB, DA, DC; M, MB, SC, DC; M,
DA, SC, DC) are reduced to 3-party collisions because
M already knows all information known to the other
parties from this collisions.
5-party Collusion. The only possible 5-party col-
lusion M, MB, DA, SC and DC, is reduced to 3-party
collisions by same arguments as above.
Regarding merchant’s anonymity, he uses his true
identity only in communication with MB in the coin
redemption phase. MB knows personal information
about M (such as M
), but it doesn’ t know infor-
mation about the pseudo identity M
. Moreover, MB
is not known to any other party (except M), and can’t
participate in coalitions with any other party to de-
stroy the merchant’s anonymity. Our protocol doesn’t
use the merchant’s correspondence address, but uses
a source cabinet where the product is placed by M.
Is easy to see from Table 2 that no party alone has
sufficient information to link the true identity of the
merchant, M, with the pseudo identity M
2-party Collusion. The 2-party collisions where
C can occur are C and CB, C and DC. From collu-
sion between C and CB, C doesn’t get more knowl-
edge than he already had, and CB gets the knowledge
of C. From collusion between C and DC, C gets as
new information the identity of DA, and DC gets the
knowledge of C. By colluding DA and SC, DA and
DC, SC and DC are obtained only information about
, no information about M. No other 2-party col-
lusion is possible because there is no other party to
know another party.
3-party Collusion. The 3-party collisions that can
be formed areC, CB, DC; C, DA, DC; C, SC, DC; DA,
SC, DC, and these get only the information that M
performs the transaction t
, without any information
about M.
4-party Collusion. The only 4-party collisions C,
CB, DC, DA; C, CB, DC, SC and C, SC, DC, DA, are
reduced to 3-party collisions.
5-party Collusion. The only 5-party collusion C,
CB, DA, SC and DC, is reduced to 3-party collusion
C, DA, and DC.
By integrating an electronic cash payment mechanism
and using a suitable mechanism for physical products
delivery, the proposed protocol is the first to provide
fair exchange between physical products and pay-
ments in all circumstances, and customer and mer-
chant’s anonymity in any collusion scenario. All of
these makes the proposed protocol a candidate to be
used effectively in practice for electronic transactions
that implies buying physical products.
Future work will include formal proving of the
correctness of the proposed protocol using strand
spaces framework or formal verification using auto-
mated model checking tools (e.g. AVISPA).
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