Anonymity and Fair-Exchange in e-Commerce Protocol for Physical
Products Delivery
C˘at˘alin V. Bˆırjoveanu
Department of Computer Science, “Al.I.Cuza” University of Ias¸i, Ias¸i, Romania
Electronic Commerce Security, Anonymity, Fair-Exchange, Security Protocols.
Fair exchange and customer’s and merchant’s anonymity are two important properties of e-commerce trans-
actions. There is to date a variety of proposed e-commerce protocols to achieve fair exchange and customer’s
anonymity for transactions involving digital products. For physical products delivery there is no e-commerce
protocol to provide fair exchange and customer’s and merchant’s anonymity. In this paper, we propose the
first e-commerce protocol for physical products delivery that will provide fair exchange in all circumstances,
anonymity of customer and merchant for any collusion that can be formed, non-repudiation, integrity and
confidentiality of data exchanged between the parties.
The electronic commerce (e-commerce) has grown
rapidly and dynamically, becoming a part of everyday
life. It is difficult for the customer and the merchant
to trust each other in the online environment. There
are many proposed solutions in which the customer
sends the payment first, but in this case the customer
may have losses if the merchant behaves dishonest
and does not send the product to customer. Also, if the
merchant sends the product first, then the customer
might not send the payment to merchant, and in this
way the merchant is prejudiced. Therefore, in order
to solve the situations like the ones mentioned above,
is necessary to design the fair-exchange e-commerce
protocols. The fair-exchange ensures that either the
customer gets the product and the merchant gets the
payment for product, or none do.
Fair-exchange protocols are used in different con-
texts to exchange payments and digital products (as
computer software, digital books, etc.) (Li et al.,
2006); payments and physical products (as laptops,
phones, etc.) (Alaraj, 2012),(Li et al., 2006),(Zhang
et al., 2006); email and receipt; and two digital signa-
tures on a document.
To achieve fair exchange, most of the proposed
protocols are based on a Trusted Third Party (TTP)
that acts like item validator or to solve the disputes.
Anonymity of customer and merchant is also a
key property that must be considered in a fair-
exchange e-commerce protocol. The customer may
want not to reveal sensitive data of his identity (as
credit card number, information about customer’s
bank, customer’s account number) so that this in-
formation can not be used by merchant in commer-
cial purpose to build spending habits of the cus-
tomer. An e-commerce protocol provides the cus-
tomer’s anonymity if no party and no coalition be-
tween parties can make a link between the true iden-
tity of the customer and actions taken by him. Also,
the merchant may want to remain anonymous in e-
commerce transactions. For example, a merchant who
has business in many areas may want that his cus-
tomers can not link transactions where the merchant
is involved in all these areas.
Among the protocols proposed to date for physi-
cal products delivery (Aimeur et al., 2006), (Alaraj,
2012), (Li et al., 2006), (Zhang et al., 2006), none
of them provide fair exchange and customer’s and
merchant’s anonymity. In (Zhang et al., 2006), the
authors claims that the proposed e-commerce proto-
col for physical products delivery guarantees fair ex-
change and anonymity of both the client and the mer-
chant. There are several problems with the proto-
col proposed in (Zhang et al., 2006). First, in the
physical delivery of the product to cabinet is not take
into consideration a delivery agent. Thus, the pro-
tocol works only in certain particular scenarios in
which the merchant can directly access the cabinet
from which the client collects the product. This is
difficult to achieve in an e-commerce environment
in which the customer and the merchant are not lo-
V. Bîrjoveanu C..
Anonymity and Fair-Exchange in e-Commerce Protocol for Physical Products Delivery.
DOI: 10.5220/0005508801700177
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2015), pages 170-177
ISBN: 978-989-758-117-5
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
cated in the same geographical area. Secondly, it
does not provide anonymity of customer and mer-
chant. There are collisions between two parties (such
as customer and merchant’s bank) that destroy the
merchant’s anonymity and, also there are collisions
between three parties (such as merchant, merchant’s
bank and customer’sbank) that destroy the customer’s
anonymity. In (Aimeur et al., 2006) is proposed a pro-
tocol for physical product delivery that ensures the
customer’s anonymity, but does not discuss how to
make the payment and how it ensures fair-exchange.
In (Alaraj, 2012) and (Li et al., 2006) are proposed
e-commerce protocols that ensure fair-exchange for
physical product delivery, but they do not take into
consideration the anonymity issue.
In this paper, we propose the first protocol for
physical products delivery that will provide fair ex-
change in all circumstances, anonymity of customer
and merchant for any collusion that can be formed,
non-repudiation, integrity and confidentiality of data
exchanged between the parties.
The paper is structured as follows: section 2 gives
an informal description of our protocol, section 3
presents the protocol, section 4 provides an analysis
of the proposed protocol and section 5 contains the
The goals of our protocol are to obtain the fair ex-
change of physical product and electronic payment
between a customer and a merchant and also to pro-
vide anonymity for both of them. The protocol uses
an online Trusted Third Party (TTP) that will vali-
date the coins of the customer and will provide fair
exchange of items if any party misbehaves or prema-
turely aborts.
Both customer and merchant may choose to re-
main anonymous during the protocol execution. To
ensure anonymity in the payment phase, our protocol
uses the electronic cash payment mechanism based on
group blind digital signatures on behalf of the banks
proposed in (Lysyanskaya and Ramzan, 1998). This
mechanism provides anonymity of the customer and
anonymity of the bank that issues the electronic cash.
Moreover, after the way it is used in our protocol, it
provides anonymity of the merchant in the payment
To ensure anonymity of the customer and the mer-
chant in the physical product delivery phase, our pro-
tocol is based on existence of a delivery agent whose
role is to take the product from a source cabinet and
provide it to a destination cabinet. Both source cab-
inet and destination cabinet provides access to the
physical products by passwords to conceal true iden-
tity of the customer and the merchant.
Informally, the protocol works as follows:
The customer decides the product he wants to buy
and in what follows the customer buys a digital coin
of appropriate value from his bank and validates this
coin to TTP. The customer sends to the merchant the
purchase order and the digital signature of TTP on the
encrypted coin. The merchant uses a delivery agent
to send the product to the customer. After the prod-
uct is posted to the destination cabinet, the customer
collects the product and he provides to the destina-
tion cabinet an evidence of the product collection and
sends to the merchant the decryption key of the coin
and his bank’s signature on the coin. The merchant
sends the coin to his bank for redemption. The mer-
chant’s bank verifies the validity of the coin and then
transfers the coin value in the merchant’s account.
In the Table 1 are presented the notations used in the
description of the proposed protocol.
3.1 Assumptions
The following assumptions are made for our protocol:
(1) All parties use the same algorithms for encryp-
tion, hash, digital signature and the same group blind
digital signature protocol mentioned in the Table 1.
(2) Cryptographic algorithms are strong enough. (3)
TTP is the group manager, namely Central Bank, that
is known by all parties implied in protocol. TTP does
not misbehave or collude with any of parties to pro-
vide benefits to another party. (4) C and M each have
an account to their bank. (5) All banks from group
and group manager share a commit-buffer in that the
transaction value is stored until the transaction is com-
pleted successfully or aborted. (6) All banks from
group and group manager maintain a global list of
coin’s serial already spent, validated but unspent, or
canceled, to allow any bank to check a digital coin for
double-spending or double-canceling. Each record in
the list includes besides the coin’s serial, a spent flag.
The value of this flag corresponds to the current state
of the coin. The spent flag has three possible values:
spent = 0 means that the coin is validated by TTP
but not yet spent, spent = 1 means that the coin has
already been spent, spent = 2 means that the coin has
already been canceled. (7) A source cabinet SC ex-
ists, where the physical product is placed by M, and
DA can take the product from SC only by knowing
Table 1: Notations used in the protocol description.
Symbol Interpretation
, M/M
True identity/pseudo identity of the customer and the merchant
CB, MB, DA, TTP Customer’s Bank, Merchant’s Bank, Delivery Agent and Trusted Third Party
SC/DC The source/destination cabinet from which the product must be taken/posted by DA
The mailing address of SC/DC
Customer’s/Merchant’s bank account with CB/MB
Pid The identifier of the product that C wants to buy from M in the current transaction t
Pr, Quantity, Po Price, quantity, purchase order used to order the product with Pid identifier
A B : m A sends the message m to B
: m DC sends to DA the message m that is forwarded by DA to M
and by M
to C
Public/private key pair of A
One time public/private key pair of A used only in the transaction t
The message m encrypted with the key K
h(m) The digest of m obtained by applying of a hash function h, such as SHA-1
(m) (RSA) Digital Signature with the As private key A
on h(m)
, L Timestamp generated by TTP, lifetime of encrypted digital coin’s validity
, n, K Nonce generated by A, digital coin generated by C, AES symmetric key that encrypts n
(n) CBs signature on n obtained by running the Group Blind Digital Signature Protocol
a password that is set by M when he puts the prod-
uct in. In the physical delivery of the product phase,
we use SC to replace the correspondence’s address of
M. So, the true identity of M remains hidden if it
wants. Also, a destination cabinet DC exists, where
the physical product is provided by DA, and C can
collect the product from DC only by knowing a pass-
word that is set by M. The purpose of using DC is
to hide the true identity of C if he wants. SC and DC
have the ability to digitally sign messages, verify dig-
ital signatures on messages and to check if the pass-
word entered by DA, respectively C corresponds to
the barcode set on product. After DA/C provides the
correct password, SC/DC opens a hatch where packed
product is available to DA/C. DC has a video camera
mounted that records the moment when C unwraps
the packed product and check if the product is the
ordered one. DC has a device that allows to C, by
pushing a button, to send the encrypted recording to
TTP. C uses this feature only in the case is not satis-
fied with the product as an evidence of wrong product
reception. Otherwise, the recording is automatically
deleted. (8)Communication channels that are set be-
tween parties provides anonymity, except the cases in
that the parties choose to reveal their true identities.
3.2 Prelude
We assume that before the starting of the protocol, the
following system setup steps are executed: (1) TTP
generates a public/private key pair, (TTP
and provides the public key TTP
to C and M. (2)
When C and M create accounts to their banks, each of
them generates a public/private key pair, (C
and (M
), respectively. C provides his public
to CB and M provides his public key M
MB. The banks maintain databases with public keys
of their clients associated to their accounts. (3) C,
respectively M, generates a one time public/private
key pair, (C
), respectively (M
) that
each of them will use it only in the current transaction.
(4) The Setup and Join phases of the Group Blind
Digital Signature Protocol (GBDS Protocol) (Lysyan-
skaya and Ramzan, 1998) are executed. Briefly, this
means that the group manager TTP generates a secret
key for group manager and the group’s public key. CB
and MB obtain from TTP the group membership cer-
3.3 Protocol Description
In the following we describe our protocol, splitting
it in four phases. The messages exchanged in the
protocol are shown in the Figure 1.
Phase 1: Buying and Validating Digital Coins. Af-
ter C finds the physical product he wants to acquire
from M, he will contact his bank to buy a digital coin
with the value that he must pay to M. C generates a
new digital coin that is a number n of 256 bits consist-
ing of a unique coin serial number represented on the
first 224 bits and the coin value represented in the last
Figure 1: Messages exchanged in protocol.
32 bits. The protocol starts with running the GBDS
Protocol between C and CB on the digital coin n. The
coin’s value is sent byC to CB by signing it. CB trans-
fers the coin value from C
to the commit-buffer,
and after running all steps of the protocol, C obtains
(n)-the signature of his bank on the digital coin
n on behalf of the bank’s group. In this phase, CB
knows the identity of the customer and the value of
some digital coin purchased by him, but it doesn’t
know the serial number of the coin because his sig-
nature on the coin is blind.
Message 1.1: C
After C gets the group signature on the digital
coin, he validates at TTP an encrypted version of the
digital coin. For this, C generates a symmetric key
K and sends to TTP a message that contains the fol-
lowing informations: C
, M
, the one time public key
that the customer will use only in the current
transaction t
, the key K, which are encrypted with
TTPs public key to provide confidentiality; the digi-
tal coin n encrypted with the key K; his banks signa-
ture on the digital coin - sig
(n); and his signature
on the sig
On reception of the message 1.1, TTP decrypts
first encrypted component of the message and obtains
the one time public keyC
ofC and the key K. TTP
obtains the digital coin n by decrypting the ciphertext
with the key K and uses the C
to verify the
signature of the customer on the signed coin. TTP
checks the validity of the digital coin n by verifying
the signature sig
(n) using the group public key, and
checks whether this coin has already been spent, or
validated by TTP (in a previous request) but not yet
spent or canceled, by verifying the spent flag of the
coin’s serial in the global list of coin’s serial. If all
checks out, TTP add the coin in the list setting the
coin’s spent flag on the value 0, and sends to the cus-
tomer the following message:
Message 1.2: TTP C
: T
The message 1.2 contains a timestamp T
, a
lifetime of encrypted coins validity L and a nonce
, all to avoid replay attacks. C checks if T
and L are recently enough, and then verifies the
TTPs signature that will be used by customer to
confirm to the other party (the merchant) that {n}
represents the encryption of a valid coin n (that was
signed by a bank from the group, and its lifetime
has not expired), the coin is fresh and of the value
Val, but without exposing the digital coin n to the
Phase 2: Agreement on the Transaction’s Terms.
The agreement phase is initiated by the customer that
sends a message to the merchant that represents his
intention to buy a product from him.
Message 2.1: C
Po = C
Po contains h(N
) whose goal is to be used as a
barcode on the product and is set by M such that only
who knows the password N
can collect the product
from DC
; N
is kept secret byC, while M receives
a digest of him.
When the message 2.1 is received, M checks the
terms of the transaction initiated by C. M verifies
if T
and L are recently enough, the informations
from Po, the customer’s signature on Po and the sig-
nature of TTP. If M is not satisfied, he sends an abort
message to the customer and aborts the transaction. If
M is satisfied, the signature of TTP assures him that
represents the encryption of a valid digital coin
of value Val from Po. The new nonce N
the merchant about freshness of the digital coin. Even
if M does not know the digital coin and can’t redeem
it in this phase, he knows that could redeem it after it
will post the product with Pid identifier to DC
Message 2.2: M
: sig
If M is satisfied by the conditions of the message
it received, he sends to C a message to ensure C by
Ms agreement on the terms of transaction specified
in the message 2.1. After receiving message 2.2, if
C receives an abort message from M, then he aborts
the transaction. Otherwise, C obtains Ms public key
, by decrypting {M
with his one time
private key C
and checks the merchant’s signature.
Phase 3: Physical Delivery of the Product. If the
phase 2 is successful, M posts the product to SC from
where the product must be taken by DA.
Message 3.1: M
SC : product
The product has two barcodes set by M: h(N
) to
control the access of DA to SC, and h(N
) to control
the access of C to DC. We consider that the product
with both barcodes is placed by M on a shelf of SC
that is located at SC
. We use SC
to conceal the
true identity of the merchant and such to ensure his
Message 3.2: SC M
: sig
Upon receiving the product from the merchant, SC
confirms to him by a signed acknowledgment.
Message 3.3: M
DA : Pid,SC
M sends to DA a delivery request message 3.3. N
has the same goal as N
, but in this case the password
is shared only between M and DA. DA recov-
ers the public key M
of M and N
by decrypting
with his private key, and checks
the signature of M. If the signature is successfully
verified, DA is ensured by message’s authenticity.
Message 3.4: SC DA : product
DA collects the product from SC by proving he
knows the password N
Message 3.5: DA SC :
To confirm the collection of the product, DA sends
to SC an acknowledgment in the message 3.5.
Message 3.6: DA DC : product
Further, DA posts the product to DC as is specified
by merchant in the delivery request.
Message 3.7: DC DA M
Upon receivingthe product from DA, DC confirms
him by a signed acknowledgment which DA forwards
it to the merchant. Thus, the merchant has the proof
of posting the product to DC
and thereafter he for-
wards the proof to the customer.
Message 3.8: DC C
: product
The customer collects the product from DC using
the password N
Message 3.9: C
DC :
The customer checks if the collected product
meets the specifications from Po. If the customer
is satisfied with the product, he sends a signed
acknowledgment to DC.
Phase 4: Payment. If the customer collects the
product and is satisfied, then he sends to the mer-
chant the message 4.1. Message 4.1: C
The merchant obtains the key K and verifies the
customer’s signature on K, then he uses K to decrypt
the encrypted coin received in the message 2.1 from
the customer. M verifies the validity of the sig
using the group public key. If the coin is valid, M
sends it to MB for redemption in the message 4.2.
Message 4.2: M MB :
MB decrypts the received message, checks Ms
signature, checks that sig
(n) is a valid signature of
some bank from banks group, using the group public
key, without knowing who is the bank that signed the
coin. MB checks if the coin has already been spent or
canceled by checking the value of the spent ag of the
coin, using the global list of the coins. If all checks
are satisfied, MB updates the global list by setting the
spent flag of the coin n to the value 1, transfers the
coin value from commit-buffer to M
, and sends to
M a signed acknowledgment of successfully redemp-
tion of the coin. Otherwise, if some check is not sat-
isfied, MB sends to M an suitable error message.
Message 4.3: MB M : sig
4.1 Ensuring Fair-Exchange
In an e-commerce protocol the fair exchange assures
that two parties exchange items of value such that ei-
ther both parties obtain each other’s item or none do.
Our protocol assures fair exchange if either C gets the
physical product and M gets the payment for product,
or none do. If C and M behave honestly, the proposed
protocol assures fair exchange. We will consider all
possible scenarios in which M or C behave dishonest
or prematurely abort the protocol. To ensure fair ex-
change in all this scenarios, extensions of the basic
protocol are necessary as we will see below.
If M behaves dishonest, then the following scenar-
ios are possible:
1. M receives from C
a correct message 2.1, but
he doesn’t continue the protocol. Such behavior
brings no benefit to M because he is in posses-
sion of an encrypted coin with a key that does not
know, so he can’t redeem the coin and get the pay-
ment. But C has bought a coin from his bank,
which can not be used by him. In this scenario, C
initiates the extended protocol providing to TTP
the message 2.1 he sent it to M. TTP checks the
information received from C and ask M for his
agreement on the terms of transaction. If M re-
sponds to the TTPs request by sending to C the
message 2.2, then the basic protocol can continue
with the phase 3. If M doesn’t respond, then TTP
sends to C a cancellation request of the coin in the
first message below that furtherC sends encrypted
together with his account information to CB.
: n,sig
C CB :
CB checks if sig
(n) is a valid signature, TTPs
signature, if the coin n has not already been spent
or canceled by checking the global list of coins
serial. If all checks are satisfied, CB sets the spent
flag of the coin n to the value 2, transfers the coin
value from commit-buffer to C
, and sends to C
a signed acknowledgment of successfully cancel-
lation of the coin n. In this way the coin’s value is
redeemed by C. Otherwise, if some check is not
satisfied, CB sends to C an suitable error message.
2. M receives from C
a correct message 2.1 and
sends the message 2.2 to C
, but he doesn’t posts
the product or posts a product that doesn’t com-
ply with the specifications from Po. Similarly to
the scenario 1, M does not have any benefit from
this behavior. If C is not satisfied with the col-
lected product, he pushes the button of the DCs
device that allows sending to TTP the recording
of the moment when C unwraps the packed prod-
uct, proving to TTP that the received product is
wrong. Also, C sends to TTP all the messages
received/sent from/to M. TTP checks the infor-
mation received from C and send to M all evi-
dence received from C and ask M to post the cor-
rect product. If M responds to TTP by sending
such a proof, then C can continue the basic pro-
tocol with collecting the product from DC. If M
doesn’t respond to the TTP, then similarly to the
scenario 1, TTP will cancel the customer’s coin
used in the current transaction.
3. M sends to CB many times the same message 4.2
for multiple redemption of the same coin. This
scenario is solved in the basic protocol, because
MB checks if the coin received in the message 4.2
has already been spent by checking the value of
the spent flag of the coin.
If C behaves dishonest, then the following scenar-
ios are possible:
1. C collects the product in the message 3.8, but does
not send to M
the decryption key of the encrypted
coin or sends to M
in the message 4.1 a wrong
decryption key. In this scenario, M initiates the
extended protocol providing to TTP all the mes-
sages received/sent from/to C. TTP checks the
current transaction’s messages and ask C for digi-
tal coin decryption key. According to the response
of C, there are three possible scenarios:
(a) If C responds to the TTPs request by send-
ing to M
the digital coin decryption key K in
a message 4.1, then M
can continue the basic
protocol with coin redemption.
(b) If C doesn’t respond to TTP, then TTP sends
to M
the digital coin decryption key K that is
in possession of TTP from phase 1:
: {K}
M can decrypt the digital coin using the key
K received from TTP, checks the validity of
(n) and can continue the basic protocol
with the message 4.2 for coin redemption.
(c) If C falsely claims that he doesn’t provide the
decryption key because M
didn’t posted the
product or M
posted another product than the
ordered one. To claim this, C must submit to
TTP the proof of wrong product reception: the
recording of the moment when C unwraps the
packed product. This proof is sent on a secure
channel from DCs device to TTP, so TTP can
not be fooled. Further, this scenario is solved
similarly with the previous (b) scenario.
2. C sends the same digital coin to TTP (in the mes-
sage 1.1) in two different sessions of validating
encrypted digital coins, to initiate two different
buying transactions with two distinct merchants.
This scenario is solved in the basic protocol be-
cause all banks and TTP maintain a global list of
coin’s serial already spent, validated but unspent,
or canceled. On reception from C of the first re-
quest for validating the coin, TTP adds the coin
to the global list of coins, and therefore any new
validation request of the same coin from C is de-
tected by TTP. Thus, TTP detects double spend-
ing from C and aborts the second transaction.
3. C sends to M
in the message 2.1, an encrypted
coin already spent. This scenario is solved in the
basic protocol. If the coin wasn’t used to buy from
, then M
detects this by verifying the TTPs
signature that validated the encrypted coin. Oth-
erwise, if the coin was already used to buy from
, then M
can check this by verifying N
. So,
M detects double spending from C and aborts the
4. C sends to M
in the message 2.1, an encrypted
coin of insufficient value. This scenario is solved
in the basic protocol, because M checks if the
value from Po corresponds with the encrypted
coin’s value validated by TTP. If these values are
not equal, then M aborts the transaction.
5. C sends to M
in the message 2.1, an encrypted
coin that has already been canceled. Cs intention
is to buy a product without paying for it. This sce-
nario is solved in the basic protocol, because M
checks if T
and L are recently enough. In this
scenario, these values are not recently enough,
and M aborts the transaction.
6. C sends to his bank many times the cancellation
requests of the same coin for multiple redemption
of the same canceled coin. This scenario is solved
in the extended protocol, becauseCB checks if the
coin received in a cancellation request has already
been canceled.
DA, SC, and DC send signed acknowledgments of
product collection in the phase 3 of the basic proto-
col. Moreover, these three entities have no interest
not to follow the protocol steps, because their interest
is to get profit from fees for such services provided in
e-commerce transactions. Each party involved in the
protocol must keep a record of every message sent
or received in protocol including signed acknowledg-
ments of DA, SC, and DC. If one of the parties men-
tioned above (DA, SC, or DC) behaves dishonest, the
other parties send the records to TTP to trigger an
off-line mechanisms to ensure fairness.
4.2 Analysis of Anonymity
One of the main objectives of our protocol is to en-
sure the anonymity of the customer and the merchant.
In what follows, we show that the protocol proposed
ensures anonymity of the customer and the merchant
in any possible collusion scenario.
An e-commerce protocol provides customers
anonymity if no party and no coalition between par-
ties can make a link between the true identity of the
customer and actions taken by him in the e-commerce
transaction. More exactly, our protocol ensures the
customer’s anonymity if the true identity of the cus-
tomer, C, can’t be linked with the pseudo identity of
the customer, C
, which he uses in the e-commerce
Ensuring the customer’s anonymity rises two
problems that must be solved in this regard: guar-
anteeing the customer’s anonymity in the payment’s
phase, and guaranteeing the customer’s anonymity
when the customer collects the physical product. To
provide the anonymity of the customer in the pay-
ment phase, we use an electronic cash payment that
is based on group blind digital signatures on behalf of
the banks. The only steps from our protocol in that
the customer uses his true identity are the GBDS Pro-
tocol’s steps, because CB must know C
to charge
it with the coin’s value. CB knows only that C bought
Table 2: Informations that each party knows after protocol
C y n y n n n n
M n y n y n n n
CB y n y n n n n
MB n y n y n n n
DA n y n n y y y
SC n y n n y y n
DC y y n n y y y
y y n n n n y
y n y n n n n
y y n n n n y
n y y n y n n n
y n n n n n n
y y n n n n y
y y n n y y y
n y n y n n n
y y n n y n n
n y n n n n n
y y n n y y y
a coin with a certain value, but it doesn’t know the
serial of the coin. Following, CB can’t associate C
with the coin bought by him, maintaining thus the
anonymity of the customer. Another essential fea-
ture of the GBDS Protocol is the customer bank’s
anonymity: any party can check if sig
(n) is valid,
but without knowing who is the bank that signed the
coin. CB is not known by any other party (except
C), so, CB can’t participate in no coalition with any
other party to obtain sensitive information to destroy
the customer’s anonymity.
To ensure the customer’s anonymity when C col-
lects the physical product, our protocol doesn’t use
the customer’s correspondence address but uses a des-
tination cabinet where the product is placed.
We show in the Table 2, the information that each
party in the protocol knows after protocol execution.
The information have the following meaning. For ex-
ample, we consider the first row: y under the column
C and CB means that C and CB know C - the true
identity of the customer; n under the column M, MB,
DA, SC and DC means that the true identity of the
customer is not known to M, MB, DA, SC and DC.
means that C performs the transaction t
. The
meaning is extended for C
, M&t
, M
From Table 2 we observe that no party alone has
sufficient information to link the true identity of the
customer, C, with the pseudo identity C
. Only C can
disclose this information if he wants.
2-party Collusion. The 2-party collisions where M
can occur are M and MB, M and DA, M and SC, M and
DC. From this collisions, M doesn’t get more knowl-
edge than he already had, and the other parties get
the knowledge of M. By colluding between DA and
SC, DA doesn’t get more knowledge than he already
had. The coalitions between DA and DC, DC and SC
get only information that C
performs the transaction
. All other 2-party collisions that could form are be-
tween CB and M, CB and MB, CB and DA, CB and
SC, CB and DC, MB and DA, MB and SC, MB and
DC, but they are not possible because the parties in-
volved do not know each other.
3-party Collusion. From the analysis above, we
observe that M can be involved in the following 3-
party collisions: M, MB, DA; M, MB, SC; M, MB,
DC; M, DA, SC; M, DA, DC and M, SC, DC. These
coalitions are reduced to 2-party collisions in which
M is involved because from these 3-party collisions
M doesn’t get more knowledge than he already had.
One more 3-party collusion can be formed between
DA, SC and DC, but it does not get more information
about customer as against the 2-party collisions DA
and DC, or DC and SC.
4-party Collusion. The only 4-party collisions (M,
MB, DA, SC; M, MB, DA, DC; M, MB, SC, DC; M,
DA, SC, DC) are reduced to 3-party collisions because
M already knows all information known to the other
parties from this collisions.
5-party Collusion. The only possible 5-party col-
lusion M, MB, DA, SC and DC, is reduced to 3-party
collisions by same arguments as above.
Regarding merchant’s anonymity, he uses his true
identity only in communication with MB in the coin
redemption phase. MB knows personal information
about M (such as M
), but it doesn’ t know infor-
mation about the pseudo identity M
. Moreover, MB
is not known to any other party (except M), and can’t
participate in coalitions with any other party to de-
stroy the merchant’s anonymity. Our protocol doesn’t
use the merchant’s correspondence address, but uses
a source cabinet where the product is placed by M.
Is easy to see from Table 2 that no party alone has
sufficient information to link the true identity of the
merchant, M, with the pseudo identity M
2-party Collusion. The 2-party collisions where
C can occur are C and CB, C and DC. From collu-
sion between C and CB, C doesn’t get more knowl-
edge than he already had, and CB gets the knowledge
of C. From collusion between C and DC, C gets as
new information the identity of DA, and DC gets the
knowledge of C. By colluding DA and SC, DA and
DC, SC and DC are obtained only information about
, no information about M. No other 2-party col-
lusion is possible because there is no other party to
know another party.
3-party Collusion. The 3-party collisions that can
be formed areC, CB, DC; C, DA, DC; C, SC, DC; DA,
SC, DC, and these get only the information that M
performs the transaction t
, without any information
about M.
4-party Collusion. The only 4-party collisions C,
CB, DC, DA; C, CB, DC, SC and C, SC, DC, DA, are
reduced to 3-party collisions.
5-party Collusion. The only 5-party collusion C,
CB, DA, SC and DC, is reduced to 3-party collusion
C, DA, and DC.
By integrating an electronic cash payment mechanism
and using a suitable mechanism for physical products
delivery, the proposed protocol is the first to provide
fair exchange between physical products and pay-
ments in all circumstances, and customer and mer-
chant’s anonymity in any collusion scenario. All of
these makes the proposed protocol a candidate to be
used effectively in practice for electronic transactions
that implies buying physical products.
Future work will include formal proving of the
correctness of the proposed protocol using strand
spaces framework or formal verification using auto-
mated model checking tools (e.g. AVISPA).
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