It is observed that some households have excess
energy while others is in need of electricity at a
given time slot k. At 9:30 a.m., Household 3 has a
surplus of 1.4354kW while Household 4 demands
1.2526kW. Household 3 should deliver 1.2526kW
directly to Household 4 if mutual supply mechanism
operates properly. Results of coordination among
households are shown in Figure 10. Each bar marks
one mutual supply instruction between neighbouring
Figure 10: Mutual supply instructions.
Figure 11: Scheduled PESS and PCC power.
Figure 11 illustrates PESS scheduling and calculated
PCC power. We can see that PESS discharges at
peak hours and charges at valley hours. PCC power
is close to 0 during peak hours, which signifies that
the proposed system has successfully shifted peak
Value of objective function F
of proposed
system and traditional system are shown in Table 5.
It is noticed that the application of proposed
optimization scheme curtails operation cost of
community network by 11.5%.
Table 5: Value of F
of proposed and traditional system.
Method F
proposed system 59.1742907
traditional system 66.8606358
It can be concluded from aforementioned analysis
that the performance of proposed two-level
optimization scheme is satisfying.
This paper integrates Smart Homes into Smart Grid.
A three-level MAS-based management system is
proposed to manage a community with smart homes.
MAS-based framework, hierarchical control
architecture as well as information flow of the
proposed system is described in detail. In the
presented two-level optimization scheme,
optimization problem is formulated as constrained
multi-objective problems and solved by NSGA-II
while coordination of Smart Homes is realized by
mutual supply mechanism. Simulation results show
that the proposed optimization scheme is able to
curtail energy bill by over 10% for householders and
grid owner and to shift peak load. Based on agents
with high plug-and-play capability, the proposed
management system is of universal applicability and
practicability. Extension to other communities is
achieved by adding correspondent agents.
Nevertheless, as NSGA-II provides more than one
recommended operation plan, methods to
automatically obtain one optimal solution should be
investigated in further studies.
This work is supported by the Research Project of
Chinese Ministry of Education (No. 113023A).
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