the best methods available for data extraction deter-
mined for each device. This is because embedded de-
vices differ in their capabilities, their architecture, the
supported operating systems, available interfaces and
organization of the file system, which requires differ-
ent extraction methods for each particular type of de-
Furthermore, we have presented a framework that
allows for an initial analysis of the non-volatile stor-
age of IACS systems and devices as well as of
general-purpose computers. This analysis is foreseen
to be done in response to an incident, as an in-house
preliminary forensic analysis or as part of a periodic
routine analysis. The framework supports a variety of
operating systems and has been shown to be suitable
for examining entire file systems, specific directories
or single files. Altogether, the framework covers well
the use-cases outlined in the introduction of this pa-
In addition, we have also performed an evalua-
tion, demonstrating the performance of the frame-
work in different scenarios. The recognition rate
of matched files, as expected, is directly correlated
with the comprehensiveness and completeness of the
hash database. A more complete database that in-
cludes hashes of as many software products possi-
ble will result in more accurate results. However, for
readily available databases such as the NIST NSRL
database, there are potentially still a large amount of
“unknown” files that need to be further investigated
after running our analysis tool. The evaluation also
showed that a fuzzy hash comparison can improve the
recognition rate, although not substantially for every
scenario. The performance of the hash comparison
also directly depends on the performance of the server
where the database is stored and the resources allo-
cated to the database, and we have shown that reason-
able performance can be achieved using moderately
powerful hardware.
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