communication between the surveillance camera
and the server, because the image would not appear
on the monitor, if the communication were
blocked. The administrator can deal with this
attack by setting in place a mechanism for
reporting unsuccessful communication.
Attack 4: Falsification of the data sent to the server
by the surveillance camera can be prevented using
the encryption function of the surveillance camera.
To detect falsification of the data sent by the access
points, the server produces a signature of the data
of the server. Therefore, user H can detect the
falsification easily. On the other hand, detection of
falsified data sent by user H is easy. The server can
verify it by verifying the data. The surveillant must
deal with user H, if the server fails several times to
verify the signature of the same device.
Attack 5: Detection of falsification of the image
stored in the server can be achieved by producing
a signature on the image data where the server
stores the image. The key for this signature must be
securely managed by the administrator. This
signature must be decided at a predetermined time
interval (for example, each day). An alternate
method is that the administrator encrypts the image
using his secret key. In this manner, falsification
can be prevented.
In this paper, we proposed a new surveillance camera
system that balances the requirements of both privacy
protection and criminal investigations. Further, we
presented the communication protocol of the
proposed system. We also assumed possible attacks
to the system and presented security measures these
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