In this paper we presented a method for versioning
that enables managing consistently digital resources
throughout their life cycle. The method assigns ex-
plicit semantics to version labels and describes re-
sources in terms of properties that can be checked for
validity based upon formal logical theories. Only if
these properties are valid the resource is marked as
certified. We also sketched how this method could be
implemented in a service-oriented setting. We have
shown that following our versioning approach entails
benefits to both resource users and owners. The re-
source users have a strong guarantee with respect to
the versioning of certified resources. More specifi-
cally, that the versioning scheme always reflects in
a consistent way the evolution of the resources they
contracted for. On the other hand, the resource own-
ers receive valuable support for coherently managing
changes between versions while minimizing the re-
quested proofs at each step.
We plan of extending the above work by introduc-
ing, within the same setting, the formal underpinnings
for version branching and merging, and to start exper-
imenting with the main concepts presented in this pa-
per. The challenge of scaling such a system to a real
environment should be understood more concretely,
as well as the level of precision we can expect and
manage regarding the various logical specifications
involved in a system based on our model.
We would like to thanks Jean-Pierre Chanod for his
continuous support, and all our partners for the cre-
ative exchanges we had together. This research is con-
ducted under the PERICLES project (PERICLES13),
a four-year Integrated Project funded by the European
Union under its Seventh Framework Programme.
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