In validation process for simulated impact of FIS,
measured data of bore pressure resultant force of a
howitzer 1 living firing is taken as truth value.
Simulation effect of FIS can be established via
comparisons of 2 simulated impact force values.
The following conclusions can be obtained from
measured test data and calculated results in Table 1:
Comparison results of selected three key
parameters as impulse, duration of shock pulse
and maximal impact force can be used as
simulation credibility assessment basis of FIS;
Maximum error of total impulse is 2.94 %,
maximal value error of impact force is 4.89 %,
which meet design requirements of 15% on
simulation error;
Maximum error for impulse duration is -62.15 %,
which do not meet design requirement of 15% on
simulation error;
The shape of bore pressure resultant force curve
in live firing is basically in accord with impact
force curve of FIS.
Maximum error for two impulse durations all exceed
50 %, the main reason is that live firing data include
20ms after pill's getting out of gun bore, namely
after-effect period. If after-effect period is
subtracted, maximum error for impulse duration
satisfies required simulation precision of 15%.
There are several advantages of the FIS over live
fire testing. For example, FIS is easily operated
indoors, not weather dependent. It also enables test
engineers to examine any failure repeatedly during
weapon approval test. FIS can be operated
approximately two to three times per minute thereby
enabling test engineers to examine the recoil
systems' response to repeated rapid firing. However,
the most important benefit of FIS is reduction in the
cost associated with live fire testing of large caliber
tank and howitzer cannons, which averages $500 to
$2K per round.
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