der consideration. The second variant uses a mixture
of the previous idea and the relevance frequency rf in
order to consider also the amount of documents be-
longing to the category in which the term occurs.
We performed extensive experimental studies on
two datasets, i.e. Reuters corpus with either 10 or
52 categories and 20 Newsgroups, and three different
classification methods, i.e. SVM classifier with linear
and RBF kernel functions and RandomForest. The
obtained results show that the tf.idfec-based method
that combines idfec and rf generally gets top results
on all datasets and with all classifiers. Through statis-
tical significance tests, we showed that the proposed
scheme always achieves top effectiveness and is never
worse than other methods. The results put in evi-
dence a close competition between our tf.idfec-based
and the tf.rf schemes; in particular, the best results
obtained with the different datasets and algorithms,
varying the amount of feature selection, are very sim-
ilar, but with some differences: tf-rf seems to be more
stable when the number of features is high, while our
tf.idfec-based gives excellent results with few features
and shows some decay (less than 4%) when the num-
ber of features increases.
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larger datasets and to hierarchical text corpora, using
a variation of idfec able to take into account the tax-
onomy of categories. We also plan to test the use of
this scheme for feature selection, other than for term
weighting. Moreover, we are going to investigate the
effectiveness of this variant of tf.idf in other fields
where weighting schemes can be employed with pos-
sible efficacy improvements, such as sentiment anal-
ysis and opinion mining.
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