Following requirements analysis, a software ar-
chitecture based on three distinct tools and a plat-
form embedded application was presented. Each tool
is a response to the presented requirements. A Pro-
cess Modeler enables an architect to model an end-
user process. Proposing importable sensors and do-
main specific vocabulary, it indexes the communica-
tion and sensors issues. A Metrology Core, based
on dimensional analysis and measurement scales ver-
ification asserts that the measuring process presents
no mishandled operations on quantities. A Model
Transformer translates the process model to the Open-
TURNS framework to estimate results uncertainties.
This tool also transforms the process model into an
executable model consumed by a Mobile Embedded
Based on this architectures and a model-driven ap-
proach the paper also presented a functional proto-
type using executable connectable components and a
Metrology Core implemented in Prolog.
Further work consist in strengthening the meta-
models of the process model and the model consumed
by the embedded application to further automatize the
transformations. Open issues include the analysis of
the impact and the implementation of the workflow
layers in each of the tools presented, process exten-
sions using more elaborated operations (e.g. statis-
tics) and implication of targeted mobile platforms in
the process modeling.
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