method steps. To demonstrate the correct perfor-
mance of our method we have done a whole set of
experiments in both virtual environments at different
positions. The Figure 9 shows the positions where the
images were captured in each environment to carry
out the experiments. We use a total of 14 positions
with 20 images in each position.
In the Figure 10, the results of these experiments
can be observed. The red line shows the magnitude of
translation upwards and the blue line shows the mag-
nitude of translation downwards. We can observe that
these experiments demonstrate that the method is very
linear for values of relative height around 1 meter.
In this work a method to estimate the height of the
robot has been presented. This method uses omnidi-
rectional images and transforms them with the Radon
transform to make the descriptors of each image. Fur-
thermore it compares the descriptors and finally es-
timates the relative height of the robot. Taking into
account the changes that Radon transforms of scenes
suffer when the robot changes its height.
The experiments included in this paper use our
own image database created synthetically from two
different environments. The results demonstrate that
the method is able to estimate the relative height be-
tween two images with robustness and linearity.
The method is invariant to rotation with respect to
the floor plane because the POC comparison is invari-
ant to shifts of the Radon transform.
The results of this work encourage us to continue
this research line. It will be interesting to do the
experiments with real images and also with images
which have noise, occlusions or changes in lighting
conditions. Furthermore we think that the study of
movements in 6 degrees of freedom will be interest-
ing to investigate.
This work has been supported by the Spanish govern-
ment through the project DPI2013-41557-P.
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