Java--Meets Eclipse
An IDE for Teaching Java Following the Object-later Approach
Lorenzo Bettini
and Pierluigi Crescenzi
Dipartimento di Informatica, University of Turin, Turin, Italy
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione, University of Florence, Florence, Italy
DSL, Java, IDE, Eclipse, Xtext, EMF.
In this paper, we introduce a new Eclipse-based IDE for teaching Java following the object-later approach. In
particular, this IDE allows the programmer to write code in Java--, a smaller version of the Java language that
does not include object-oriented features. For the implementation of this language we used Xtext, an Eclipse
framework for implementing Domain Specific Languages; besides the compiler mechanisms, Xtext also allows
to easily implement all the IDE tooling mechanisms in Eclipse. By using Xtext we were able to provide an
implementation of Java-- with all the powerful features available when using an IDE like Eclipse (including
debugging, automatic building, and project wizards). With our implementation, it is also straightforward to
create self-assessment exercises for students, which are integrated in Eclipse and JUnit.
Java-- is an application that allows undergraduate stu-
dents to learn programming by using a smaller ver-
sion of Java without object-oriented features. This
way, students can focus on the basic programming
concepts without being distracted by complex con-
structs. The original implementation of Java-- comes
without any IDE; it provides a GUI, but without the
advanced tooling mechanisms that are typical of an
IDE like Eclipse.
In this paper, we introduce a new implementation
of Java-- that includes a full-featured Eclipse-based
IDE. Our IDE provides an Eclipse based editor with
syntax highlighting, navigation, code completion and
error markers, not to mention automatic integrated
building and debugging. This way, the students will
immediately become familiar with Eclipse.
By using our implementation of the IDE for
Java--, it is straightforward for the teachers to cre-
ate exercise projects that students can use for self-
assessment. The teacher can rely on existing frame-
works such as JUnit, which is already integrated in
Author partially supported by MIUR (proj. CINA), Ate-
neo/CSP (proj. SALT), and ICT COST Action IC1201
Author partially supported by MIUR under PRIN
2012C4E3KT national research project AMANDA Al-
gorithmics for MAssive and Networked DAta”.
The Java-- IDE is available as an open
source project at
We also provide an Eclipse update site and pre-
configured Eclipse distributions with Java-- installed,
for several architectures.
In the following we will use the term Java-- for
denoting both the smaller version of the Java language
and the application (with or without IDE) for writing
code in this language.
1.1 Educational Motivation
Every undergraduate program in computer science in-
troduces its first-year students to programming. Even
if choosing the most suitable First Programming Lan-
guage (in short, FPL) to be taught is still an active de-
bate topic, there is a general agreement on the fact that
such a choice has a significant influence on students’
learning performances (see, for example, (Koulouri
et al., 2014)) and, clearly, on the development of stu-
dents’ programming abilities, both in terms of the
programming style and in terms of the coding tech-
niques they will adopt during their professional life.
Some common factors that are taken into account
while choosing the FPL might be its simplicity, its in-
dustry relevance, its programming paradigm, and the
available development tools (see, for example, (Pears
et al., 2007; Mason and Cooper, 2014)).
As shown in (Farooq et al., 2014), in 2011 C++,
Bettini L. and Crescenzi P..
Java–Meets Eclipse - An IDE for Teaching Java Following the Object-later Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0005512600310042
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends (ICSOFT-PT-2015), pages 31-42
ISBN: 978-989-758-115-1
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Java, and Python were the most frequently used FPLs,
with Python gaining more and more popularity (see,
for example, (Leping et al., 2009)). This latter trend
has been confirmed in the last three years, as wit-
nessed, for example, in (Guo, 2014), where the top
39 computer science departments (as ranked by U.S.
News in 2014) have been considered, and, for each
department, the CS0 and CS1 courses have been ana-
lyzed in order to determine which language was used.
In particular, 8 (respectively, 5) of the top 10 depart-
ments, and 27 (respectively, 22) of the top 39 de-
partments teach Python (respectively, Java) in intro-
ductory computer science courses. Python, Java, and
C++ turn out to be also among the most “lucrative”
programming languages, as stated in (Nisen, 2014),
where the author analyses the data compiled (start-
ing from thousands of American job ads) by Burning
Glass with Brookings Institution economist Jonathan
Rothwell, in order to determine which language might
get the worker the best salary.
A framework to evaluate several existing pro-
gramming languages, for their suitability as an appro-
priate FPL, has been proposed in (Farooq et al., 2014).
By applying this framework to Ada, C, C++, C#, For-
tran, Java, Modula-2, Pascal, and Python, the authors
show that Java obtains the overall highest score and,
thus, conclude that it is the most suitable program-
ming language (followed by Python and Ada). Even
by considering the “demand in industry” and “easy
transition” parameter more important than the other
parameters, Java turns out to be the language with
highest score (followed by Python and C#).
As observed in (Koulouri et al., 2014), even if Java
has been widely used as a FPL, its complexity “may
be overwhelming for learners”. In particular, one of
the main complexity sources of this language is the
fact that it is “heavily coupled with object-oriented
concepts”, thus making more difficult to implement
an object-later strategy. A typical example of such
complexity is the implementation of the well-known
“hello, world” program, which would require, in ad-
dition to the print statement, the definition of a class,
containing a main method (with its “strange” syntax,
both in terms of modifiers and in terms of parame-
Several tools have been proposed in order to deal
with the complexity of Java for novice programmers
(see Section 4). Some of them were designed in or-
der to teach basic programming concepts (such as
primitive data types, arrays, control structures, meth-
ods and recursion), before exposing the students to
classes and objects. An example of such tools is
JOSH (Diehl, 2003), which is a Java interpreter de-
signed to ease teaching Java to beginners. With JOSH
programmers can interactively evaluate simple ex-
pressions, execute program statements, define vari-
ables and methods, and invoke methods. Inspired by
JOSH, which was based on a command line interac-
tion, the Java-- application (see Section 2) has been
successively developed and used at the University of
Florence, along with an Italian text book (Crescenzi,
2015). This application allows the user to perform the
same tasks of JOSH through a simple Graphical User
Interface (GUI), which contains three tabbed panels
that allow the user to edit the code, see any mis-
takes that the Java compiler detected, and look at the
standard output (Cecchi et al., 2003). Successively,
Java-- has been extended with a self-assessment mod-
ule, which allows the user to implement one or more
methods solving simple problems, immediately veri-
fying the correctness of the proposed solution (Bettini
et al., 2004; Crescenzi et al., 2006).
As already said, the development of JOSH and of
Java-- referred to the “structured programming before
object oriented programming” teaching paradigm, as
described in (Gibbons, 1998). According to this
paradigm the first part of a CS1 course should be
taught in order to develop skills with the usual low-
level procedural mechanism, that will allow students
to gradually build up programs from primitive types
and basic control structures. Only at a later stage stu-
dents should implement object features and test ob-
jects, and, thus, be exposed to the conceptual load re-
lated to the new abstract data type issues. Moreover,
as stated in (Lewis, 2000), it is worth observing that
the object oriented approach does not abandon typi-
cal concepts of a procedural approach: indeed, it aug-
ments and strengthens them, since implementing an
object almost always requires a good knowledge of
structured programming. Finally, not having objects
in a language does not necessarily decrease its edu-
cational power and usability; for example, Process-
ing (Reas and Fry, 2014), a programming language
and a development environment initially created to
teach programming, allows the programmer to eas-
ily do professional computer graphic and animations
without object-oriented constructs.
Even though Java-- allows the programmer to in-
teract with a GUI, that includes some features, such as
syntax coloring, typical of an Integrated Development
Environment (in short, IDE), this application can-
not be considered an IDE, since it lacks many other
features, such as compiler and debugger integration,
build automation, code completion, and easy naviga-
tion to definitions. On the other hand, all existing Java
IDEs (such as Eclipse and Netbeans) require the pro-
grammer to deal, since the very beginning, with the
object-oriented programming paradigm. That is why,
in this paper, we propose a new Eclipse-based IDE
(see Section 3), that has the same features of Java--,
and, thus, allows the programmer to experiment with
the basic programming concepts (without necessarily
knowing any notion of object-oriented programming),
and that, at the same time, has all the advantages of
being an IDE (see Section 3.1). This Java-- IDE may
also ease the transition task which arises when the stu-
dent is asked to switch from the Java-- environment to
a more sophisticated IDE (such as Eclipse), since the
GUI to be used will be exactly the same.
1.2 Technology Used
Developing a compiler and an IDE for a program-
ming language is usually time consuming even when
relying on a framework like Eclipse, which already
provides typical IDE mechanisms. After implement-
ing the compiler components like the parser and the
validation, we then need to connect the compiler to
the IDE components and this requires lot of manual
programming. Xtext (Itemis, 2015; Bettini, 2013) is
a modern language workbench (such as MPS (Voel-
ter, 2011) and Spoofax (Kats and Visser, 2010)) that
solves all the above issues in a uniform way: start-
ing from a grammar definition Xtext generates not
only a parser and an abstract syntax tree, but also all
the typical Eclipse-based tooling features (e.g., editor
with syntax highlighting, code completion and static
error markers). Xtext comes with good defaults for
all the above language implementation mechanisms
and for the Eclipse integration; however, the language
developer can customize all such mechanisms in a
straightforward way. Thus, Xtext makes language
implementation and its integration into Eclipse really
easy (Eysholdt and Behrens, 2010).
For all the above reasons, we chose Xtext for the
implementation of the Eclipse IDE presented in this
paper. By relying on Xtext, our implementation pro-
vides all the typical Eclipse features: automatic build-
ing, error reporting, outline view, navigation to decla-
rations (e.g., variables, parameters, methods) and de-
bugging, just to mention the main ones, mimicking
the same features of Eclipse JDT (Java Development
Tools). This means that Java-- will make the tran-
sition to the complete Java language and its Eclipse
integration easier for the students who already got fa-
miliar with our Java-- IDE.
Since Xtext uses EMF, the Eclipse Modeling
Framework (Steinberg et al., 2008), for storing
and representing programs, another important conse-
quence of using Xtext is that we will be able to use
all the modeling tools of the EMF ecosystem (Gron-
back, 2009), including graphical modeling frame-
Figure 1: Writing a simple program with the original Java--
works. With that respect, integration of graphical
views and Xtext implementations have already been
proved possible (see, e.g., (Koehnlein, 2014; Brun,
In this section, we recall the main features of the orig-
inal implementation of Java--. As stated in the in-
troduction, the goal of this tool is to allow the user
to focus on the basic programming concepts, with-
out encumbering the novice student with unnecessary
complex constructs. Indeed, the user may write Java
code outside of any method body as shown in Fig. 1.
In order to appreciate the advantage of using Java--,
the code shown in the figure can be compared with
the code that a student should have written if Java--
was not used, that is,
public class Exa mp le {
public static void m ain ( S tring [] a ) {
int x = 2;
Sy st em . out . p ri ntln ( x );
Apart from the fact that the student is exposed since
the very beginning with the object-oriented specific
syntax of Java, as stated in (Westfall, 2001) the above
code can even be “harmful to development of object-
thinking”, since “it communicates virtually nothing
about the concept of user-created objects”. On the
contrary, the code shown in Fig. 1 turns out to be very
similar to the corresponding Python code, that is,
x = 2
print x
As it is shown in the figure, the student is required
to make a leap of faith concerning the use of the
static methods to print to the standard output (such as
System.out.println()). Although this could have been
avoided by implementing a print() method that invokes
the corresponding Java method, we preferred to ask the
students to use the standard Java methods and to profess
their faith in them, rather than give them a solution that is
not pure Java, and which could have confused them later
Figure 2: Defining and invoking methods in Java--.
Clearly, Java-- allows the programmer to define and
invoke methods, as shown in Fig. 2. Once again, it
is interesting to compare the code shown in the figure
with the corresponding Python code defining the max
method, that is,
def max(a , b ):
if a > b:
return a
return b
When Java-- is asked to execute a code, the tool gen-
erates a temporary class where it defines the main
method and copies all the methods specified by the
user. Successively, the temporary class is compiled
and executed: the compilation errors are shown in the
Errors pane, while the output and/or the execution
error are shown in the output pane. The original im-
plementation of Java-- also includes a self-assessment
module, that allows the student to write methods solv-
ing simple programming problems. The behavior of
this module is very similar to other tools available
on the web, such as, for example, the CodingBat
tool (Parlante, 2011). The distribution of Java-- al-
ready includes dozens of pre-defined exercises, but
new exercises can be easily added by teachers.
We now briefly describe the new IDE, by first empha-
sizing the advantages of using an IDE, by then ex-
plaining the technology which has been used to de-
velop the IDE, and by finally showing some examples
of the IDE interface.
We would like to stress that the aim of Java--
as a programming language is to target algorithmic
aspects of programming, so that students can con-
centrate on implementing algorithms without being
distracted by OO features. Thus, Java-- does target
other programming contexts such as GUI program-
ming. However, as described in more details in the
conclusions (Section 5), Java-- can access any exist-
ing Java type, such as container classes.
3.1 On the Value of an IDE
Although an IDE is not a strict requirement to de-
velop applications, it surely helps programmers to in-
crease productivity with features like syntax coloring
in the editor, compiler and debugger integration, build
automation, code completion and easy navigation to
definitions, just to mention a few. In an agile (Mar-
tin, 2003) and test-driven context (Beck, 2003) the
features of an IDE like Eclipse become an essential
requirement. Indeed, languages such as Smalltalk
have been tightly coupled with an IDE from the be-
ginning (Goldberg, 1984).
The ability to see the program colored and for-
matted with different visual styles (e.g., comments,
keywords, strings, etc.) gives an immediate feedback
concerning the syntactic correctness of the program.
Moreover, colors and fonts help the programmer to
see the structure of the program directly, making it
easier to visually separate the parts of the program.
The programming cycle consisting of writing a
program with a text editor, saving it, switching to the
command line, running the compiler, and, in case of
errors, going back to the text editor is surely not pro-
ductive. The programmer should not realize about er-
rors too late: the IDE should continuously check the
program in the background while the programmer is
typing in the editor, even if the current file has not
been saved yet. The longer it takes to realize that there
is an error, the higher the cost in terms of time and
mental effort to correct it. For example, the Eclipse
Java plugin highlights the parts of the program with
errors directly in the editor: it underlines in red only
the parts that actually contain the errors; it also puts
error markers (with an explicit message) on the left of
the editor in correspondence to the lines with errors,
and fills the Problem view with all these errors. The
programmer will be able to easily spot the parts of the
program that need to be fixed.
With that respect, in our experience as teachers,
we noted that most of the students that fail program-
ming exams are not able to fix compilation errors
since they do not use an IDE: they tend to write the
whole program and then try to compile it; when they
get lots of compilation errors, they are not able to un-
derstand how to fix them.
3.2 Software Technology: Xtext and
As anticipated in Section 1.2, we chose Xtext as
the framework for implementing the Eclipse IDE for
Java--. In this section we will provide some imple-
mentation details, and further motivate our choice.
Xtext allows to start from a library grammar for
the implementation of a language, so that one does not
have to define the grammar rules for typical language
elements such as strings, integers, comments, etc.
One of such grammars to start from is Xbase (Efftinge
et al., 2012), an extendable and reusable expression
language. Xbase integrates tightly with the Java plat-
form and JDT (Eclipse Java development tools). In
particular, Xbase reuses the Java type system without
modifications, thus, when a language uses Xbase it
can automatically and transparently access any Java
type. For these reasons, Xbase makes it straightfor-
ward to develop languages with Xtext that need to
interoperate with Java, its type system, all the Java
libraries and Eclipse JDT.
One of the goals of Xbase is to provide an expres-
sion language which is not strictly Java, but a version
with less “syntactic noise”. For instance, types are
not required in Xbase expressions if they can be in-
ferred from the context (e.g., the type of a declared
variable can be inferred from the initialization ex-
pression). Moreover, in Xbase everything is an ex-
pression, even “if”, “while” and “switch” statements.
Thus, Xbase aims at providing a readable Java-like
code which is smaller and more compact like dynam-
ically typed languages, while retaining all the advan-
tages of statically typed language checks.
Indeed, the above advanced and clean features of
the Xbase expression language have been a drawback
for us, since our main goal is to have the Java syntax
for expressions and statements (and Java statements
should not be used as expressions). However, we
leveraged the complete customizability of Xtext and
modified some of the Xbase grammar rules to comply
with Java syntax
. Moreover, we had to customize
some other parts of the Xbase implementation. This
required some work, but the advantages of reusing the
existing Xbase implementation for the Java type sys-
tem and all the Xbase IDE tooling payed back. In-
deed, implementing Java-- from scratch with Xtext
without Xbase would have surely been much harder,
even without having to deal with Java object-oriented
features. To the best of our knowledge, Java-- is the
first project that customizes Xbase (i.e., its grammar,
type system and code generator) in order to be able to
deal with Java expression syntax.
Summarizing, our implementation provides all the
typical Eclipse features: automatic building, error re-
porting, Outline view, navigation to declarations (e.g.,
When an Xtext language reuses an existing grammar, it
does so with a mechanism called grammar inheritance,
which has basically the same semantics of object-oriented
class inheritance: a rule in your grammar can override a
rule in the “parent” grammar.
variables, parameters, methods) and debugging, just
to mention the main ones, mimicking the same fea-
tures of Eclipse JDT. This means that Java-- will make
the transition to the complete Java language and its
Eclipse integration easier for the students that already
got acquainted with our Java-- IDE.
Our compiler will then generate Java code, that
will be compiled by a standard Java compiler. In
Eclipse, this will take place transparently: saving a
Java-- file in an Eclipse project will generate the cor-
responding Java code, and this will in turn trigger the
compilation of the generated Java code by the Eclipse
Java compiler.
3.3 The IDE Interface
In Figure 3 we show a screenshot of the Java-- Eclipse
IDE (note the complete integration of our tooling with
the Eclipse mechanisms, which are basically the same
as Eclipse JDT). First of all, in the Eclipse project,
the Java-- compiler automatically generates Java code
into the source folder src-gen; such generation is
integrated with the Eclipse building mechanisms: if
a Java-- file is modified, re-generation is automati-
cally triggered and if a Java-- file is removed, the
corresponding generated Java file is automatically re-
moved. Error markers are placed on the editor’s left
ruler, on the corresponding file in the “Project Ex-
plorer”, and in the “Problems” view (note that warn-
ings are generated as well, just like in Java, e.g., when
a declared variable is not used). Moreover, the re-
gions in the editor corresponding to the errors are
underlined (e.g., for a type mismatch error like in
the screenshot). The “Outline” view on the right re-
flects the one of Eclipse JDT. Code completion works
as well; with that respect, note that the content as-
sist mimics the one of Java: Javadoc comments, if
present, are displayed as well.
The use of Xbase implies another important fea-
ture: when running the generated Java code in de-
bugging mode in Eclipse, we can choose to debug
directly the original Java-- code (it is always possi-
ble to switch between the generated Java code and the
original code). In Figure 4 we show a debug session
of a Java program generated by our Java-- compiler:
we have set break points on the Java-- file, and the de-
bugger automatically switches to the original Java--
code (note also the file names in the thread stack, the
“Breakpoint” view and the “Variables” view). Indeed
a well-known problem with implementations which
generate Java code is that for debugging, the program-
mer has to debug the generated code which is usually
quite different from the original program; our imple-
mentation does not have this drawback.
Figure 3: Java-- Eclipse IDE.
Figure 4: Debugging a Java-- program.
Figure 5: Using the debug for teaching array references.
In our opinion, the debugging feature can also be
useful, during a lecture, in order to support explana-
tions (usually done by using the whiteboard) of a pro-
gram execution. For example, in Figure 5 it is shown
how the debugger can be used in order to explain that
an array variable is a reference variable and, hence,
that the equality between two different array variables
cannot be established by simply using the == opera-
tor. Indeed, in the “Variables” view it is explicitly
shown that the two variables a1 and a2 are distinct,
even though the elements of the two arrays they re-
fer to are all the same. Another example of such a
“pedagogical” utilization of the debugger is given in
Figure 6. In this case, the “Debug” view explicitly
shows the activation records corresponding to the five
invocations of the recFactorial method, so that it
is easier to explain to the students that recursion (and,
in general. method invocation) has a “small” price to
be paid, that, in certain cases, can be excessively high
(just imagine the invocation of recFactorial with a
large integer number as argument). Indeed, we think
that this usage of the debugging mode of the Java--
Eclipse IDE has another advantage: besides support-
ing the teacher explanation, it may also allow the stu-
Figure 6: Using the debug for teaching the price of recur-
Figure 7: Context menu on Java-- sources for running and
dents to get used to the debugger before using it for
developing their own programs.
Running or debugging the generated Java code
can be done using context menus available directly
on the original Java-- source, as shown in Figure 7.
The Java-- IDE also offers a project wizard to cre-
ate an Eclipse project with the structure and require-
Figure 8: Some examples shipped with Java--.
ments to start editing, compiling and launching Java--
programs. We also provide a wizard to import a Java--
project with about 40 examples (Figure 8).
3.4 Self-assessment Tool
The original Java-- application had some mechanisms
for self-assessment. In our implementation such
mechanisms can be straightforwardly implemented
by relying on JUnit and its integration in Eclipse. The
basic idea is that the teacher provides the students
with Java-- Eclipse projects with:
1. a Java-- file where the student implements his/her
solution to the requested problem;
2. the solution of the teacher in binary form (so that
the student cannot have a look at it);
3. a JUnit testcase that checks whether the output of
the student’s implementation corresponds to the
teacher’s implementation.
An example is shown in Figure 9. In this example the
student must implement the max function in Java--.
Note that the student has made a mistake in the im-
plementation, since within the boolean expression of
the if statement the code compares the value of the
first parameter with the successor of the value of the
second parameter. The JUnit testcase tests the stu-
dent’s implementation with random inputs using the
teacher’s implementation as the expected output. The
student can then see the failed tests (in case of mis-
takes in the implementation). In our example, it is
shown that when the first parameter is 3 and the sec-
ond parameter is 2, the answer given by the student’s
code is 2 instead of 3, because of the wrong com-
parison performed in the control expression of the if
Currently, the setup of such projects has to be done
manually by the teacher; Eclipse makes such setup
easy, but we are working on a more automatic mech-
Figure 9: An example of exercise for Self-assessment.
anism for such setup (e.g., with wizards and Eclipse
commands for exporting the teacher’s solution in bi-
nary form into the student’s project).
Some related work has already been discussed in the
paper. In this section we will discuss some further
related work, both concerning the educational context
and the implementation technology.
4.1 Educational Related Work
An excellent survey of programming languages and
environments for making programming accessible
to beginners is contained in (Kelleher and Pausch,
2005). For what concerns Java, there is now a vast
range of tools, which have been especially designed
for educational purposes, in an attempt to create an
environment that can help in teaching programming;
we mention some of the popular ones. Alice (Dann
et al., 2011) is an interactive programming environ-
ment that establishes an easy, intuitive relationship
between program constructs and 3D graphics anima-
tions. BlueJ (Barnes and K
olling, 2011) is a teach-
ing environment strictly linked to the development of
object-oriented programs by means of a framework
which is focused on objects (hence, applying a teach-
ing paradigm opposite to the one followed by JOSH
and Java--). JEliot 2000 (Levy et al., 2003) is a pro-
gram animation system intended for teaching com-
puter science especially to high school students but
does not hide the object-oriented feature of the Java
language. As far as we know, however, the Java--
IDE is the first tool which combines the pure proce-
dural Java syntax learning with the utilization of all
the powerful features of an IDE like Eclipse.
4.2 Implementation Framework
Related Work
There are other tools for implementing DSLs and
IDEs (we refer to (Pfeiffer and Pichler, 2008) for a
wider comparison). Tools like IMP (The IDE Meta-
Tooling Platform) (Charles et al., 2009) and DLTK
(Dynamic Languages Toolkit) only deal with IDE fea-
tures, thus the compiler of the language has to be
implemented separately, while Xtext unifies all the
implementation phases. TCS (Textual Concrete Syn-
tax) (Jouault et al., 2006) is similar to Xtext, but with
the latter it is easier to describe the abstract and con-
crete syntax at once, and it is completely open to cus-
tomization of every part of the generated IDE (be-
sides, TCS seems to be no longer under active devel-
opment). EMFText (Heidenreich et al., 2009), instead
of deriving a metamodel from the grammar, does the
opposite, i.e., the language to be implemented must be
defined in an abstract way using an EMF metamodel.
In general, we chose Xtext since it is basically the
main standard framework for implementing DSLs in
the Eclipse ecosystem, it is continuously supported,
and it has a wide community. Moreover, Xtext is
continuously evolving, and the main forthcoming fea-
tures will be the integration in other IDEs (mainly, In-
telliJ), and the support for programming on the Web
(i.e., an implementation with Xtext should be easily
portable on the Web, allowing programming directly
in a browser).
We have described a new IDE for teaching Java
following the object-later approach. In particular,
by using Xtext, this IDE combines the “structured
programming before object oriented programming”
teaching paradigm (already implemented in Java--)
with all the powerful features available when using
the Eclipse IDE. Observe that our IDE also allows to
use all Java types, such as, e.g., the String and the
Java collection classes; furthermore, the syntax for
types already supports full Java generics, including
wildcards. Finally, the syntax of Java-- expressions
corresponds to the syntax of Java expressions, except
for this, super, anonymous classes and Java 8 lamb-
das. This means that copying Java expressions into a
Java-- program is allowed (of course, if the original
Java expressions rely on specific OO features, like,
e.g., a field reference on this, Java-- will issue a val-
idation error). An example is shown in Figure 10: we
use Java list classes, with generics (including wild-
cards) and imports; concerning imports, we support
the automatic import statement insertion during con-
tent assist, and the typical “Organize Imports” menu.
All these features turn out to be useful before migrat-
ing to the full Java syntax, in order to allow the stu-
dents to familiarize with method invocation of already
Figure 10: An example showing the use of library classes,
generics and imports.
existing classes and with Java generics.
Adding Java 8 lambda expressions into Java--
should not be a problem: Xbase supports lambda
expressions with its own syntax (which we have re-
moved from the grammar), so we would just need
to introduce in the Java-- Xtext grammar the syntax
for Java 8 lambda expressions and then reuse Xbase’s
type system for lambda expressions. This is the sub-
ject of future work that would allow us to experi-
ment with the functional programming approach as an
intermediate step between object-later approach and
the OO paradigm. The final step towards full Java
would consist in adding anonymous classes and OO
Java constructs such as interfaces and classes. This is
feasible in Xtext, as proven by the programming lan-
guage Xtend
, but we think that it would not make
much sense, since at that point we can directly switch
to the full Java programming language and its Eclipse
As hinted in Section 3.4 we are working on mak-
ing the creation of self-assessment exercises easier for
the teacher. We are also planning to provide a dedi-
cated DSL for such task, again implementing it with
Xtext and Xbase. We will take inspiration from sim-
ilar testing frameworks implemented in Xtext, such
as, e.g., Xpect (Eysholdt, 2014) and Jnario (Benz and
Engelmann, 2014).
From an experimental point of view, instead,
we observe that, whenever a programmer is asked
whether an IDE should be used, it is very likely that
the answer would be an obvious one, that is, “yes”.
However, as stated in (MacDonald, 2014), it might
be that, for novice programmers, it can be useful “to
Xtend,, is a Java dialect
implemented with Xtext and Xbase.
be able to trace through the execution of the code by
hand”, even because, at this stage, the programs to be
written will likely be pretty short. We conjecture that
this is not the case. For this reason, we now plan to
execute a controlled experiment in order to evaluate
the efficacy of starting learning Java, by following the
object-later approach, with and without an IDE (that
is, by using the original Java-- application and by us-
ing the IDE described in this paper).
As hinted in Section 3.2, Java-- is the first project
that customizes Xbase grammar, type system and
code generator in order to be able to deal with Java ex-
pression syntax. We believe that such customizations
should be easily factored out in a more general and
reusable framework: this customized Xbase expres-
sion syntax for Java expressions can be reused in other
DSLs that rely on Xbase for achieving the integration
with the Java platform. Indeed, our customized syntax
for expressions does not depend on any specific fea-
ture of Java--: the syntax for methods is simply built
on top of the syntax for expressions. It will be inter-
esting to perform such refactoring, to extract this part
from Java-- and to experiment its use in other DSLs
(one of such DSLs we plan to experiment with is the
one described in (Bettini and Damiani, 2014)).
We are grateful to the reviewers for their insightful
comments and suggestions for improving the presen-
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