Figure 1: Graph of sinc ξ.
whose graph is shown in figure (1).
The subject of recovery of band-limited signals
from discrete data has its origins in the WKS sam-
pling theorem, historically the first and simplest such
recovery formula. It expresses the possibility of re-
covering a certain kind of signals from a sequence
of regularly spaced samples. Without loss of gener-
ality, the formula (4) recovers a function with a fre-
quency band of [−π,π] given the functions values at
the integers. But the WKS theorem has drawbacks.
Foremost, the recovery formula does not converge
given certain types of error in the sampled data, as
Daubechies and De Vore mention in (Daubechies and
DeVore, 2003). They use oversampling to derive an
alternative recovery formula which does not have this
defect. Furthermore, as already said, for the WKS
theorem, the data nodes have to be equally spaced,
and nonuniform sampling nodes are not allowed but,
from many practical points of view it is necessary to
develop sampling theorems for a sequence of samples
taken with a nonuniform distribution along the real
As discussed in (Zayed, 2000), nonuniform sam-
pling of band-limited functions has its roots in the
work of Paley, Wiener, and Levinson. In fact, the
first answer for this direction was given by Paley and
Wiener (Paley and Wiener, 1934), and later an ad-
vanced result was presented by Levinson (Levinson,
1940). Their sampling formulae recover a function
from nodes {λ
, where {e
forms a Riesz basis
for L
[−π,π]. The result is related with the perturba-
tion of a Hilbert basis {e
for the function space
[−π,π] in such a way that the perturbed sequence
is also a Riesz basis for the same space. The
maximum perturbation of the system {e
is found
by Kadec, whose result is the celebrated Kadec-1/4
theorem (Kadec, 1964). This result plays a very im-
portant role in signal theory; it suffices to think for ex-
ample, that the formula (3) expresses the fact that the
f (x) can be seen as infinite sum of elementary con-
tributions of exponential type complex. Modern digi-
tal data processing of functions (or signals or images)
always uses a discretized version of the original sig-
nal f that is obtained by sampling f on a discrete set.
The question then arises whether and how f can be
recovered from its samples. Therefore, the objective
of research on the sampling problem is twofold. The
first goal is to quantify the conditions under which it
is possible to recover particular classes of functions
from different sets of discrete samples. The second
goal is to use these analytical results to develop ex-
plicit reconstruction schemes for the analysis and pro-
cessing of digital data. In particular, the results by
Paley and Wiener, Kadec and others on the nonhar-
monic Fourier bases {e
can be translated into
results about nonuniform sampling and reconstruction
of band-limited functions: (Benedetto, 1991), (Hig-
gins, 1994), (Pavlov, 1979b), (Seip, 1995), (Zayed,
Our article concentrates on perturbation of reg-
ular sampling and are therefore similar in spirit to
Kadec’s result for band-limited functions, though it is
based on a different point of view. Is the Riesz bases
{sinc(x − n)}
for the function space L
[−π,π] to
being perturbed, in {sinc(x − λ
, not the com-
plex exponentials. The result is also extended to
{sinc(z − n)}
for PW
, with z ∈ C. The stabil-
ity bound for the sinc basis on L
(−π,π) (or PW
is greater than Kadec’s stability bound (i.e. 1/4); in
some sense, the result obtained here for sinc basis can
be seen as an improvement of Kadec’s estimate.
Kadec theorem has been extensively generalized
(see, for example (Avdonin, 1974), (Bailey, 2010),
(Khrushchev, 1979), (Pavlov, 1979a), (Savchuk and
Shkalikov, 2006), (Sun and Zhou, 1999), (Vellucci,
2014)) but to the best of our knowledge, there are no
versions of this theorem for sinc bases. The paper is
divided in two sections. For other contributions to ex-
ponential Riesz basis problem and Kadec’s theorem
see survey papers, as: (Ullrich, 1980), (Sedletskii,
2009). The first section contains small overview on
the Lamb-Oseen constant and thereafter we revised
know properties for sinc functions. The second sec-
tion is devoted to {sinc(x − n)}
1.1 Lambert Function W, Lamb-Oseen
The Lambert function W (R. M. Corless, 1996),
(Stewart, 2005), (Hayes, 2005), is defined by the
W (x)e
W (x)
= x (6)
It is direct to find that the function f (ξ) = ξe
ξ ∈ R has a strict minimum point in ξ = −1. In-
deed ξ = −1 is a strict relative point of minimum with